Friday, 8 July 2022

Size of Bluebirds Birdhouse at the Backyard – Nature 31

Many ways to attract bluebirds to visit and stay a while at backyard, for me, one of methods is to design proper birdhouse.

Image 1- Blue bird and her house

Wild birds, especially songbirds like bluebird need right size which comfortable space for:

- adult birds to go and come to bring foods from outside for their new babies and mates

- proper base size to put eggs safely for incubation

- proper large size will accommodate baby birds to grow well until reach time to leave the birdhouse.

Image 2- Yellow flowers in the garden

Image 3- Nesting inside birdhouse

As you might know that there are 3 different types of bluebirds:

- Eastern bluebirds
- Western bluebirds
- and Mountain bluebirds

Based on my knowledge, our state, Louisiana has a lot of Eastern bluebird. Hence, the size of birdhouse is design for this Eastern bluebird.

Entry Hole is important part with diameter size is 3.81 cm (1,5 inches), and box size could be 12.7 x 25.4 cm (5 x 10 inches) square.

What do you think?

# Previous postings:


  1. That's great, thanks for the info.
    Have a nice weekend.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Size of Bluebirds Birdhouse at the Backyard – Nature 31
      Many ways to attract bluebirds to visit and stay a while at backyard, for me, one of methods is to design proper birdhouse.

    2. Size of Bluebirds Birdhouse at the Backyard – Nature 31

  2. Custom made birdhouse, that's great for the wee birds.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Size of Bluebirds Birdhouse at the Backyard – Nature 31
      Image 1- Blue bird and her house

      Wild birds, especially songbirds like bluebird need right size which comfortable space for:

      - adult birds to go and come to bring foods from otside for their new babies and mates
      - proper base size to put eggs safely for incubation
      - proper large size will accommodate baby birds to grow well until reach time to leave the birdhouse.

    2. Size of Bluebirds Birdhouse at the Backyard – Nature 31

  3. Rcuerdo, cuando era niño mi padre en el solar de la casa, construía casitas para estos pájaros visistantes- Qu+ alegría su presencia. Un abrazo. Carlos

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Size of Bluebirds Birdhouse at the Backyard – Nature 31
      Image 3- Nesting inside birdhouse

      As you might know that there are 3 different types of bluebirds:
      - Eastern bluebirds
      - Western bluebirds
      - and Mountain bluebirds

      Based on my knowledge, our state, Louisiana has a lot of Eastern bluebird. Hence, the size of birdhouse is design for this Eastern bluebird.

      Entry Hole is important part with diameter size is 3.81 cm (1,5 inches), and box size could be 12.7 x 25.4 cm (5 x 10 inches) square.

      What do you think?

      # Previous postings:

      - Do you know about E. coli Bacteria? - part 1 - Healthy Life 12
      - Birds Fly Over Our Backyard – Nature 10
      - Do you know about E. coli Bacteria? - part 2 - Healthy Life 12
      - Why the Free Meals Program could Attract Kids to Come to Library?

  4. The bluebird looks so pretty and thanks for sharing the information.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Size of Bluebirds Birdhouse at the Backyard – Nature 31
      Many ways to attract bluebirds to visit and stay a while at backyard, for me, one of methods is to design proper birdhouse.

  5. Olá amiga.
    Muito interessante este teu post. São muito belos estes pássaros azuis.
    Ótima partilha!
    Votos de um excelente fim de semana.

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Size of Bluebirds Birdhouse at the Backyard – Nature 31
      Image 1- Blue bird and her house

      Wild birds, especially songbirds like bluebird need right size which comfortable space for:

      - adult birds to go and come to bring foods from otside for their new babies and mates
      - proper base size to put eggs safely for incubation
      - proper large size will accommodate baby birds to grow well until reach time to leave the birdhouse.

