Sunday, 12 February 2023

Brain Changes during Reproduction Process – Part 3 – Brain Plasticity 2

You may read the previous posts (Part 2 and 3):

Image 1- Decoupage eggs, just illustration

Previous belief that decreases maternal brain size will reduce learning capacity and the memory, but the understanding is reverse based on the recently observations.

In fact, hippocampus gets boosting, thus increase mother thinking ability during pregnancy.

In case of rats, not only increasing of neuronal activities, but also physical capabilities. Surprisingly, pregnant rats (carrying offspring) are faster to catch their prey than virginal rodents. Even 4 to 5 times faster.

Image 2- The Peony, illustration only

This is in parts of better visual, better motivation (courage) and can handle difficult conditions.

Image 3- The Native American pottery, illustration

In conclusion, maternity brings changes to neuro, physio and physical of animal in order for survival of both mothers and their offspring. Mother “well-being” will have positive impacts on their children development.

# Previous postings:


  1. Interesante, claro que el estado de gestación de cualquier ser vivo , hace que este, esté más alerta de lo normal.
    Un abrazo, feliz semana.

    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      Brain Changes during Reproduction Process – Part 3 – Brain Plasticity 2
      You may read the previous posts (Part 2 and 3):
      - Brain Changes during Reproduction Process – Part 1
      - Brain Changes during Reproduction Process – Part 2

  2. That is very interesting to know

  3. Mais uma excelente partilha aqui nos deixas. Muito úteis as dicas sem dúvida.
    Votos de uma excelente semana.

    Mário Margaride

  4. Sigo aprendiendo aquí.
    Muchas gracias.

  5. This concept you've shared about how maternity can improve cognitive abilities is really fascinating!

  6. I enjoyed reading...
    Have a happy day 💞

  7. Me ha resultado totalmente sorprendente
    Gracias por compartir
    Un abrazo

    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      Brain Changes during Reproduction Process – Part 3 – Brain Plasticity 2
      You may read the previous posts (Part 2 and 3):
      - Brain Changes during Reproduction Process – Part 1
      - Brain Changes during Reproduction Process – Part 2


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