Sunday, 20 November 2022

Leprosy is One of the Oldest Ancient Diseases - Part 1 - Healthy Life 27

Leprosy is one of ancient diseases that still exist in the some part of the world, even in this modern human lifestyle.

Image 1- Miniature roses 1

When I was kid, I saw several men and women who have Leprosy in the developing country about 1980’s.

This prehistory disease could be the oldest recorded ancient disease as reported by Hurst, YS (2019) in the book with title: No Matter Where the Journey Takes Me: One Man's Quest for a Leprosy- Free World).

Paleontologists conduct many studies about the disease that plagued humankind throughout the history.

Image 2- Pumpkin, illustration only

They believe the root of this disease long long time ago, “likely stem back millions of years”.

Image 3- Miniature roses 2.

Untreated disease of leprosy can cause deformities in the face and extremities that may lead to:

- Disability
- Stigmatization
- and Mortality.

Like Covid-19, leprosy is transmitted by close contacted. They are a droplet precaution.

Coughing and sneezing of an infected person can spread the disease to the healthy persons, especially when they are in the small together.

# To be continued to part 2

# Previous posting:


  1. How come I have never heard of this disease? Thank you for sharing the knowledge.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Leprosy is One of the Oldest Ancient Diseases - Part 1 - Healthy Life 27
      Leprosy is one of ancient diseases that still exist in the some part of the world, even in this modern human lifestyle.

  2. Hello :=)

    Leprosy is mentioned in the Bible, and it is a horrible disease. Some of my friends who live in Africa have seen it first-hand. I hope that a cure will be discovered. I'm so glad you shared the beautiful roses.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Leprosy is One of the Oldest Ancient Diseases - Part 1 - Healthy Life 27
      Leprosy is one of ancient diseases that still exist in the some part of the world, even in this modern human lifestyle.

  3. Leprosy is so prevalent in Africa

  4. La lepra en su época era el terror de las enfermedades, por lo cruda y fea que es.
    Ahora al menos para ella hay un poco más de remedio.
    Un abrazo y feliz semana.

  5. Olá amiga.
    É sem dúvida uma doença terrível. Felizmente hoje em dia já existe tratamento.
    Ótima partilha.
    Votos de uma excelente semana!

    Mário Margaride

  6. I've never seen anyone with the disease first hand. I hope that it will be eradicated some day.

  7. Yo pensaba que estaba casi erradicada.


  8. Acho que a lepra por cá não existe, penso eu!
    Guardo em mim mil emoções ...
    Beijo e uma excelente semana...

  9. It is truly a terrible disease.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Leprosy is One of the Oldest Ancient Diseases - Part 1 - Healthy Life 27
      Leprosy is one of ancient diseases that still exist in the some part of the world, even in this modern human lifestyle.

  10. I had heard of Leper's Colonies.. always sounded like such a sad and scary thing.

  11. Come sempre molto interessante, grazie!!!

  12. Nunca he visto a nadie que la padezca, pero si que existe en los relatos de la Biblia, alguna leprosería no hace demasiado seguía existiendo
    Interesante información
    Un abrazo

  13. Tengo una infección bacteriana... Creo que estos seres son muy recientes, ya que se están renovando... En pausa...

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Leprosy is One of the Oldest Ancient Diseases - Part 1 - Healthy Life 27
      Leprosy is one of ancient diseases that still exist in the some part of the world, even in this modern human lifestyle.

  14. Thanks to visit my blog-
    Leprosy is One of the Oldest Ancient Diseases - Part 1 - Healthy Life 27
    Leprosy is one of ancient diseases that still exist in the some part of the world, even in this modern human lifestyle.


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