Thursday, 6 October 2022

Fruits with flavored chia in cups – Part 1 – Food 25

Del Monte and Dole are very familiar brands for either fresh or packaged fruits or vegetables.

Image 1 - Fruits and chia seeds in easy-to-carry cups

For tidbits fruits on the go, I prefer Dole. The most I like is tidbit tropical fruits in small plastic cups.

What I do?

I empty the cup into the glass and add some ice. This is my way keep hydrate in the cool weather

When I picked what I need to fill the Food Bank, I also bought fruits, either in the cans or in the cups.

Image 2- Grape, just for illustration

I saw the bigger package of chunk fruits in the dark black packages with contrast color of fruits.

Image 3- Two cups of fruit and Chia

There is a series of Del Monte Fruits and Chia. The size available is 2 - 7 oz.cups.

The price depends on cup sizes and number of cups in the wraps or in the boxes (big number of cups):

+ US$ 2.78 for two cups of 7 OZ size.
+ Sure, we will have a good deal if we buy 1 box with more than 24 cups.

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:

Note: We consume packages or can foods during emergency times such as during storm, hurricane seasons


  1. But why packaged fruits? I love FRESH ones.

  2. I am so into chia seeds. Good for plumbing!

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Fruits with flavored chia in cups – Part 1 – Food 25
      Del Monte and Dole are very familiar brands for either fresh or packaged fruits or vegetables.

  3. Temporada de huracanes... no sé si me acostumbraría a eso.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Fruits with flavored chia in cups – Part 1 – Food 25

  4. La fruta no crees que es mejor tomarla fresca, nunca envasado ...No sé a mi me gusta fresca enlatada nunca la he tomado . Un besote y feliz fin de semana.

  5. The grape wine looks beautiful.
    Chia seeds are great.
    I wish you a nice weekend.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Fruits with flavored chia in cups – Part 1 – Food 25
      Image 1 - Fruits and chia seeds in easy-to-carry cups

      For tidbits fruits on the go, I prefer Dole. The most I like is tidbit tropical fruits in small plastic cups.

      What I do?

      I empty the cup into the glass and add some ice. This is my way keep hydrate in the cool weather

      When I picked what I need to fill the Food Bank, I also bought fruits, either in the cans or in the cups.

  6. Buena recomendación sobre los alimentos enlatados, más propicios para el consumo en tiempos coyunturales, como los de emergencia. Saludos. Carlos

  7. Humm maravilhoso :))

    Beijo, bom fim de semana.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Fruits with flavored chia in cups – Part 1 – Food 25
      Image 2- Grape, just for illustration

      I saw the bigger package of chunk fruits in the dark black packages with contrast color of fruits.



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