Saturday, 4 June 2022

Purple Bell Peppers in the Farmer Market – Food 14

We visit nearby farmer market couple days ago. It was quite surprisingly, we saw first time the purple bell peppers.

You may see the photos that we took.

Image 1- Purple Bell Peppers

These purple peppers have the same shapes compared to other color of bell peppers like:

- green
- red
- or yellow peppers

Actually, the bell peppers not really “solid” purple, but kind of “stripes” purple.

Image 2- Three Purple Bell Peppers

Searching through internet, we found many source, one of them reported by Goldy, R (2012: Green bell pepper showing purple striping due to cool temperatures in September).

Image 3- Cutting one half of peppers

Two possibility cause of purple bell peppers:

- if temperature too hot, immature bell pepper to be purple (stripes or half purple)
- if temperature too cold, green bell pepper will develop stripes purple.

We thought, in case in Louisiana, the temperature quite hot nowadays, about F 88* (C 31*) degree. Hence, the bell pepper tends to be stripes or half purple.

The difference with other bell pepper is that the white color dominates the inside part of the peppers and the texture of its flesh.

The purple is not covering all the fruit of peppers, it is just one half of the fruits (just stripes), so the peppers are look cute in this half purple.

# Previous postings:


  1. Hello!! This is an interesting post, thanks for sharing it.


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Purple Bell Peppers in the Farmer Market – Food 14

  2. Beautiful purple peppers, I haven't taste them, excellent.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Purple Bell Peppers in the Farmer Market – Food 14
      We visit nearby farmer market couple days ago. It was quite surprisingly, we saw first time the purple bell peppers.

      You may see the photos that we took.

  3. Buenos días , nunca vi pimientos morados , mira otra cosa nueva que sé jajaj. Un besote.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Purple Bell Peppers in the Farmer Market – Food 14
      We visit nearby farmer market couple days ago. It was quite surprisingly, we saw first time the purple bell peppers.

      You may see the photos that we took.

  4. