Friday, 13 January 2023

Flowers as Objects of Paintings - Part 1 - Art 11

I and you might be knowing that a flower is one of favorite objects for artists to be painted on many different surfaces.

Image 1- The sunflowers, painted by Vivian, a local artist

There are many surfaces for paintings, I believe the most well known surface is canvass. Other surfaces could be unusual or odds such as:

- woods
- metals
- glass or plastics
- papers
- vinyl, ceramics and walls

Image 2- Flowers, an artwork by an artist

Whatever types of surfaces, people look at many other values of paintings, include styles and objects.

Image 3- Sunflowers, painted by Vincent Van Gogh

In respect to object, absolutely, there are plenty of them. Some kinds of objects could be forms, shapes, values, lines and colors.

Then, we might be wonder or ask ourselves: why are flowers so crucial in paintings or arts?

# To be continued to Part 2

# Previous postings:


  1. Las flores son "premios" de la naturaleza.
    Por eso las pintan.

  2. Me encantan los girasoles, son bellos , luminosos y nos dan aceite y pipas, que más se puede pedir.
    Besos, fin de semana.

  3. Muy logrados esos cuadros que nos muestras de Vivian, ciertamente poseen una vivacidad y destreza en el encuadre y colorido.
    Un abrazo

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Flowers as Objects of Paintings - Part 1 - Art 11
      I and you might be knowing that a flower is one of favorite objects for artists to be painted on many different surfaces.

  4. I like your choices...
    Canvas is the most durable surface.
    I have a post dedicated to V Gogh's sunflowers.
    Have a nice weekend, Rainbow.

  5. Adoro o Girassol :))
    Beijos. Bom fim de semana.

  6. Because we are so familiar to flowers?

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Flowers as Objects of Paintings - Part 1 - Art 11
      I and you might be knowing that a flower is one of favorite objects for artists to be painted on many different surfaces.

  7. Well as a painting enthusiast I can say that flowers represent beauty, it is always nice and rewarding to paint beautiful things.
    Best regards.

  8. Mi piacciono molto i girasoli, sia in natura che dipinti!

  9. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Flowers as Objects of Paintings - Part 1 - Art 11
      I and you might be knowing that a flower is one of favorite objects for artists to be painted on many different surfaces.


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