Saturday, 26 November 2022

Learning Process Based on My Own Experienced – Part 1 – Science 28

During my human medicine study at a college, one of courses was Pathophysiology class (BIOL-4310).

Image 1- Learning process level of Bloom’s Taxonomy 
(credit to Cehdclass)

The last session of the class was the student presentation. I chose pathophysiology of shock from the list of assignment.

Before presentation we were assigned to do research from the journals with the peer reviews, and then we write certain pages of term paper about the assigned topic.

The professor would check the paper before we present it and give some feedback, include comments, suggestions and recommendation for further improvement.

Image 2- Neighborhood, just illustration

Whenever, everything in the "the right tracts", the topic then was ready to be presented.

Image 3- Wrap, Illustration only

Shock is a manifestation of pathological condition rather than diseases as many people know.

I understand that diagnosis and management of shocks are require extensive knowledge and clinical experience.

At the beginning, I identified and retrieved my knowledge in Anatomy and Physiology class about how does our heart work (remembering level).

# To be continued to part 2

## Previous posting:


  1. Thank you for sharing your experience! Happy Sunday!

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Learning Process Based on My Own Experienced – Part 1 – Science 28
      During my human medicine study at a college, one of courses was Pathophysiology class (BIOL-4310).

  2. I think modern keyboard warriors skip all these steps in their google search calling it research

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Learning Process Based on My Own Experienced – Part 1 – Science 28
      During my human medicine study at a college, one of courses was Pathophysiology class (BIOL-4310).

  3. Gracias por compartir, una buena investigación. Abrazos

  4. Interesante lo que nos presentas. Un feliz domingo . Besotes.

  5. Muy interesante.
    Tengo ganas de leer la continuación.

  6. Interessantes informações aqui nos deixas, minha amiga. Sem dúvida muito úteis.
    Votos de uma excelente semana!

    Mário Margaride

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Learning Process Based on My Own Experienced – Part 1 – Science 28
      During my human medicine study at a college, one of courses was Pathophysiology class (BIOL-4310).

  8. Grazie, sempre interessante leggerti!!!

  9. The condition of human shock is really interesting, but not often discussed outside of a dramatic situation. This is a fascinating topic you chose!

  10. Thanks for this interesting post.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Learning Process Based on My Own Experienced – Part 1 – Science 28
      During my human medicine study at a college, one of courses was Pathophysiology class (BIOL-4310).

  11. Siempre interesantes tus entradas.


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