Thursday, 13 October 2022

Using of Cordless Electrostatic Sprayer for Killing Virus - Part 2 – Science 21

You may read previous part (Part 1):

- Using of Cordless Electrostatic Sprayer for Killing Virus - Part 1 – Science 21

Image 1- Cordless sprayer, sold by Amazon 

Hotels have promised to sanitize their rooms and areas to make sure free from SARS-CoV-2.

Much more hotels sanitized their rooms nowadays. Since the pandemic, these hotels include:
- Westin
- Renaissance
- Sheraton
- the Ritz-Carlton

Image 2- Room at Westin Hotel, New Orlean, Pleasant Holidays

Price depends on brand, weight, size and easiness to use. I saw at Amazon price of Cordless sprayer are:

- the cheapest price was US$ 27.88
- medium price US$ 59.95
- the most expensive was US$ 149.98

Image 3- A cat, illustration only

In term of price, the medium price US$ 59.95 was favorite one for customers. It may due to its reasonable price and quality.

They use this machine with standard disinfectants ruled by “the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention” (CDC) and “the World Health Organization.” (WHO).

If you are planning to travel in the near future, hope, you will feel safe to stay in hotels.

# Previous Postings:


  1. Muy interesante y seguro para viajar. Un abrazo y buen fin de semana.

  2. I buy them cheaper in K Mart in down under

  3. Olá amiga,
    Mais excelentes informações aqui nos deixas.
    Ótima partilha.
    Votos de um excelente fim de semana!

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Using of Cordless Electrostatic Sprayer for Killing Virus - Part 2 – Science 21
      You may read previous part (Part 1):
      - Using of Cordless Electrostatic Sprayer for Killing Virus - Part 1 – Science 21

  4. Olá amiga,
    Mais excelentes informações aqui nos deixas.
    Ótima partilha.
    Votos de um excelente fim de semana!

    Mário Margaride

  5. Olá amiga,
    Mais excelentes informações aqui nos deixas.
    Ótima partilha.
    Votos de um excelente fim de semana!

    Mário Margaride

  6. Tendrían que desinfectar todo el planeta.
    La seguridad absoluta no existe.

  7. Disinfection in hotels, and finally at home, should be carried out.

    Thanks, I'm following you too.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Using of Cordless Electrostatic Sprayer for Killing Virus - Part 2 – Science 21
      You may read previous part (Part 1):
      - Using of Cordless Electrostatic Sprayer for Killing Virus - Part 1 – Science 21

  8. I follow you number 69 , follow back?

  9. ...we will be staying in a motel, the first time since Covid.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Using of Cordless Electrostatic Sprayer for Killing Virus - Part 2 – Science 21
      You may read previous part (Part 1):
      - Using of Cordless Electrostatic Sprayer for Killing Virus - Part 1 – Science 21


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