Tuesday, 28 February 2023

Have you Tasted Broad Beans? - Food 39

I knew broad beans in the 4 forms that are baked, roasted, fried and dried. When I visit an ethnic grocery, I saw fresh broad beans, look like a long bean with green color.

Image 1- Dried broad beans

Americans call broad beans with other names, some of them are English bean, Faba bean, Windsor bean, Tick bean, field bean, Horse bean, Pigeon bean, Fava bean and Bell bean.

People eat broad beans with some reasons:

- source of nutrients
- weight loss
- improve immune system
- a lot of health benefits

Image 2- A single broad bean

# Important postings:

Image 3- Fried broad beans

As suggested by Rumwell (2021: Brilliant benefits of broad beans) that broad beans rich in vitamins and minerals.

Some important vitamins include vitamin C and B. Moreover, few examples of minerals in the broad bean are copper, zinc, iron and magnesium.

Fig 04- Fresh broad beans, sold in the grocery

Have you tasted broad beans? If so, do you like its?

# Previous postings:

Sunday, 26 February 2023

Social Status Affects on Physiology and Behaviors – Part 1 – Brain Plasticity 3

For human being, it is well known that social status will lead to success in mating, interestingly so does in animal’s world.

Image 1- Dominant male in animals (credit to pnas,org)

Higher social status or called as social dominant of animals be able to control their fertility or their reproduction.

On contrary, lower social status ones have no interest to control territory, thus less mature in respect to the sexual activity.

In fish, social status regulated reproduction of male cichlids, those who are in higher rank position will success in mating.

However, the status could be replaced either by forces (coup de tat or dethroned) or by peace (absent due to naturally died).

Image 2- Slices of pumpkin, illustration only

Physiologically, a part of brain that control neuron will ask to release reproductive hormone called Gonadotropin.

As you know Gonadotropin is a hormone or several hormones to invigorating sex glands in order to perform reproduction.

Image 3- Painted by Ruth Stuart, a local artist

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:

Friday, 24 February 2023

Blooming of Amaryllis at Neighborhood – Nature 52

Temperature is quite good in our areas in recent days. We saw blooming of several flowers, one of them is Amaryllis. This could be mean that Spring is coming.

Image 1- Amaryllis at the corner of Neighborhood

Amaryllis is a scientific name for a genus with two well known different species in the world:

- Amaryllis belladonna
- and Amaryllis paradisicola.

Amaryllis belladonna is believed from South Africa, while Amaryllis paradisicola is Mediterranian origin.

Both species are growing very well during Spring seasons in our city, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Image 2- In front of a neighbor house

As you may know that Amaryllis is a perennial plant, the flowers are back to re-blooming every Spring times.

The re- blooming could be for years and years, because the plant life span is estimated to reach 75 years.

What make us love to the plants are due to their unique flower colors and foliage forms. They look so beautiful, and one of perfect flowers for outdoor or yards.

Image 3- Amaryllis flowers in the pot

Have you seen this plant in your areas?

# Previous postings:

Wednesday, 22 February 2023

Bonsai Show in Our City – Part 1 - Nature 51

Bonsai society has regular shows in our city, Baton Rouge in a year. Members and whoever interest are encouraged to come and participate in the show.

Image 1- A sign of bonsai show

When we visited one of the show, no more than 100 trees are displayed, and the visitors are less than 2 dozen. However, we think that quite reasonable numbers for a small room.

About 15 people were gathering. I guessed they both a member of society and just a common people like us.

I knew from society and other several sources about favorite trees as bonsais trees in our areas.

Image 2- A bonsai of Bougain villae tree

The names of top bonsai trees in our state, Louisiana are following:

- Bald cypress
- Trident maple
- Japanese Lace Leaf Red Maple
- Chinese Elm
- Brazilian Rain Tree

Image 3- Two most beautiful bonsai

Several beautiful bonsai trees are displayed in entrance and center room of show.

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:

Monday, 20 February 2023

Joker, PBA, and Alzheimer's Disease – Part 2 - Alzheimer's 12

You may read previous post (Part 1):

- The Rainbow Before Evening : Joker, PBA, and Alzheimer's Disease – Part 1 - Alzheimer's 12

Image 1- Uncontrollable and inappropriate laughing 
(credit to Closer Magazine)

Absolutely, Joker is associated to laugh. Out of control, improper and strange laughing.

It was a nice talk with Connie about the character in the movie. The laugh of Joker, uncontrollable laugh, is a sign of his mental disorder, actually.

Wondering about his uncontrollable laugh, we just googled it. We found that suddenly and involuntary outburst of laughing and /or crying in an exaggerated manner or inappropriately is one of signs of Pseudobulbar Affect (PBA).

