Saturday, 27 August 2022

What does Hypertension Mean? - Part 2 – Cardiovascular 3

You may read previous post (Part 1):

- What does Hypertension Mean? - Part 1 – Cardiovascular 3

Image 1- A plant, just for illustration

It can be in pulmonary artery (pulmonary hypertension) or in aorta (arterial/systemic hypertension).

We will discuss in the next coming articles.

In term of level, we call hypertension when blood pressure reaches 140/90 mmHg or even higher.

Quite surprising fact that there is 1 of 3 person gets high blood pressure worldwide.

Image 2- Accessories, illustration.

The hypertension leads to many diseases include kidney diseases, stroke and heart attacks.

Image 3- A factory outlet, illustration

On the other hand, the lower blood pressure the lower risk to get these diseases.

At figure of previous post (part 1): What does Hypertension Mean? - Part 1 – Cardiovascular 3, there are simple ways to prevent hypertension without medication:

+ 1. Healthy diet such as low-fat products, fruit, vegetable and grains
+ 2. Physical activity (doing exercise regularly)
+ 3. Avoiding smoke (cigarette could increase blood pressure immediately)
+ 4. Avoid drinking alcohol; and 5. Managing stress (enjoy and relax).

# Previous postings:


  1. O Meu marido sofre de pressão alta. Há que haver muito cuidado!
    Voltei... | Coisas de uma Vida |

    Beijos. Bom fim de semana.

  2. Este tema lo conozco bien.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      What does Hypertension Mean? - Part 2 – Cardiovascular 3
      You may read previous post (Part 1):
      - What does Hypertension Mean? - Part 1 – Cardiovascular 3

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      What does Hypertension Mean? - Part 2 – Cardiovascular 3
      Image 1- A plant, just for illustration
      It can be in pulmonary artery (pulmonary hypertension) or in aorta (arterial/systemic hypertension).

      We will discuss in the next coming articles.

      In term of level, we call hypertension when blood pressure reaches 140/90 mmHg or even higher.

      Quite surprising fact that there is 1 of 3 person gets high blood pressure worldwide.

  4. Oh very informative post darling

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      What does Hypertension Mean? - Part 2 – Cardiovascular 3
      Image 2- Accessories, illustration.

      The hypertension leads to many diseases include kidney diseases, stroke and heart attacks.

  5. Purtroppo mio marito ne soffre...

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      What does Hypertension Mean? - Part 2 – Cardiovascular 3
      Image 3- A factory outlet, illustration

      On the other hand, the lower blood pressure the lower risk to get these diseases.

      At figure of previous post (part 1): What does Hypertension Mean? - Part 1 – Cardiovascular 3, there are simple ways to prevent hypertension without medication:
      + 1. Healthy diet such as low-fat products, fruit, vegetable and grains
      + 2. Physical activity (doing exercise regularly)
      + 3. Avoiding smoke (cigarette could increase blood pressure immediately)
      + 4. Avoid drinking alcohol; and 5. Managing stress (enjoy and relax).

      # Previous postings:
      - Summer is a Perfect Time to Ride a Motorbike
      - Rose breasted grosbeak Comes to Our Neighborhood – Nature 23
      - GUTSY WOMEN of Hillary and Chelsea – Part 2 – Reading 10
      - Local Property Tax for Funding Our City Transport System

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      What does Hypertension Mean? - Part 2 – Cardiovascular 3
      You may read previous post (Part 1):
      - What does Hypertension Mean? - Part 1 – Cardiovascular 3


A little cutie Bunny at the Corner

 When jogging in the Saturday morning recently, we saw a bunny. She is very s uper friendly critter! Image - A super friendly bunny. We beli...