Friday, 1 July 2022

Little Libraries in our Neighborhood

We, our neighborhood have “creative” way to swap the books, by creating a kind of little libraries.

Image 1- A little library attached to the wall

People in our neighborhood also call this little library as:

- books swap box
- books donation bin

Uniquely, this library opens 24 hours a week, no holiday, no closing hours and sure, no librarians.


Image 2- A street, just for illustration

Image 3- Another little library

Image 4- We can open library by ourselves

It is because there is no lock, hence, everyone can “open and close” the library anytime they wish. Then, what the meaning of books swap?

A neighbor can take one book, but he or she leaves one in its place. So, a neighbor has a book to put in there when taking one.

She or he can do it again and again in other days. In addition to swap, a neighbor may donate books as many as she or he wish.

I read from internet that this tradition was start in Europe. Many European countries practicing this kind of books swap.

How about with your country? Are there books swap tradition?

# Previous postings:


  1. I love little free libraries. Regine

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Little Libraries in our Neighborhood
      We, our neighborhood has “creative” way to swap the books, by creating a kind of little libraries.

    2. Little Libraries in our Neighborhood

  2. Que buena idea, me encanta, sería asidua de esa biblioteca. Un abrazo.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Little Libraries in our Neighborhood
      Image 1- A little library attached to the wall

      People in our neighborhood also call this little library as:
      - books swap box
      - books donation bin

      Uniquely, this library opens 24 hours a week, no holiday, no closing hours and sure, no librarians.


  3. Me gusta la iniciativa, es una buena manera de incrementar la lectura y compartir libros. Un beso, feliz fin de semana

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Little Libraries in our Neighborhood
      We, our neighborhood has “creative” way to swap the books, by creating a kind of little libraries.

  4. We have similar one here too..actually we just donated some books last week.

    1. glad to hear you donated books....

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Little Libraries in our Neighborhood
      Image 1- A little library attached to the wall

      People in our neighborhood also call this little library as:
      - books swap box
      - books donation bin

      Uniquely, this library opens 24 hours a week, no holiday, no closing hours and sure, no librarians.


  5. Hello!! This is so great!! Thanks for the pictures.


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Little Libraries in our Neighborhood
      Image 4- We can open library by ourselves

      It is because there is no lock, hence, everyone can “open and close” the library anytime they wish. Then, what the meaning of books swap?

      A neighbor can take one book, but he or she leaves one in its place. So, a neighbor has a book to put in there when taking one.

      She or he can do it again and again in other days. In addition to swap, a neighbor may donate books as many as she or he wish.

      I read from internet that this tradition was start in Europe. Many European countries practicing this kind of books swap.

      How about with your country? Are there books swap tradition?

      # Previous postings:

      - Can Six Dolar Drug Kill Covid 19 Virus? - Healthy Life 3
      - Hot Summer in the USA – Temperature above 40 Celsius degree – Nature 6
      - Which One Has Vitamin C more - Red Bell Pepper or Orange? - Healthy Life 4
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : Alligator in the Nearby Neighborhood - Nature 7

  6. Qué buena idea!!!
    Aquí no se hace eso.


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Little Libraries in our Neighborhood
      We, our neighborhood has “creative” way to swap the books, by creating a kind of little libraries.

  7. Thanks to visit my blog-
    Little Libraries in our Neighborhood
    Image 4- We can open library by ourselves

    It is because there is no lock, hence, everyone can “open and close” the library anytime they wish. Then, what the meaning of books swap?

    A neighbor can take one book, but he or she leaves one in its place. So, a neighbor has a book to put in there when taking one.

    She or he can do it again and again in other days. In addition to swap, a neighbor may donate books as many as she or he wish.

    I read from internet that this tradition was start in Europe. Many European countries practicing this kind of books swap.

    How about with your country? Are there books swap tradition?

    # Previous postings:

    - Can Six Dolar Drug Kill Covid 19 Virus? - Healthy Life 3
    - Hot Summer in the USA – Temperature above 40 Celsius degree – Nature 6
    - Which One Has Vitamin C more - Red Bell Pepper or Orange? - Healthy Life 4
    - The Rainbow Before Evening : Alligator in the Nearby Neighborhood - Nature 7

  8. We have a few of these free little libraries, I always find a book and leave a book.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Little Libraries in our Neighborhood
      Image 1- A little library attached to the wall

      People in our neighborhood also call this little library as:
      - books swap box
      - books donation bin

      Uniquely, this library opens 24 hours a week, no holiday, no closing hours and sure, no librarians.



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