Friday, 16 September 2022

Asparagus Contains High Dietary Fiber – Food 23

We love to consume green vegetable frequently, one of them is Asparagus with scientific name Asparagus officinalis.

Image 1- A bunch of Asparagus

We always get this plant from nearby grocery with reasonable price.

As you might know that there are at least 3 forms (types or kinds) of fibers in the nature:

- prebiotic fiber
- insoluble fiber
- and soluble fiber

Many people call dietary fiber instead of prebiotic fiber which important for people health and well-being, especially in respect to intestine health.

Image 2- Cutting of Asparagus, ready to cook

Our gut has “bad” and “good” bacteria, then, the good bacteria “need” dietary fiber as their source of “food.”

Image 3- Adding Asparagus to meal

The good bacteria will make our digestive system healthier by producing nutrient to feed colon cells.

Nutrient contains some crucial fatty acids, especially short chain ones. They are (just for example):

- acetate
- propionate
- and butyrate.

Sure, there are many other health benefit to consume Asparagus. We will talk later on (in other posts).

# Previous postings:


  1. I quite like asparagus.
    Have a good weekend.

  2. São muito nutritivos os espargos. Gosto muito.
    Excelente partilha, minha amiga!
    Votos de um excelente fim de semana.

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thank you to visit my blog-
      Asparagus Contains High Dietary Fiber – Food 23
      We love to consume green vegetable frequently, one of them is Asparagus with scientific name Asparagus officinalis.

  3. I love the asparagus, full of vitamins.

    1. Thank you to visit my blog-
      Asparagus Contains High Dietary Fiber – Food 23
      We love to consume green vegetable frequently, one of them is Asparagus with scientific name Asparagus officinalis.

  4. Graciass por esta importante información sobre los efectos del consumo de esparragos en la flora intestinal del colón. Pondré más atención en mis próximas compras, el problema es que esparragos frescos no es posible conseguirlos durante todo el año. Supongo que consumirlos en conserva no será igual. Saludos cordiales.

    1. Thank you to visit my blog-
      Asparagus Contains High Dietary Fiber – Food 23
      Image 1- A bunch of Asparagus

      We always get this plant from nearby grocery with reasonable price.

      As you might know that there are at least 3 forms (types or kinds) of fibers in the nature:
      - prebiotic fiber
      - insoluble fiber
      - and soluble fiber

      Many people call dietary fiber instead of prebiotic fiber which important for people health and well-being, especially in respect to intestine health.

  5. Espárragos me gusta los blancos, los verdes como que los encuentro duros ..Un besazo.

  6. Entrada que ilustra sobre el mantenimiento de las bacterias buenas. Interesante. Un abrazo. Carlos

    1. Thank you to visit my blog-
      Asparagus Contains High Dietary Fiber – Food 23
      Image 2- Cutting of Asparagus, ready to cook

      Our gut has “bad” and “good” bacteria, then, the good bacteria “need” dietary fiber as their source of “food.”

  7. Hello,

    I don' t love asparagus, but I Know they are good to our body.
    Very interesting the post.


  8. Sigo aprendiendo.
    Muchas gracias.


    1. Thank you to visit my blog-
      Asparagus Contains High Dietary Fiber – Food 23
      Image 3- Adding Asparagus to meal

      The good bacteria will make our digestive system healthier by producing nutrient to feed colon cells.

      Nutrient contains some crucial fatty acids, especially short chain ones. They are (just for example):
      - acetate
      - propionate
      - and butyrate.

      Sure, there are many other health benefit to consume Asparagus. We will talk later on (in other posts).

      # Previous postings:
      - Size of Bluebirds Birdhouse at the Backyard – Nature 31
      - Is It Safe to Consume Foods after Expiration Date? - Part 2 – Food 16
      - Hydrangea Flowers Blooming in the Summer – Nature 32
      - The Proper Times to Take Pills – Part 1 – Healthy Life 22

  9. Confesso que nunca comi espargo. Mas vou comprar!

    Beijo, e um bom fim de semana!

  10. Great info as always.👍
    Asparagus is one of my favourite veggies

    1. Thank you to visit my blog-
      Asparagus Contains High Dietary Fiber – Food 23
      We love to consume green vegetable frequently, one of them is Asparagus with scientific name Asparagus officinalis.

  11. The asparagus em enchant, without being grilled in scrambled with egg, in omelette or as a companion of steamed vegetables are exquisite.
    Best regards.

    1. Thank you to visit my blog-
      Asparagus Contains High Dietary Fiber – Food 23
      Image 1- A bunch of Asparagus

      We always get this plant from nearby grocery with reasonable price.

      As you might know that there are at least 3 forms (types or kinds) of fibers in the nature:
      - prebiotic fiber
      - insoluble fiber
      - and soluble fiber

      Many people call dietary fiber instead of prebiotic fiber which important for people health and well-being, especially in respect to intestine health.

  12. Olá amiga,
    Passando por aqui, para desejar uma ótima semana!

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thank you to visit my blog-
      Asparagus Contains High Dietary Fiber – Food 23
      Image 2- Cutting of Asparagus, ready to cook

      Our gut has “bad” and “good” bacteria, then, the good bacteria “need” dietary fiber as their source of “food.”

  13. I really had no idea that asparagus could do so much to improve digestive health. This is definitely something I need to add to my diet with cold and flu season approaching!

    1. Thank you to visit my blog-
      Asparagus Contains High Dietary Fiber – Food 23


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