Friday, 14 October 2022

A Young Red Tail Hawk Caught a Squirrel – Science – 24

I have posted A Red Tail Hawk in Our Neighborhood; you may read the previous post: A Red Tail Hawk in Our Neighborhood – Science – 20

Image 1 – Red tail hawk caught squirrels.

We could see hawk eat a squirrel on the ground at previous post. Now, you see the hawk hold the “victim” and fly to secure places (Images 1 and 2) somewhere on the branch of tree.

A Red Tail Hawk will perch in a tree, usually a big and old tree, waiting for the perfect opportunity to grab a squirrel and other small animals.

The predator will poke out the eyes so the victim can't run. I know it's nature but We may don't want to see the cruelty.

Image 2- Hawk flying with victim

My neighbors believe that Red Tail Hawk together with other predators are able to control rat population in our neighborhood.

Image 3- A predator sitting on the tree

Some other small critters consumed by Red Tail Hawk in our near by areas, just for examples are:

- reptiles, include snakes
- rabbits
- voles
- frogs and toads

Have you seen this predator in nature?

# Previous postings:


  1. I know that hawk has to eat too, but it's still sad to see that poor squirrel got caught..

  2. Jo...
    No, no lo he visto nunca.
    Tanta crueldad me supera.
    Buen fin de semana.

  3. Adorei a publicação :)

    Bom fim de semana.

  4. Espectacular la foto de ese depredador capturado la ardilla tan ágil y rápida ella, alguna tara tendría...¡secuencias de vida!
    Un abrazo

  5. Impresionante , un feliz sabado, besotes.

  6. Gran captura. La vida tiene que seguir ...
    Un abrazo.

  7. Muy interesante¡¡¡ la naturaleza es así.

  8. Hello,
    The Red-tailed Hawk is a beauty, great collection of photos.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  9. What a great capture by you and the hawk!

  10. Hello :=)
    Great action captures. It seems the hawk does well in your neighbourhood catching prey.
    All the best.

  11. They take care of a lot of pesky critters here too. Neat when you actually see them get something. Great photos!

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      A Young Red Tail Hawk Caught a Squirrel – Science – 24
      I have posted A Red Tail Hawk in Our Neighborhood; you may read the previous post: A Red Tail Hawk in Our Neighborhood – Science – 20


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