Sunday, 5 February 2023

Could Parasite Control Human Mind? - Science 33

There are many reports about infection of a parasite to animals and humans in some parts of the world recently.

Image 1- The cat, host of parasite

The parasite is a single cell protozoan with scientific name Toxoplasma gondii. Actually, the parasite is common worldwide, and causes disease called as toxoplasmosis.

What interesting, especially for me that this parasite could alter behaviors of infected living things.

In fact, as reported by (2023: A mind- controlling parasite that affects hyenas - and humans too) that 33% of human population is infected by this parasite.

Image 2- Just for illustration

Then, we wonder: Could parasite, Toxoplasma gondii controls human’s mind?

The plain answer is not really. Highly possible that the infected animals and humans might eager to take risk than the normal ones.

Image 3- Community activities, illustration

As suggested by (2023) that risk takers tend to success as entrepreneurs.

Do you believe it? What do you think?

# Previous postings:


  1. Toxoplasmosis happens in cat contacts in immunocompromised

  2. Sin riesgo la vida es mucho más simple, siempre hay que aventurarse , es la sal de la vida .
    Un besote .

  3. Olá amiga,
    Excelentes dicas aqui nos trazes. Principalmente para quem animais de estimação, como os gatos.
    Votos de uma excelente semana!

    Mário Margaride

  4. Para tener éxito hay que arriesgar.
    Pero no todo el mundo sirve para ello.

    1. Thanks to visit my post:
      Could Parasite Control Human Mind? - Science 33
      There are many reports about infection of a parasite to animals and humans in some parts of the world recently.

  5. Muito bom :))
    O Fascínio...
    Beijos e uma excelente semana.

  6. This really is an interesting concept. I very much hope that a parasite would not be able to control a human mind!

  7. In the times we are and with the new announcement of the great advance of artificial intelligence everything is possible, everything scares.
    Best regards.

    1. Thanks to visit my post:
      Could Parasite Control Human Mind? - Science 33

  8. Thank you for this interesting post.

    1. Thanks to visit my post:
      Could Parasite Control Human Mind? - Science 33
      There are many reports about infection of a parasite to animals and humans in some parts of the world recently.

  9. Scary thought! Yikes!

    Happy Tuesday!

  10. It really is an interesting subject...
    See the 'CORUJINHAS' and give your opinion...
    Good days

    1. Thanks to visit my post:
      Could Parasite Control Human Mind? - Science 33
      There are many reports about infection of a parasite to animals and humans in some parts of the world recently.


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