Sunday, 26 February 2023

Social Status Affects on Physiology and Behaviors – Part 1 – Brain Plasticity 3

For human being, it is well known that social status will lead to success in mating, interestingly so does in animal’s world.

Image 1- Dominant male in animals (credit to pnas,org)

Higher social status or called as social dominant of animals be able to control their fertility or their reproduction.

On contrary, lower social status ones have no interest to control territory, thus less mature in respect to the sexual activity.

In fish, social status regulated reproduction of male cichlids, those who are in higher rank position will success in mating.

However, the status could be replaced either by forces (coup de tat or dethroned) or by peace (absent due to naturally died).

Image 2- Slices of pumpkin, illustration only

Physiologically, a part of brain that control neuron will ask to release reproductive hormone called Gonadotropin.

As you know Gonadotropin is a hormone or several hormones to invigorating sex glands in order to perform reproduction.

Image 3- Painted by Ruth Stuart, a local artist

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:


  1. It's always good to learn something new! This is all very interesting!

  2. Power and money control all things

  3. Muy buen comienzo de semana, besotes.

  4. Mais uma excelente partilha aqui nos deixas. É sempre muito útil estas dicas.
    Votos de uma excelente semana!

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      Social Status Affects on Physiology and Behaviors – Part 1 – Brain Plasticity 3
      For human being, it is well known that social status will lead to success in mating, interestingly so does in animal’s world.

  5. Muy interesante.
    Tengo ganas de leer la continuación.


  6. Interesante lección sobre el manejo de la reproducción en animales atendiendo al estrato. Un abrazo. Carlos

    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      Social Status Affects on Physiology and Behaviors – Part 1 – Brain Plasticity 3
      For human being, it is well known that social status will lead to success in mating, interestingly so does in animal’s world.

  7. Gostei da publicação :)
    Coisas de uma vida
    Beijo, e uma excelente semana.

  8. I wasn't aware of what Gonadotropin was before. This was a very interesting read!

  9. Muy interesante, buena semana
    Un abrazo

  10. Interesting, thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      Social Status Affects on Physiology and Behaviors – Part 1 – Brain Plasticity 3
      For human being, it is well known that social status will lead to success in mating, interestingly so does in animal’s world.

  11. MosaicMonday, Meine Seiten:


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