Friday, 10 February 2023

Are Bald Eagles not Endangered Species Anymore? - Nature 50

We found Bald Eagles just sometimes in our areas. Sure, they are not common species compared to other birds.

Image 1- One shot, then she flew away

The bird with scientific name Haliaeetus leucocephalus is beautiful, for me It’s truly rare to see one in its natural environment.

One of neighbors just saw a nesting pair in our close by areas. They have been nesting there for years, but not sure if they are back this year.

Unfortunately, the Bald Eagles are not included as endangered species list anymore.

The main reason that since 2007, Bald Eagles populations are sufficient enough in nature.

Image 2- Plants, Just for illustration

Luckily, as reported by US Fish & Wildlife Service (2023: Bald Eagle) the bird is protected under two acts.

Image 3- The bird doing something

The two acts are “the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act.”

Have you seen Bald Eagles in Nature?

# Previous postings:


  1. I am not sure the eagles I saw in the wood are the bald eagles..gotta check them out again today when I am out for a walk.

  2. Un ave majestuosa . Un feliz fin de semana. Besos.

  3. En la naturaleza no las he visto.
    Tienen que ser impresionantes.

  4. ES una buena noticia, de que esta especie calva, ya sea suficiente, para sacarla de las listas de extinción. Un abrazo. carlos

  5. Mai viste queste acquile da noi...

  6. Bald eagles are the seasons? I see many of fellow bloggers posting them lately. Great sighting

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  8. Thanks for this interesting post.

  9. Nice sighting! I would like to see them some day. Our Brahminy Kites look similar.

  10. Hello,
    Great captures and sighting of the Bald Eagle. It is always a treat to see them, they are being seen a lot more around here too. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  11. Hello:=)
    Unfortunately I don't see the Bald Eagle where I live. Lucky you to spot the tree. Your large leaved plant looks like it comes from the rain forest of the Amazon.

  12. It really is thrilling to see one and yes....I saw one yesterday! It has been months since I've seen one so I was happy. I got 2 good photos before it flew behind the trees. Love your photos!

    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      Are Bald Eagles not Endangered Species Anymore? - Nature 50
      We found Bald Eagles just sometimes in our areas. Sure, they are not common species compared to other birds.


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