Thursday, 5 January 2023

Green Parakeet in Our State – Nature 46

The Green parakeet or the Monk parrot was not the USA native bird. The birds came from South American areas.

Image 1- A Green parakeet at the corner

They are imported to the USA around 1950’s, then distributed across America. We may spot Monk parrots in the garden or parks in almost states.

The record has shown that a green parakeet was seen the first time in our state, Louisiana around 1960’s.

They are breeding in the wild successfully. The wild area was around the city of New Orleans, then spread to nearby cities.

Image 2- A shy little Monk parrot

Image 3- A little green parakeet at neighborhood

We just saw the green parakeet at the corner of one of our neighbor houses. However, we don’t know whether the bird is a wild or a pet one.

At the first, the parakeet looks sleepy, then when we approach, the bird flew away. Hope, she found a good shelter.

# Previous postings:


  1. We have lots of them here...they are really LOUD!

  2. Qué bonito es.
    Da alegría verlo.

  3. Qué bue no que esta especie sudamericana, haya encontrado espacio en estos lares templados para su reproducción. Un abrazo. Carlos

    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      Green Parakeet in Our State – Nature 46
      The Green parakeet or the Monk parrot was not the USA native bird. The birds came from South American areas.

  4. Linda reseña, nos dejas de este periquito, un tanto al parecer asustadizo, como es obvio la adaptación a la civilización entiendo que no sea fácil de ahí que su escape hacia el bosque que lo acoja, sea lo propio para seguir procreando.
    Un abrazo

  5. Interessante informação sobre este periquito verde, minha amiga.
    Ótima partilha.
    Votos de um excelente fim de semana!

    Mário Margaride

  6. Quería desearte un feliz dia de reyes. Un beso.

  7. So cute. Hope it is not injured

    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      Green Parakeet in Our State – Nature 46
      The Green parakeet or the Monk parrot was not the USA native bird. The birds came from South American areas.

  8. What a cute bird!
    Wishing you a blessed and joyful 2023!

  9. Que lindinho, minha irmã tem muitos no sítio.

    Tenha um abençoado 2023.
    Bom fim de semana.

    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      Green Parakeet in Our State – Nature 46
      The Green parakeet or the Monk parrot was not the USA native bird. The birds came from South American areas.

  10. Que lindo, que bien que se adapte. Un abrazo.

  11. Siempre es interesante leerte.
    Feliz 2023!

    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      Green Parakeet in Our State – Nature 46
      The Green parakeet or the Monk parrot was not the USA native bird. The birds came from South American areas.

  12. Hello,
    They are pretty birds, so colorful. I saw a lot of the Monk Parakeets in Florida. Great post. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  13. Such a sweet little bird! It probably escaped from a cage and was trying to adjust to the new world.

  14. It sure is beautiful. I know they are here in Florida too but I've never seen one.

  15. Hello :=) My first thought was I hope it isn't injured. You saw it fly away
    so it may be just adapting to the great outdoors. Thank you for sharing this beautiful little bird.


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