Tuesday, 12 July 2022

The Proper Times to Take Pills – Part 1 – Healthy Life 22

As you might know that our body has a biological clock. Hence, functions of organs in our body follow circadian rhythms, 24 hour cycles.

Image 1- OTC drugs at a Pharmacy

We may divide the body rhythms in at least 4 different times or activities (please read Emily Anthes, published in The Atlantic, August 18, 2020):

1) Morning

- Increasing of our body temperature, blood pressure, cortisol levels and heart rate.

2) Mid- morning time

- our body at the level of most vigilant

Image 2- A corner of our city

Image 3- A flower of Gerbera Daisy

3) Afternoon hours

- Increasing of body temperature, and reach peak at around 4 PM. Hence, it will drive the performance of our body to the peak point in terms of organization, flexibility, and strength.

4) Night

- pineal gland starts to release melatonin
- when we are sleeping (resting time), circadian rhythms may cause increasing level of gastric acid.

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:


  1. Realmente é uma grande verdade, a noite tenho aumento de ácido gástrico.
    É muito desagradável!


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      The Proper Times to Take Pills – Part 1 – Healthy Life 22
      As you might know that our body has a biological clock. Hence, functions of organs in our body follow circadian rhythms, 24 hour cycles.

  2. Always good to know how your body functions...thank you for sharing!

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      The Proper Times to Take Pills – Part 1 – Healthy Life 22
      Image 1- OTC drugs at a Pharmacy

      We may divide the body rhythms in at least 4 different times or activities (please read Emily Anthes, published in The Atlantic, August 18, 2020):

      1) Morning
      - Increasing of our body temperature, blood pressure, cortisol levels and heart rate.

      2) Mid- morning time
      - our body at the level of most vigilant

  3. Uau, I didn't know that.
    Thanks for the advices

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      The Proper Times to Take Pills – Part 1 – Healthy Life 22
      Image 3- A flower of Gerbera Daisy

      3) Afternoon hours
      - Increasing of body temperature, and reach peak at around 4 PM. Hence, it will drive the performance of our body to the peak point in terms of organization, flexibility, and strength.

      4) Night
      - pineal gland starts to release melatonin
      - when we are sleeping (resting time), circadian rhythms may cause increasing level of gastric acid.

      # To be continued to Part 2

      ## Previous postings:
      - Hurricane Ida Hit Our Neighborhood – Nature 11
      - Will Wild Horses Able to Ride Out Hurricane? - Part 1 – Nature 12
      - The Prodigy Kid - Marla Olmstead’s Paintings – Part 1 - Art 3
      - Will Wild Horses Able to Ride Out Hurricane? - Part 2 – Nature 12

  4. Muy interesante. Bonitas fotos. Un abrazo.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      The Proper Times to Take Pills – Part 1 – Healthy Life 22
      As you might know that our body has a biological clock. Hence, functions of organs in our body follow circadian rhythms, 24 hour cycles.

  5. El saber no ocupa lugar y una cosa más´que nos has enseñado . Un beso.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      The Proper Times to Take Pills – Part 1 – Healthy Life 22
      Image 1- OTC drugs at a Pharmacy

      We may divide the body rhythms in at least 4 different times or activities (please read Emily Anthes, published in The Atlantic, August 18, 2020):

      1) Morning
      - Increasing of our body temperature, blood pressure, cortisol levels and heart rate.

      2) Mid- morning time
      - our body at the level of most vigilant

  6. Esta vez sí que lo sabía.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      The Proper Times to Take Pills – Part 1 – Healthy Life 22
      Image 3- A flower of Gerbera Daisy

      3) Afternoon hours
      - Increasing of body temperature, and reach peak at around 4 PM. Hence, it will drive the performance of our body to the peak point in terms of organization, flexibility, and strength.

      4) Night
      - pineal gland starts to release melatonin
      - when we are sleeping (resting time), circadian rhythms may cause increasing level of gastric acid.

      # To be continued to Part 2

      ## Previous postings:
      - Hurricane Ida Hit Our Neighborhood – Nature 11
      - Will Wild Horses Able to Ride Out Hurricane? - Part 1 – Nature 12
      - The Prodigy Kid - Marla Olmstead’s Paintings – Part 1 - Art 3
      - Will Wild Horses Able to Ride Out Hurricane? - Part 2 – Nature 12

  7. It's good to pay attention to your body.

  8. Interesting. I never thought about how our body changes throughout the day.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      The Proper Times to Take Pills – Part 1 – Healthy Life 22


A little cutie Bunny at the Corner

 When jogging in the Saturday morning recently, we saw a bunny. She is very s uper friendly critter! Image - A super friendly bunny. We beli...