Monday, 29 August 2022

Purple Gallinule Visited Our Neighborhood – Nature 38

We are lucky, our neighborhood and even yard have been visited regularly by many wild critters such as foxes, turtles, squirrels, raccoon and birds.

Image 1- A Purple Gallinule bird visited our neighborhood

We have posted some of those critters:

Image 2- Hiding Purple Gallinule

Our neighborhood just saw Purple Gallinule, a kind of beautiful bird, many of us include me never seen before.

Image 3- Clear picture of Purple Gallinule from Google

A rare species seen in rural areas said some of my neighbors when they were childhood.

However, Purple Gallinule is not list as endangered species yet, but its population is decreasing from time to time.

The birds can be seen in the states or region or foreign country such as:

- South Carolina
- Texas
- Southeastern of USA and Argentina

Have you seen Purple Gallinule in nature?

# Previous postings:

Saturday, 27 August 2022

What does Hypertension Mean? - Part 2 – Cardiovascular 3

You may read previous post (Part 1):

- What does Hypertension Mean? - Part 1 – Cardiovascular 3

Image 1- A plant, just for illustration

It can be in pulmonary artery (pulmonary hypertension) or in aorta (arterial/systemic hypertension).

We will discuss in the next coming articles.

In term of level, we call hypertension when blood pressure reaches 140/90 mmHg or even higher.

Quite surprising fact that there is 1 of 3 person gets high blood pressure worldwide.

Image 2- Accessories, illustration.

The hypertension leads to many diseases include kidney diseases, stroke and heart attacks.

Image 3- A factory outlet, illustration

On the other hand, the lower blood pressure the lower risk to get these diseases.

At figure of previous post (part 1): What does Hypertension Mean? - Part 1 – Cardiovascular 3, there are simple ways to prevent hypertension without medication:

+ 1. Healthy diet such as low-fat products, fruit, vegetable and grains
+ 2. Physical activity (doing exercise regularly)
+ 3. Avoiding smoke (cigarette could increase blood pressure immediately)
+ 4. Avoid drinking alcohol; and 5. Managing stress (enjoy and relax).

# Previous postings:

Thursday, 25 August 2022

Flooding after Raining in Our Neighborhood – Nature 37

Our neighborhood, always get flood in the last few years. Unbelievable, even the rains in just few hours.

Image 1- Flood in our neighborhood

What make neighborhood frustrated and even angry that flooding is then followed by these terrible things:

- blackout of electricity
- no internet connections
- stuck of cars in the middle of flood.

We wonder what does cause the flood in our neighborhood and city (Baton Rouge, LA?)

Image 2- A car in the middle of flooding

Image 3- Flood in front of houses

Image 4- A car crashes water

Image 5- Water in the yard

Image 6- Flooding in almost part of housing

Image 7- Disturbing in the middle of street

Image 8- Wandering pet after flooding

Based on flood risk assessment by “riskfactorcom” (2022) that our city, Baton Rouge has lower risk (26%) of flood until next 30 years.

So, why we get flood easily with little rain?

Some of our neighbors have interesting arguments that our neighborhood has faced with in-natural floods.

Flooding might relate to human activities such as:

- growing housing rapidly (uncontrollable) and lack of drainage system
- and less trees

What do you think?

# Previous postings:

Tuesday, 23 August 2022

Does Red Bell Pepper Contain more Vitamin C than Orange? - Part 2– Food 21

You may read the previous posting (Part 1):

- Does Red Bell Pepper Contain more Vitamin C than Orange? - Part 1 – Food 21

Fig 01- Sliced papaya, rich in vitamin C

Vitamin C in the medium size orange is 69.7 mg

Vitamin C in the cup of chopped red bell pepper is 190 mg, about three times of vitamin C in the orange.

You might surprise with the fact. In addition to vitamin C, red pepper contain highly vitamin A as well.

Vitamin A is well known for its benefit to promote our eye health.


Fig 02- Plants sold in community market, illustration only

Fig 03- several colors of bell peppers

Other fruit and vegetable contain more vitamin C than an orange as reported by Christine Matthels (Health, January 27, 2020) are:

- Chili, Kale, Broccoli
- Papaya, Strawberry
- Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts
- Pineapple
- Kiwi and Mango

Now, we understand that a lot of alternatives as sources of vitamin C in addition to oranges.

# Previous postings:

Sunday, 21 August 2022

Swap Plants at Our City Botanical Garden

We visit our city botanical garden routinely, just to get “fresh air” and walking (jogging) for several miles.

Image 1- Plants in the botanical garden, seasonal market

Unexpectedly, we saw a lot of people than usual, there was a kind of “market” for plants.

