Thursday, 25 August 2022

Flooding after Raining in Our Neighborhood – Nature 37

Our neighborhood, always get flood in the last few years. Unbelievable, even the rains in just few hours.

Image 1- Flood in our neighborhood

What make neighborhood frustrated and even angry that flooding is then followed by these terrible things:

- blackout of electricity
- no internet connections
- stuck of cars in the middle of flood.

We wonder what does cause the flood in our neighborhood and city (Baton Rouge, LA?)

Image 2- A car in the middle of flooding

Image 3- Flood in front of houses

Image 4- A car crashes water

Image 5- Water in the yard

Image 6- Flooding in almost part of housing

Image 7- Disturbing in the middle of street

Image 8- Wandering pet after flooding

Based on flood risk assessment by “riskfactorcom” (2022) that our city, Baton Rouge has lower risk (26%) of flood until next 30 years.

So, why we get flood easily with little rain?

Some of our neighbors have interesting arguments that our neighborhood has faced with in-natural floods.

Flooding might relate to human activities such as:

- growing housing rapidly (uncontrollable) and lack of drainage system
- and less trees

What do you think?

# Previous postings:


  1. That's really annoying. Less trees is definitely not the reason...I can see that the place is so green.

    1. Thanks-
      Flooding after Raining in Our Neighborhood – Nature 37
      Our neighborhood, always get flood in the last few years. Unbelievable, even the rains in just few hours.

  2. Pienso que a la hora de construir no se tiene en cuenta a la naturaleza.
    Eso propicia muchas desgracias.

  3. Infelizmente, é uma realidade um pouco por todo o lado.
    Aqui em Portugal, também acontece situações dessas.
    Votos de um excelente fim de semana.

    Mário Margaride

  4. We have retention ponds in our neighbors that help with the overflow of rain water. It's hard to know how to address the problem with so many houses being built.

  5. Hello,
    The flooded road looks terrible, they say people should not drive on flooded roads. Cute doggie, I hope it is not lost. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend.

  6. Lack of drainage seems to be the cause. Otherwise looks like a lovely neighbourhood.


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