Thursday, 22 December 2022

Learning Process Based on My Own Experienced – Part 2 – Science 28

You may read previous posting (Part 1):

- Learning Process Based on My Own Experienced – Part 1 – Science 28

Image 1- Colorful sands, illustration

Then, I distinguished the causes that lead to dysfunction of the heart, so I can recognize the clinical manifestations of shock such as thirst and agitation or restlessness; those lead to hypotension is followed by the characteristic signs of compensation (understanding level):

- cool, moist, pale skin
- tachycardia
- and oliguria

Image 2- Strange type of pumpkin, illustration

Moreover, based on clinical manifestation that vasoconstriction shunts blood from the viscera and skin to the vital areas.

Image 3- White azalea, illustration

Then the direct effects of a decrease in blood pressure and blood flow become manifest by lethargy, weakness, dizziness, and a weak pulse.

I recommend the diagnosis should be done to determine shock: Blood studies, ECG, chest X-ray, hemodynamic monitoring (applying level).

# To be continued to Part 3

## Previous postings:


  1. Decreasing organ perfusion always leads to organ failure. In shock, it leads to multiple organ failure

  2. Thank you for sharing your experiences! p.s Those pumpkins are usually not edible, they are just for decoration.

  3. I've already had two episodes of hypotension with cold sweats.
    Great weekend, Rainbow. ⭐

    1. Thank you-
      Learning Process Based on My Own Experienced – Part 2 – Science 28
      You may read previous posting (Part 1):
      - Learning Process Based on My Own Experienced – Part 1 – Science 28

  4. Gostei
    Desejo que todos tenhamos saúde e paz. Que nunca nos falte a alegria de viver, o bom senso, a humildade, a solidariedade, a compreensão e a união, etc..
    É outra vez Natal ...
    Um beijo/abraço fraterno a quem de direito. Sejam muito felizes hoje e sempre. Um 2023 cheio de positividade.

  5. Gracias por compartir todo lo que sabes.
    Feliz Navidad.
    Gracias también por la compañía durante este años.


  6. Todos los aportes que induzcan hacia un bien superior evitando el infarto, bien venidos sean y con todo ello activar las alertas. Gracias
    !FELIZ NAVIDAD¡ y dulce 2023.

    A hug, Rainbow.

  8. Muy interesante la información 👏


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