There are plenty types of plants, not all are sold, but generally divided into two sections:

- swap plants
- and price tag plants

Due to curiosity, we try to find out: what are meaning of swap plants in this occasion?

Image 2- Customers look around

Image 3- A huge cactus

Image 04- Plants on the Table

Image 5- Bargaining to swap plants

Swap plants have happened when there is an agreement between sellers and customers to exchange their plants.

The exchange could be based on:

- market price
- type of plants
- sellers and customers just happy to swap their plants.

In addition to swap plants, there are sections of selling plants with price tag. I think the price is quite reasonable from US$ 1 to US$ 15.

Have you experienced to swap plants in the specific market?

# Previous postings:

Friday, 19 August 2022

Is America a Wine Exporting Country? - Part 1

The United States of America has produced wines a long long time ago, it is believed since about 1500s.

Image 1- Two brands of California wines

Then, all of 50 states have their own wine production now days.

Almost 90% of American wines are manufactured in California. Napa is the most famous wine county in this state.

It is related to the fact that California is the state with most wine consumption in the USA.

Then, since higher production, it is not surprising that USA is one of wine exporters in the world, based on report from World’s Top Exports (2021), USA was ranked 6th.

Image 2- Just for illustration

Image 3- Artwork of glass and bottle of wine

In the 2021, ranking by countries, measured by total export values in US dollars are following:

- France, total export value was US$11 billion
- Italy, total export value was $7.3 billion
- Spain, total export value was $3.5 billion
- Australia, total value was $2.2 billion
- Chile, total value was $2 billion
- United States, total value was $1.4 billion.

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:

Wednesday, 17 August 2022

The White Spider Lily at our City Garden – Nature 36

When we visit our city garden about few weeks ago, surprisingly we saw white spider lily at the corner of garden for the first time.

Image 1- White spider lily

One of gardeners told us that white spider lily with scientific name Hymenocallis caroliniana is a rare plant, especially in our area.

Actually, this plant is native plant of these countries (regions):

- Mexico
- and Central America

I don’t know whether true or not as said by gardener that this white spider lily is easy to grow and take care.

Image 2- Crab spider with its web at the yard

Image 3- White spider lily at city garden

Be careful that lily plants are generally toxic, all parts of the plant are considered toxic:

- leaves
- flowers
- stem
- and pollen.

If we grow in the vase, the water in past harmful too, especially for cats, dogs and other pets.

Do you know white spider lily? Have you seen the plant?

# Previous postings:

Monday, 15 August 2022

Why does Gum Disease cause Alzheimer's?- Part 2 - Alzheimer's 8

 You may read the previous post (Part 1):

- Why does Gum Disease cause Alzheimer's?- Part 1 - Alzheimer's 8

Image 1- Gum infections (Credit: Shutterstock)

There is a wide range of bacteria in our mouth.One of them is Porphymonas gingivalis, causes the gum disease.

The big group of bacteria grow and forming a plaque, and the worse one they release toxins and cause inflammation.

Once the oral cavity is infected by P. gingivalis, they may access the brain through some pathway including: cranial nerves, monocytes, endothelial cell in the blood brain barriers.

Image 2- People, illustration only

Image 3- Plants sold in the market, illustration

When P. gingivalis enter the brain, they spread slowly for years and also damage neuron to neuron.

Gum disease or gingivitis is common and preventable. Symptoms include:

- swollen
- red
- and tender gums.

Regular dentist visits are important for gum disease prevention and treatments.

Treatment includes professionally cleaning around teeth to prevent bone damage. Prevention can begin at home by brushing and flossing twice a day.

# Previous postings:

Saturday, 13 August 2022

The Four Weeks Old Baby Squirrel – Science 17

The squirrel is one of wild critters has been living in our neighborhoods. Others include crocodiles, raccoon and birds.

Image 1- A baby girl squirrel

Some of our neighborhood critters have been published in this blogger:

We just found 2 babies' squirrel about 4 weeks ago on the our yard. I believe they fall down from a tree, a tall tree off course.

Image 2- A little puppy and getting strong

When we found, one has already dead. Another one didn't have any injuries at all, and quite amazing that a baby squirrel is still alive with us now.

Image 3- She eager to play

Vets told us that hard to take care newborn babies squirrel even for an experienced rehabber, the baby highly possibly still die.

Image 4- She is milking

Just to let you know that squirrels are mating and birthing twice a year in our areas (state):

- around December to February
- June to August

Period of gestation is up to 46 days, but no less than 38 days. After three months, squirrel babies should be able to eat foods from nature such as:

- vegetables
- nuts or seeds
- and fruit

# Previous postings:

A little cutie Bunny at the Corner

 When jogging in the Saturday morning recently, we saw a bunny. She is very s uper friendly critter! Image - A super friendly bunny. We beli...