Sunday, 9 October 2022

Sweet Tangerine at Backyard – Food 26

We have grown two Tangerine trees in our backyard. Luckily one grow well, and provides us with fresh fruit every year.

Image 1- Tangerine fruit on the branches

Another tree died at very young age, about 3 years old when it starts to produce “little” fruit. It died due to diseases; we guessed caused by fungi diseases several years ago.

Many of our neighbors have Tangerine, they grow the fruit either in front yards or backyards

Tangerine is seasonal fruit, start to ripe from October to early January in our neighborhood, and even in our state, Louisiana. 

Image 2- Some fruit on branches

In case of our Tangerine, we may pick the fruit about this time or second week of October.

Image 3- A fruit, ready to be picked.

Then, the fruit starts to fall down one by one in late November or early December when temperature dropping.

Image 4- Raccoon is one of critters consumes our fruit

Fruit may not reach January of next year. We are lucky enough if we found one or two fruit on branches in the cold month.

Unfortunately, we have at least two critters as competitors to consume our fruit, they are:

- raccoon
- and squirrels

Finally, have you tasted Tangerine?

# Previous postings:


  1. As tangerinas estão lindas e saudáveis, é muito boa, gostamos muito!
    Lindas fotos!

    Tenha uma boa nova semana.


  2. You look like you owned an orchard at the back of your house!

    1. Indeed...

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Sweet Tangerine at Backyard – Food 26
      We have grown two Tangerine trees in our backyard. Luckily one grow well, and provides us with fresh fruit every year.

  3. wow Can I go pick some too? So GOOD!

  4. It is very rewarding to grow fruits, citrus fruits, or anything that gives us that personal satisfaction for our work.
    Happy week.
    Best regards.

  5. En muy lindo tener un árbol de mandarinas en tu jardín que además de crear un entorno bello, te dan esos frutos de época tan sabrosos.
    Un abrazo

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Sweet Tangerine at Backyard – Food 26
      We have grown two Tangerine trees in our backyard. Luckily one grow well, and provides us with fresh fruit every year.

  6. Además de fruta tendréis un lindo aroma. Ya que la mandarina su olor es refrescante. Un besote.

  7. Greats fruits

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Sweet Tangerine at Backyard – Food 26
      We have grown two Tangerine trees in our backyard. Luckily one grow well, and provides us with fresh fruit every year.

  8. Que ricas son las mandarinas, me encantan. Abrazos.

  9. Me encanta la mandarina.
    Me gusta mucho.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Sweet Tangerine at Backyard – Food 26
      We have grown two Tangerine trees in our backyard. Luckily one grow well, and provides us with fresh fruit every year.

  10. Também tenho. Os citrinos agora no tempo mais fresco m muito bem :))
    A saudade, é ...
    Beijos, e uma excelente semana.

  11. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Sweet Tangerine at Backyard – Food 26
      We have grown two Tangerine trees in our backyard. Luckily one grow well, and provides us with fresh fruit every year.

  12. Gosto bastante de tangerinas. É um fruto muito nutritivo.
    Excelente partilha, minha amiga.
    Votos de uma excelente semana!

    Mário Margaride

  13. MI piacciono molto i mandarini, ottimi anche per fare dolci!!!

  14. Your Tangerine tree looks so amazing and I loved your adorable photo of the raccoon. I really hope he isn't able to get any of your fruit this year!

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Sweet Tangerine at Backyard – Food 26
      We have grown two Tangerine trees in our backyard. Luckily one grow well, and provides us with fresh fruit every year.

  15. Buen árbol . Mucha suerte con él y que siga produciendo esa rica fruta
    Buen miércoles.
    Un abrazo.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Sweet Tangerine at Backyard – Food 26
      We have grown two Tangerine trees in our backyard. Luckily one grow well, and provides us with fresh fruit every year.

  16. Hello :=)
    The orchard at the back of my house has many tangerine trees growing there, and I have been eating lots of tangerines. I love the photo of the cheeky Racoon looking over the fence who steals your fruit. Naughty Racoons do not live in Portugal, and I have never seen a squirrel eating Tangerines. Tangerines are nice to eat at Christmas. I always had one or two in my Christmas stocking when I was a child.:=)
    I hope you still have some left by Christmas.

  17. Hello,
    It is wonderful to have this tasty fruit tree in your yard. Cute shot of the racoon peeking over the fence. I hope the rascal does not eat all your fruit. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend.

  18. ...raccoons are critters that I rarely see here and tangerines I only see in the store.

  19. Tangerines are one of my favorite fruits. I didn't know squirrels and raccoons eat citrus.

  20. I love them and we enjoy citrus here in Florida too. But I think the raccoon has first dibs! heehee!

  21. That is one of the cutest raccoon photos I've seen!


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