Monday, 8 August 2022

Newborn Sea Turtles are almost All Females – Science 16

I believe that we all know about global warming, and I just post about higher temperature in many cities across America:

- Higher Temperature due to Heat Island Effect – Science 15 

Image 1- A box turtle at our yard.

Increasing of temperatures has caused responds either positively or negatively by natures (animals).

Just for one example that in fact, eggs of sea turtles have hatching almost all female of new babies in many places in recent years.

Normally, ratio between female and male turtle babies was about 60% to 40% or 65% to 35%.

Image 2- Toy turtle, illustration

99% of females for newborn turtle has been found in the beaches include in the areas of:

- in Australian beaches
- in Florida, USA beach

Image 3- Turtle box came to backyard

As you might know that turtle gender is determined by temperature after fertilization. Few other animals are (examples only):

- alligators and crocodiles.
- some species of lizards

Then, temperature during eggs incubation in the beaches (sand) will decide turtle baby's sex:

- lower than 27.7 Celsius (81.9 F) degree will result in almost males
- higher than 31 Celsius (88.8 F) degree will hatch almost female

Now, you may guess why newborn turtles are tending to almost all females.

# Previous postings:


  1. I didn't know that turtle gender is determined by and learn.

    1. Newborn Sea Turtles are almost All Females – Science 16

  2. El cambio climático está afectando al planeta entero y a todas las especies.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Newborn Sea Turtles are almost All Females – Science 16
      I believe that we all know about global warming, and I just post about higher temperature in many cities across America:

      - Higher Temperature due to Heat Island Effect – Science 15

  3. Really, the repercussions of changing temperatures are much greater than we think, that was an aspect I had never thought of. And that alone should change many other things!

  4. I had no idea, thanks for the post.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Newborn Sea Turtles are almost All Females – Science 16
      Image 1- A box turtle at our yard.

      Increasing of temperatures has caused responds either positively or negatively by natures (animals).

      Just for one example that in fact, eggs of sea turtles have hatching almost all female of new babies in many places in recent years.

      Normally, ratio between female and male turtle babies was about 60% to 40% or 65% to 35%.

  5. Muito interessante este post, amiga. Aqui nos trazes úteis informações.
    Continuação de ótima semana.

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Newborn Sea Turtles are almost All Females – Science 16
      Image 2- Toy turtle, illustration

      99% of females for newborn turtle has been found in the beaches include in the areas of:

      - in Australian beaches
      - in Florida, USA beach

  6. Interesting info on the Box Turtle. They were close to being endangered here, too many people taking them home as pets. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Newborn Sea Turtles are almost All Females – Science 16
      I believe that we all know about global warming, and I just post about higher temperature in many cities across America:
      - Higher Temperature due to Heat Island Effect – Science 15

  7. Hello. Interesting post. Thank you.

  8. Hello, :=) All very interesting information about the Box Turtle. They are cute little creatures. I was not aware that the temperature determines the sex.

    1. Indeed....

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Newborn Sea Turtles are almost All Females – Science 16
      I believe that we all know about global warming, and I just post about higher temperature in many cities across America:
      - Higher Temperature due to Heat Island Effect – Science 15


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