Friday, 9 December 2022

A Pheasant in Neighborhood – Nature 45

Quite surprising that we met with a pheasant when we were walking in our neighborhood area recently.

Image 1- A pheasant, lonely

Morning walking or jogging for 35 minutes is our routines, almost daily. Sure, we encounter a lot of critters.

It was the first time to see a pheasant. Since this critter is normally a wild animal, and it should be live in areas such as:

- farmlands with multiple crops
- woodland edges
- brushy meadows
- and open areas

Image 2- Amaryllis flowers

Image 3- Decoration at neighborhood

We assumed some people must be raising this critter close by. People raise pheasants for several purposes: just for pets, a source of food, and return their back to nature.

In case of introducing to the wild, the pheasants then for hunting purposes. It is quite popular in several parts of America.

Have you seen a pheasant? Where?

# Previous postings:


  1. I don't think I have ever seen one...Amaryllis flowers are very beautiful.

  2. Feliz fin de semana!! Un abrazote

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      A Pheasant in Neighborhood – Nature 45

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      A Pheasant in Neighborhood – Nature 45
      Quite surprising that we met with a pheasant when we were walking in our neighborhood area recently.

  4. Cazarlos no sería sensato, menos para echarlos a la olla.xlo más razonable si se llegaré a encontrar un ave de éstas es devolverla a su mundo natural
    .Un abrazo. Carlos

  5. Love the cute visitor!

    Happy Sunday!

  6. No he visto ninguno, pero también me gusta pasear todos los días. Un abrazo.

  7. Olá amiga!
    Curiosamente, já vi Faisões, mas num parque zoológico. São aves muito belas sem dúvida.
    Votos de uma excelente semana!

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      A Pheasant in Neighborhood – Nature 45
      Quite surprising that we met with a pheasant when we were walking in our neighborhood area recently.

  8. Olá amiga!
    Curiosamente, já vi Faisões, mas num parque zoológico. São aves muito belas sem dúvida.
    Votos de uma excelente semana!

    Mário Margaride

  9. I don't think I have seen a pheasant before..
    Those amaryllis are looking lovely.

  10. That is so neat that you were able to spot this pheasant right in your neighborhood. I only rarely even see these in the wild. He really is a cutie!

    1. I see....

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      A Pheasant in Neighborhood – Nature 45
      Quite surprising that we met with a pheasant when we were walking in our neighborhood area recently.

  11. Creo que no lo he visto 🤔
    Gracias por compartir.

  12. It is a pretty bird! The amaryllis flowers look lovely.

  13. Hello,
    It is a cute bird, I hope it is safe roaming free. But, I do see our neighbors chickens roaming around. Your Amaryllis is beautiful. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and the new week ahead.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      A Pheasant in Neighborhood – Nature 45
      Quite surprising that we met with a pheasant when we were walking in our neighborhood area recently.

  14. How interesting. I don't know if I've seen a pheasant but he's a beauty!

  15. I like the female Pheasant. Hopefully she won't be alone too long.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      A Pheasant in Neighborhood – Nature 45
      Quite surprising that we met with a pheasant when we were walking in our neighborhood area recently.


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