Thursday, 14 July 2022

Is Rising Price due to Greedflation?

When we are shopping to Walmart grocery, we always pick a bucket of 8 pieces fried chicken.

Image 1- A bucket of fried chicken

8 pieces quite fresh, crunchy and delicious. The bucket of fried chicken consists of:

- two thighs
- two wings
- two breasts
- and two drumsticks

What surprise us that the price increases at unbelievable rate, about 50% compared to few months ago, from just US$ 6 to more than US$ 9 nowadays.


Image 2- Fried chicken in the bucket

Image 3- Eight pieces fried chicken

Off course, the company or corporate blames to many things that cause rising in price such as: decreasing supply, disturbing in distribution (transportation) and gasoline price

However, the fact shows different story that many companies include in food industries profit billion of dollars.

Then, inflation rate is 9.1% only, even thought the highest in last 40 years. Much less than price increasing.

Corporate get too much profit. Greedy.

Hence, should we call it greedflation? What do you think?

# Previous postings:


  1. It sounds greedy to me.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Is Rising Price due to Greedflation?
      When we are shopping to Walmart grocery, we always pick a bucket of 8 pieces fried chicken.

  2. The farmers get the least..the most profits always go to the big corporates.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Is Rising Price due to Greedflation?
      Image 1- A bucket of fried chicken

      8 pieces quite fresh, crunchy and delicious. The bucket of fried chicken consists of:
      - two thighs
      - two wings
      - two breasts
      - and two drumsticks

      What surprise us that the price increases at unbelievable rate, about 35% compared to few months ago, from just US$ 6 to more than US$ 8 nowadays.


  3. Son ellas mismas las que disminuyen la oferta, para encarecer el producto. Un abrazo. Carlos

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Is Rising Price due to Greedflation?
      Image 3- Eight pieces fried chicken

      Off course, the company or corporate blames to many things that cause rising in price such as: decreasing supply, disturbing in distribution (transportation) and gasoline price

      However, the fact shows different story that many companies include in food industries profit billion of dollars.

      Then, inflation rate is 9.1% only, even thought the highest in last 40 years. Much less than price increasing.

      Corporate get too much profit. Greedy.

      Hence, should we call it greedflation? What do you think?

      # Previous postings:
      - Growing Tabasco Peppers in My Yard – Part 1
      - Recreational Fishing in the Louisiana – Part 2 – Nature 13
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : Growing Tabasco Peppers in My Yard – Part 2
      - Why the Moon Has Thousands of Small Aliens? - Part 1 – Science 7

  4. A inflação está em todos os países!
    Aqui está um absurdo, tudo aumenta de preço todos os dias!


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Is Rising Price due to Greedflation?
      When we are shopping to Walmart grocery, we always pick a bucket of 8 pieces fried chicken.

  5. Una buena pinta y crujiente, pero la pena es que el beneficio se lo llevan los intermediarios.
    Un abrazo.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Is Rising Price due to Greedflation?
      Image 1- A bucket of fried chicken

      8 pieces quite fresh, crunchy and delicious. The bucket of fried chicken consists of:
      - two thighs
      - two wings
      - two breasts
      - and two drumsticks

      What surprise us that the price increases at unbelievable rate, about 35% compared to few months ago, from just US$ 6 to more than US$ 8 nowadays.


  6. When is the inflation going to end? Though these chickens would look delish once cooked in oven!

    1. not in near future .....

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Is Rising Price due to Greedflation?
      Image 3- Eight pieces fried chicken

      Off course, the company or corporate blames to many things that cause rising in price such as: decreasing supply, disturbing in distribution (transportation) and gasoline price

      However, the fact shows different story that many companies include in food industries profit billion of dollars.

      Then, inflation rate is 9.1% only, even thought the highest in last 40 years. Much less than price increasing.

      Corporate get too much profit. Greedy.

      Hence, should we call it greedflation? What do you think?

      # Previous postings:
      - Growing Tabasco Peppers in My Yard – Part 1
      - Recreational Fishing in the Louisiana – Part 2 – Nature 13
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : Growing Tabasco Peppers in My Yard – Part 2
      - Why the Moon Has Thousands of Small Aliens? - Part 1 – Science 7

  7. Yes, many companies use inflation as an excuse to increase their profits.

    1. Indeed....

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Is Rising Price due to Greedflation?
      When we are shopping to Walmart grocery, we always pick a bucket of 8 pieces fried chicken.

  8. Coincido con el comentario de Linda.
    Y las empresas han de colaborar en la lucha contra la inflación reduciendo una parte de sus beneficios.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Is Rising Price due to Greedflation?
      Image 1- A bucket of fried chicken

      8 pieces quite fresh, crunchy and delicious. The bucket of fried chicken consists of:
      - two thighs
      - two wings
      - two breasts
      - and two drumsticks

      What surprise us that the price increases at unbelievable rate, about 35% compared to few months ago, from just US$ 6 to more than US$ 8 nowadays.



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