Thursday, 8 September 2022

Why Should not We Take Aspirin Daily? - Part 1- Healthy Life 24

As you know that there are a lot of non-prescription drugs sold through Over the Counter (OTC).

Image 1- Aspirin sold as an OTC drug in Walmart

We might be familiar with OTC drug called as “aspirin,” since its commonly used for medication of:

- reduce fever
- relieve pain.

Then, Aspirin may relieve from light to medium pains such as:

- common cold, headaches
- muscle aches, toothaches
- arthritis

Image 2- Abandoned bike tied to the fence

Image 3- Over the Counter medicines at pharmacy store

Another use of Aspirin is to prevent blood clot in the artery. The clot obstructs the flow of blood which may cause:

- heart attacks
- strokes (due to disturbance of blood flow in the brain)

The facts, based on reported from Annals of Internal Medicine (2019) that millions of people in the USA take Aspirin daily, strangely even they don’t have heart diseases.

Then, why do they take Aspirin every day?

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:


  1. Stay healthy and away from the pills if one can!

    1. Agree with you....

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Why Should not We Take Aspirin Daily? - Part 1- Healthy Life 24
      As you know that there are a lot of non-prescription drugs sold through Over the Counter (OTC).

  2. Creo que solo es recomendable tomar una aspirina diaria cuando hay un grave riesgo de sufrir un ataque cardíaco.


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Why Should not We Take Aspirin Daily? - Part 1- Healthy Life 24
      Image 1- Aspirin sold as an OTC drug in Walmart

      We might be familiar with OTC drug called as “aspirin,” since its commonly used for medication of:
      - reduce fever
      - relieve pain.

      Then, Aspirin may relieve from light to medium pains such as:
      - common cold, headaches
      - muscle aches, toothaches
      - arthritis

  3. Interesante, he tomado alguna aspirina para el dolor de cabeza, pero no sabía todos esos beneficios. Abrazos.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Why Should not We Take Aspirin Daily? - Part 1- Healthy Life 24

  4. Sim, cada vez há mais medicação sem ser precisa a receita médica. Eu tomo a aspirina mas é a co coração :)
    Enquanto as ondas dormem no mar...

    Beijo. Boa noite

  5. Well, that's an interesting post.
    Have a nice weekend.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Why Should not We Take Aspirin Daily? - Part 1- Healthy Life 24
      Image 3- Over the Counter medicines at pharmacy store

      Another use of Aspirin is to prevent blood clot in the artery. The clot obstructs the flow of blood which may cause:
      - heart attacks
      - strokes (due to disturbance of blood flow in the brain)

      The facts, based on reported from Annals of Internal Medicine (2019) that millions of people in the USA take Aspirin daily, strangely even they don’t have heart diseases.

      Then, why do they take Aspirin every day?

      # To be continued to Part 2

      ## Previous postings:

      - Giant Hibiscus Flowers are Found in Walking Trails – Nature 26
      - Knock Out to Understand Human Diseases – Part 1 – Science 14
      - Shredded Rotisserie Chicken with Purple Bell Peppers – Food 15
      - A Juvenile Woodpecker Hit a Glass Window – Nature 27

  6. Olá amiga.
    É um dos vários medicamentos sem receita a Aspirina. É importante que assim seja.
    Ótima partilha.
    Votos de um excelente fim de semana!

    Mário Margaride


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