Friday, 22 July 2022

Stretching to Prevent Leg Cramps - Healthy Life 23

I used to have muscle cramp, how about you? Have you had experiences muscle cramps in your leg?

Image 1- Grits and pickled jalapenos for breakfast after stretching

Some sources (please search through internet) mentioned the causes of muscle cramps as the following:

-long period exercise
-tired muscle

Image 2- Flowers, just for illustration

Even muscle cramps are harmless or they might be a common problem that affect on anyone, the experience of cramps could lead to:

-reduce quality of our life
-reduce quality of sleep
-reduce our daily activities

Image 3- A little sweet snack

Depending of severity and frequency of the symptoms of muscle cramps, the treatments can be invasive and non invasive.

Some of us prefer to take medications to prevent-leg-cramps, or alternative medications, such as acupuncture or dry-needling. 

Image 4- Pumpkins, illustration only

Non-drugs treatments are also effective to prevent-leg-cramps, such as:

-massage and relaxation
-change sleeping and sitting position
-heat therapy, physical exercise and stretching

Stretching, many benefit of it. Stretching can ease pain and improve flexibility. Muscle stretching, 10 seconds calf muscle stretching three times a day for 2 months can treat and prevent musle cramps in the leg.

At last, beside stretching or any non-drugs treatments, staying hydrate is important to prevent the leg cramps.

# Previous postings:


  1. I just finished my morning workout and stretching. Muscle cramps are seriously painful.

    1. I see...

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Stretching to Prevent Leg Cramps - Healthy Life 23
      I used to have muscle cramp, how about you? Have you had experiences muscle cramps in your leg?

    2. Stretching to Prevent Leg Cramps - Healthy Life 23

  2. No suelo tener calambres.
    De todas formas gracias por la información.


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Stretching to Prevent Leg Cramps - Healthy Life 23
      Image 1- Grits and pickled jalapenos for breakfast after stretching

      Some sources (please search through internet) mentioned the causes of muscle cramps as the following:
      -long period exercise
      -tired muscle

  3. Very useful tips. Thank you. The recipe looks great!

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Stretching to Prevent Leg Cramps - Healthy Life 23
      Image 2- Flowers, just for illustration

      Even muscle cramps are harmless or they might be a common problem that affect on anyone, the experience of cramps could lead to:
      -reduce quality of our life
      -reduce quality of sleep
      -reduce our daily activities

  4. Muy importante porque a mi de vez en cuando no veas que dolor cuando te dan por la noche que hasta te despiertan . Un beso y gracias.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Stretching to Prevent Leg Cramps - Healthy Life 23
      Image 3- A little sweet snack

      Depending of severity and frequency of the symptoms of muscle cramps, the treatments can be invasive and non invasive.

      Some of us prefer to take medications to prevent-leg-cramps, or alternative medications, such as acupuncture or dry-needling.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Stretching to Prevent Leg Cramps - Healthy Life 23
      Image 4- Pumpkins, illustration only

      Non-drugs treatments are also effective to prevent-leg-cramps, such as:
      -massage and relaxation
      -change sleeping and sitting position
      -heat therapy, physical exercise and stretching

      Stretching, many benefit of it. Stretching can ease pain and improve flexibility. Muscle stretching, 10 seconds calf muscle stretching three times a day for 2 months can treat and prevent musle cramps in the leg.

      At last, beside stretching or any non-drugs treatments, staying hydrate is important to prevent the leg cramps.

      # Previous postings:

      - The Disease that Kills 28.4 million People – Part 3 - Cardiovascular 2
      - A Traditional Product of Louisiana – King Cake – Part 1
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : Organic Vs Natural Foods – Part 3 – Food 9
      - A Traditional Product of Louisiana – King Cake – Part 2

  6. Stretching is a very good tip.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Stretching to Prevent Leg Cramps - Healthy Life 23
      I used to have muscle cramp, how about you? Have you had experiences muscle cramps in your leg?

  7. Thanks for the advice, I'll give it a try.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Stretching to Prevent Leg Cramps - Healthy Life 23
      Image 1- Grits and pickled jalapenos for breakfast after stretching

      Some sources (please search through internet) mentioned the causes of muscle cramps as the following:
      -long period exercise
      -tired muscle

  8. Los jalapeños como que no me hacen mucho, pero esas flores y esa calabaza... <3 Me encantan.

    Un abrazo,


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Stretching to Prevent Leg Cramps - Healthy Life 23
      Image 2- Flowers, just for illustration

      Even muscle cramps are harmless or they might be a common problem that affect on anyone, the experience of cramps could lead to:
      -reduce quality of our life
      -reduce quality of sleep
      -reduce our daily activities

  9. Olá amiga.
    Por acaso acontece-me de vez em quando ter cãibras. Está tua dica é muito importante.

    Votos de um excelente fim de semana!

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Stretching to Prevent Leg Cramps - Healthy Life 23
      Image 3- A little sweet snack

      Depending of severity and frequency of the symptoms of muscle cramps, the treatments can be invasive and non invasive.

      Some of us prefer to take medications to prevent-leg-cramps, or alternative medications, such as acupuncture or dry-needling.

  10. La verdad es que son dolorosos. Gracias por los consejos. saludos.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Stretching to Prevent Leg Cramps - Healthy Life 23


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