Monday, 19 September 2022

Why Should not We Take Aspirin Daily? - Part 2 - Healthy Life 24

You may read previous posting (Part 1):

- Why Should not We Take Aspirin Daily? - Part 1- Healthy Life 24

Image 1- Aspirin sold at Walmart OTC

Based on age, number of people who consumes Aspirin daily is almost triple in 40s than 70s:

- 40 years old, 29 million
- 70 years old, 10 million

On opposite, the main reason for people who does not want to take Aspirin daily is that:

- increasing risk of bleeding, especially to people above 70.

Image 2- A Southern Magnolia flower, illustration

Image 3- Crowd of people, just illustration

For people any ages, should not take Aspirin daily if they have certain diseases or disorders. Some of them:

- peptic ulcer disease.
- low blood platelet count
- bleeding disorder
- chronic kidney disease
- diabetes and high blood pressure.

Hence, it will be better to consult to physicians, even if we want to take very lower doses of Aspirin daily.

# Previous postings:


  1. Sempre interessante, grazie!!!

  2. Por acaso eu tomo a aspirina diária :)
    Beijo, e uma excelente semana.

  3. Sí.
    Siempre mejor consultar a los médicos.


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Why Should not We Take Aspirin Daily? - Part 2 - Healthy Life 24
      You may read previous posting (Part 1):
      - Why Should not We Take Aspirin Daily? - Part 1- Healthy Life 24

  4. Sobre todo aquellas personas que toman sintrom por el corazón jamás deben tomar aspirina . Un besote.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Why Should not We Take Aspirin Daily? - Part 2 - Healthy Life 24
      Image 1- Aspirin sold at Walmart OTC

      Based on age, number of people who consumes Aspirin daily is almost triple in 40s than 70s:
      - 40 years old, 29 million
      - 70 years old, 10 million

      On opposite, the main reason for people who does not want to take Aspirin daily is that:

      - increasing risk of bleeding, especially to people above 70.

  5. Muy interesante no sabía de esos porcentajes. Un abrazo.

  6. Es muy interesante conocer esta información. Lo tendré en cuenta si alguna vez lo necesito. You are so kind, thank you very much

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Why Should not We Take Aspirin Daily? - Part 2 - Healthy Life 24
      Image 3- Crowd of people, just illustration
      For people any ages, should not take Aspirin daily if they have certain diseases or disorders. Some of them:
      - peptic ulcer disease.
      - low blood platelet count
      - bleeding disorder
      - chronic kidney disease
      - diabetes and high blood pressure.

      Hence, it will be better to consult to physicians, even if we want to take very lower doses of Aspirin daily.

      # Previous postings:
      - The Gloomy in the Beginning of the Year of Rat – Part 2
      - The Gloomy in the Beginning of the Year of Rat – Part 1
      - I Got a Covid 19 Vaccine Shot Recently – Part 1
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : Free Coffee at Toyota Car Repair Shop


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