Image 2- Garden entrance, illustration

The episodes of PBA can last for several minutes and often occur many times in a day.

Image 3- A cat, just for illustration

Uncontrollable laughing and/or crying often occur with unrelated to mood state or social context, so this episodes can be troublesome in everyday life.

# To be continued to Part 3

## Previous postings:

Saturday, 18 February 2023

The Crazy Chicken Pollo Loco at Neighborhood – Food 38

As you know that Pollo Loco is a Spanish word for crazy chicken in English. We have the franchise restaurant called as “El Pollo Loco.”

Image 1- Food truck of Crazy chicken.

The “El Pollo Loco” has headquarter in California with about 500 branches all over the USA.

A food truck called as “My PolloLoco” always visit our neighborhood from afternoon (around 5 PM) until night (before 10 PM).

We believe that “My PolloLoco” is not part of “El Pollo Loco” franchises. It is a local owner, a kind of small business to sell Mexican foods with Louisiana or American flavors.

Sure, the price is quite reasonable.

Image 2- Grilled chicken, one of menus

Food trucks like restaurants must pass inspections from relevant agencies for their cleanliness, food qualities and even locations or hours of business.

We have been eating from variety of local food trucks for over 15 years; never had cleanliness and food quality issues.

In addition to grilled chicken, I love several menus such as Taco, Quesadilla and many other Mexican cuisines.

Image 3- Quesadilla, other menus.

Have you this kind of food truck in your areas?

# Previous postings:

Thursday, 16 February 2023

Flowers as Objects of Paintings – Part 2 - Art 11

You may read previous post (Part 1) :

- The Rainbow Before Evening : Flowers as Objects of Paintings - Part 1 - Art 11

Image 1- Colorful Flowers, painted by a local artists

At least there are two reasons: flowers as a symbol and as represents of people emotions.

Flowers are believed to be symbols of natural world, aesthetic and religious. In term of emotions, they may represent of:

- love
- death
- innocence
- and passion.

Image 2- Water Lilies, painted by Claude Monet.

Moreover, flowers depicted by many famous artists could be cost million of dollars. Just few examples:

- Lilies, painted by Van Gogh, US$ 128.6 millions
- Sunflowers, Van Gogh, US$ 94.6 millions.
- Water lilies, price US$ 91.4 millions, painted by Claude Monet

Image 3- Irises, painted by Van Gogh

Finally, what objects of paintings do you love most? and painted who?

# Previous postings:

Tuesday, 14 February 2023

The United States Produces and Exports Dates Fruit – Food 37

I know the Middle East countries are the main producers and exporters of dates fruit in the world. In fact top 5 producers come from this region.

Image 1- Dates sold in the American grocery.

Here the top 5 dates producers in the world, data from FAO (2019):

- Egypt, 1.60 million tons
- Saudi Arabia, 1.54 million tons
- Iran, 1.31 million tons
- Algeria, 1.14 million tons
- Iraq, 0.64 million tons

What surprising me that USA not only produces dates, but also exports the fruit to some other countries.

Image 2- Dates in the boxes

America is ranked 15th as world date producer. Total production was 56,000 ton in 2019.

The production is quite higher compared to other middle east countries such as Israel, Qatar and Jordan.

In term of export, USA sent dates fruit to Canada, Australia and Mexico in 2021 to 2022.

Image 3- Dates, ready to be consumed

Have you tasted dates?

# Previous postings:

Sunday, 12 February 2023

Brain Changes during Reproduction Process – Part 3 – Brain Plasticity 2

You may read the previous posts (Part 2 and 3):

Image 1- Decoupage eggs, just illustration

Previous belief that decreases maternal brain size will reduce learning capacity and the memory, but the understanding is reverse based on the recently observations.

In fact, hippocampus gets boosting, thus increase mother thinking ability during pregnancy.

In case of rats, not only increasing of neuronal activities, but also physical capabilities. Surprisingly, pregnant rats (carrying offspring) are faster to catch their prey than virginal rodents. Even 4 to 5 times faster.

Image 2- The Peony, illustration only

This is in parts of better visual, better motivation (courage) and can handle difficult conditions.

Image 3- The Native American pottery, illustration

In conclusion, maternity brings changes to neuro, physio and physical of animal in order for survival of both mothers and their offspring. Mother “well-being” will have positive impacts on their children development.

# Previous postings:

A little cutie Bunny at the Corner

 When jogging in the Saturday morning recently, we saw a bunny. She is very s uper friendly critter! Image - A super friendly bunny. We beli...