Monday, 29 August 2022

Purple Gallinule Visited Our Neighborhood – Nature 38

We are lucky, our neighborhood and even yard have been visited regularly by many wild critters such as foxes, turtles, squirrels, raccoon and birds.

Image 1- A Purple Gallinule bird visited our neighborhood

We have posted some of those critters:

Image 2- Hiding Purple Gallinule

Our neighborhood just saw Purple Gallinule, a kind of beautiful bird, many of us include me never seen before.

Image 3- Clear picture of Purple Gallinule from Google

A rare species seen in rural areas said some of my neighbors when they were childhood.

However, Purple Gallinule is not list as endangered species yet, but its population is decreasing from time to time.

The birds can be seen in the states or region or foreign country such as:

- South Carolina
- Texas
- Southeastern of USA and Argentina

Have you seen Purple Gallinule in nature?

# Previous postings:


  1. Muito interessante este post, minha amiga.
    Muito Obrigado, pela partilha.
    Votos de uma excelente semana!

    Mário Margaride

  2. Have never seen this bird before...looks really cool!

  3. What a gorgeous bird!
    I've never seen anything like it!

  4. Thanks for this interesting post.

  5. Eso es porque vives un sitio hermoso.

    No, no la he visto nunca.

  6. It is indeed a very beautiful bird.
    Thanks for sharing how beautiful your eyes capture in nature.

    Returning from vacation, I thank you for your collaboration in my celebration of Friendship on the 'A Vivenciar' blog and I am pleased to inform you that I have reopened my poetry blog, linked to my profile. (click on my name) I publish alternately on both blogs.

    Rainbow, enjoy very well these last days of summer... A hug.

  7. Beautiful bird, you were lucky. I haven't seen him yet.

  8. Que bonito, cuanto colorido. Abrazos

  9. It is beautiful and enriching to see such a bird for the first time, I do not know it or have seen it, I like birds, but this one I do not think is in this area.
    Best regards.

  10. Hello :=) How exciting that this beautiful bird visited your neighbourhood.
    I have never seen one where I live.
    All the best

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Purple Gallinule Visited Our Neighborhood – Nature 38
      Image 1- A Purple Gallinule bird visited our neighborhood

      We have posted some of those critters:
      - Declining of Golden Swamp Warblers Population – Nature 35
      - The Four Weeks Old Baby Squirrel – Science 17
      - Rose breasted grosbeak Comes to Our Neighborhood – Nature 23
      - Crowned Heron Crawfishing Near Our Neighborhood – Part 1 – Nature 20
      - Wild Animals and Birds in my Backyard – Nature 8a
      - Alligator in the Nearby Neighborhood - Nature 7

  11. It is beautiful! We have a similar looking bird called Grey-headed Swamphen. They are quite abundant here.

  12. Hello,
    Great visitor, they are lovely birds. Their colors are beautiful. Sorry, I am late visiting this weekend. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy new week !


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