  6. Não sei se existem muitos pássaros azuis, mas sei, que estes aquo mostrados são fascinantes.
    Feliz fim de semana. Cumprimentos.
    Pensamentos e Devaneios Poéticos

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Size of Bluebirds Birdhouse at the Backyard – Nature 31

  7. Ces couleurs sont magnifiques

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Size of Bluebirds Birdhouse at the Backyard – Nature 31
      Image 3- Nesting inside birdhouse

      As you might know that there are 3 different types of bluebirds:
      - Eastern bluebirds
      - Western bluebirds
      - and Mountain bluebirds

      Based on my knowledge, our state, Louisiana has a lot of Eastern bluebird. Hence, the size of birdhouse is design for this Eastern bluebird.

      Entry Hole is important part with diameter size is 3.81 cm (1,5 inches), and box size could be 12.7 x 25.4 cm (5 x 10 inches) square.

      What do you think?

      # Previous postings:
      - Do you know about E. coli Bacteria? - part 1 - Healthy Life 12
      - Birds Fly Over Our Backyard – Nature 10
      - Do you know about E. coli Bacteria? - part 2 - Healthy Life 12
      - Why the Free Meals Program could Attract Kids to Come to Library?

  8. We feed the birds and have a birdbath to attract travelers. The bluebirds are here around April in South Carolina. I am not sure where they go after visiting here in the spring.

    1. glad to know about bluebird in your area....

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Size of Bluebirds Birdhouse at the Backyard – Nature 31
      Many ways to attract bluebirds to visit and stay a while at backyard, for me, one of methods is to design proper birdhouse.

  9. Que lindo pajarito, buenas noches , feliz fin de semana. Besotes.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Size of Bluebirds Birdhouse at the Backyard – Nature 31
      Image 1- Blue bird and her house

      Wild birds, especially songbirds like bluebird need right size which comfortable space for:

      - adult birds to go and come to bring foods from otside for their new babies and mates
      - proper base size to put eggs safely for incubation
      - proper large size will accommodate baby birds to grow well until reach time to leave the birdhouse.

  10. Lindo pássaro, para fazer morada, ele gosta de casa e comida!
    Bom fim de semana.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Size of Bluebirds Birdhouse at the Backyard – Nature 31
      Image 3- Nesting inside birdhouse

      As you might know that there are 3 different types of bluebirds:
      - Eastern bluebirds
      - Western bluebirds
      - and Mountain bluebirds

      Based on my knowledge, our state, Louisiana has a lot of Eastern bluebird. Hence, the size of birdhouse is design for this Eastern bluebird.

      Entry Hole is important part with diameter size is 3.81 cm (1,5 inches), and box size could be 12.7 x 25.4 cm (5 x 10 inches) square.

      What do you think?

      # Previous postings:
      - Do you know about E. coli Bacteria? - part 1 - Healthy Life 12
      - Birds Fly Over Our Backyard – Nature 10
      - Do you know about E. coli Bacteria? - part 2 - Healthy Life 12
      - Why the Free Meals Program could Attract Kids to Come to Library?

  11. Hello!! A really great post, thanks for sharing it.


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Size of Bluebirds Birdhouse at the Backyard – Nature 31
      Many ways to attract bluebirds to visit and stay a while at backyard, for me, one of methods is to design proper birdhouse.

  12. Qué bonito es!!!
    Una muy buena idea.


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Size of Bluebirds Birdhouse at the Backyard – Nature 31
      Image 1- Blue bird and her house

      Wild birds, especially songbirds like bluebird need right size which comfortable space for:

      - adult birds to go and come to bring foods from otside for their new babies and mates
      - proper base size to put eggs safely for incubation
      - proper large size will accommodate baby birds to grow well until reach time to leave the birdhouse.

  13. Hello,
    Beautiful Bluebird, they are one of my favorite birds. I love the pretty flowers. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Size of Bluebirds Birdhouse at the Backyard – Nature 31

  14. Yes, proper design makes a lot of difference. Lovely Bluebird.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Size of Bluebirds Birdhouse at the Backyard – Nature 31

  15. I love the brilliant blue of the bluebird! What a beauty!

  16. Hello, :=) The Blue Bird Is a beautiful bird, that brilliant blue colour is astonishing. Unfortunately we don't have these beautiful birds in Portugal.
    Your bird house is very well made.
    All the best.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Size of Bluebirds Birdhouse at the Backyard – Nature 31


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