Friday, 2 December 2022

White Hominy Pearls Tossed with Coconut Shreds – Part 1 – Food 32

It was 710 days ago, the new virus to be a “breaking news” when we were ready to celebrate the Rat Year of the Chinese New Year.

Image 1- White Hominy Pearls, sold by Walmart

Then I posted about this new coronavirus:

It is over two years since this type of virus, then we called it Covid-19, came up and spread.

Today, the viruses are still hanging around in this world, even many of us got booster vaccines (third times vaccinated).

Image 2- Just for illustration

Image 3- The colder weeks and we “stay in our bubbles”

The viruses do not want away from us. They developed and becoming new strains instead of leaving us.

At the beginning, the new strains were more virulent than their original, and we have to be aware.

About two years ago “A physician from Baton Rouge, Dr O'Neal, warns us not to get out in the next couples of weeks. He encouraged us to stay in our bubbles”.

# To be Continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:


  1. What are those hominy pearls?? Are they made from flour, corn or ?

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      White Hominy Pearls Tossed with Coconut Shreds – Part 1 – Food 32
      It was 710 days ago, the new virus to be a “breaking news” when we were ready to celebrate the Rat Year of the Chinese New Year.

  3. I've never heard of hominy pearls!
    I always learn something new whenever I visit your blog.

    Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      White Hominy Pearls Tossed with Coconut Shreds – Part 1 – Food 32
      It was 710 days ago, the new virus to be a “breaking news” when we were ready to celebrate the Rat Year of the Chinese New Year.

  4. Espero que las próximas mutaciones del virus sean menos agresivas...

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      White Hominy Pearls Tossed with Coconut Shreds – Part 1 – Food 32


  5. No conocía las preras de maiz. Tendremos que acostumbrarmos a convivir con el virus. Ahora es menos agresivo.
    Buen fin de semana.
    Un abrazo.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      White Hominy Pearls Tossed with Coconut Shreds – Part 1 – Food 32
      It was 710 days ago, the new virus to be a “breaking news” when we were ready to celebrate the Rat Year of the Chinese New Year.

  6. Te deseo un feliz fin de semana , y que no haya muchos contagio . Un besotte.

  7. I never have heard of it either. Gonna look into it

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      White Hominy Pearls Tossed with Coconut Shreds – Part 1 – Food 32
      It was 710 days ago, the new virus to be a “breaking news” when we were ready to celebrate the Rat Year of the Chinese New Year.

  8. Eu quero alguém aqui sofrendo de qualquer doença para se curar da minha história após a doença do HIV nos últimos 3 anos e ter dificuldade para comer e tosse são pesadelos, especialmente no primeiro ano. Nesta fase, o sistema imunológico está muito enfraquecido e o risco de contrair infecções oportunistas é muito maior. No entanto, nem todas as pessoas com HIV desenvolverão AIDS. Quanto mais cedo você receber tratamento, melhor será seu resultado. Comecei a tomar ARV para evitar a morte precoce, mas tinha fé em Deus que um dia seria curado. Como paciente com HIV, somos aconselhados a fazer tratamentos antirretrovirais para reduzir nossas chances de transmitir o vírus para outras pessoas, algumas semanas atrás, procurei na internet se poderia obter alguma informação sobre o tratamento do HIV com ervas medicinais, em minha pesquisa, vi o testemunho de alguém que foi curado do HIV, o nome dela era Achima Abelard e outro paciente do vírus do herpes, Tasha Moore, também dando testemunho sobre esse mesmo homem, chamado Dr. Itua Herbal treatment. Fiquei comovido com o testemunho e entrei em contato com ele por e-mail. Conversamos e ele me mandou um frasco de fitoterápico que bebi conforme ele me instruiu. Comprimidos. Sou eternamente grato a ele, Dr. Itua Herbal Treatment.. Ele me garantiu que pode curar a seguinte doença.. HIV, Câncer, Vírus Herpes, Hpv, Pilha, Ereção Fraca, Doença de Lyme, Epilepsia, Glaucoma., Tumor Cerebral ,psoríase, catarata,degeneração macular,doença cardiovascular,diarréia crônica,doença pulmonar.aumento da próstata,osteoporose.doença de alzheimer
    , Diabetes, Mioma.

  9. Que las nuevas cepas de virus no sean especialmente dañinas o letales... 🙏🙏🙏🙏


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