Monday, 17 October 2022

Nuts of Pine Trees in the Park – Nature 42

We have seen a lot of pine’s nuts on the ground when we are jogging in the park during autumns.

Image 1- The pine’s nut

The nuts, actually cute looking, and we know that some people use its for decorations.

As you might know, there are around 105 to 124 species of Pines in the world, found mostly in Northern hemisphere.

The Pines are grown in many places for two purposes:

- source of timber
- ornamental trees in the parks

Image 2- Pine trees nearby walking path

Image 3- Pine nuts on the ground

Image 4- One of critters consumes Pine nuts

Image 5- A lot of Pine nuts fall down

Image 6- Pine trees in the park

Image 7- A squirrel playing on the ground

Of 105 to 124 species, there are 20 species of well-known pine trees that produce “edible nuts.”

However, 4 species are commercially harvested for their nuts:

- Italian stone pine (Pinus pinea)
- Mexican pinon (Pinus cembroides)
- Chinese nut pine (Pinus koraiensis)
- Colorado pinion (Pinus edulis)

Many groceries include Walmart sell Pine Nuts, have you tasted them?

# Previous postings:


  1. We also have pine trees as an urban tree and we really appreciate their nutritious seeds...
    It's been a while since you appeared on my blogs!! Don't you like them anymore?!
    I publish alternately -- now in one, now in the other.
    Have a very nice week.

  2. I like pine nuts, but are those on the floor same as the one we purchase from the stores?

  3. Dad used to burn the pine corns in the fireplace. These produce mini rocket launches in the fire pit. Really dangerous but nostalgic for me

  4. En otoño caen las piñas, que me parecen hermosas.😊

  5. Es bello ver esos pinos, y sobre todo oler su aroma . Bellas las ardillas. Un feliz dia te deseo.

  6. Hace mucho que no como piñones.
    Nueces sí que como.

  7. Hello,
    The squirrels are loving all those pine cones. We see the pine cones on the ground around here, they are plentiful this winter. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend.

  8. We have a lot of pines here too and I love having a basket of pine cones on the coffee table!

  9. Hello :=)

    Pine nuts are eaten at Christmas here in Portugal. They are expensive to buy because they are hand-picked. I use pinecones to light the log fires in my house, burn easily because of the oily content. I always have huge copper containers for them near the fireplaces. Cute squirrel captures-
    All the best.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Nuts of Pine Trees in the Park – Nature 42
      We have seen a lot of pine’s nuts on the ground when we are jogging in the park during autumns.

  10. I am happy to have two bog blue spruce trees in our front and back yard...Michelle


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