Friday, 19 August 2022

Is America a Wine Exporting Country? - Part 1

The United States of America has produced wines a long long time ago, it is believed since about 1500s.

Image 1- Two brands of California wines

Then, all of 50 states have their own wine production now days.

Almost 90% of American wines are manufactured in California. Napa is the most famous wine county in this state.

It is related to the fact that California is the state with most wine consumption in the USA.

Then, since higher production, it is not surprising that USA is one of wine exporters in the world, based on report from World’s Top Exports (2021), USA was ranked 6th.

Image 2- Just for illustration

Image 3- Artwork of glass and bottle of wine

In the 2021, ranking by countries, measured by total export values in US dollars are following:

- France, total export value was US$11 billion
- Italy, total export value was $7.3 billion
- Spain, total export value was $3.5 billion
- Australia, total value was $2.2 billion
- Chile, total value was $2 billion
- United States, total value was $1.4 billion.

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:


  1. Olá amiga.
    Naturalmente que nos Estados Unidos há excelentes vinhos. Embora nunca tenha bebido nenhum, tenho a certeza que são de ótima qualidade.
    Votos de um excelente fim de semana.

    Mário Margaride

  2. Creo que ahí, en Napa se realizar un festival mundial de cata de vinos. Un abrazo. Carlos

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Is America Wine Exporting Country? - Part 1
      The United States of America has produced wines a long long time ago, it is believed since about 1500s.

  3. Exporting wine ... great.
    Have a nice weekend.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Is America Wine Exporting Country? - Part 1
      The United States of America has produced wines a long long time ago, it is believed since about 1500s.

  4. Some of wine from Napa are great! I miss Opus 1 :-)

  5. Interesting info though I don't drink wine.
    Have a great weekend!

  6. No he probado ningún vino de USA.
    A ver si me animo!!!

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Is America Wine Exporting Country? - Part 1
      Image 1- Two brands of California wines

      Then, all of 50 states have their own wine production now days.

      Almost 90% of American wines are manufactured in California. Napa is the most famous wine county in this state.

      It is related to the fact that California is the state with most wine consumption in the USA.

      Then, since higher production, it is not surprising that USA is one of wine exporters in the world, based on report from World’s Top Exports (2021), USA was ranked 6th.

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Is America Wine Exporting Country? - Part 1
      Image 3- Artwork of glass and bottle of wine

      In the 2021, ranking by countries, measured by total export values in US dollars are following:

      - France, total export value was US$11 billion
      - Italy, total export value was $7.3 billion
      - Spain, total export value was $3.5 billion
      - Australia, total value was $2.2 billion
      - Chile, total value was $2 billion
      - United States, total value was $1.4 billion.
      # To be continued to Part 2

      ## Previous postings:

      - A Bird on the Exit Sign in the Library – Part 2
      - Blueberry is One of Fruits Rich in Antioxidants – Food 13
      - Parks for Dogs in My City Baton Rouge, Louisiana – Part 1
      - Can Alzheimer's Disease be Passing Down from Parent to Child? - Part 2 - Alzheimer's 4.

  8. Muy interesante. Saludos y buen fin de semana

  9. Thanks for this interesting post.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Is America Wine Exporting Country? - Part 1
      The United States of America has produced wines a long long time ago, it is believed since about 1500s.


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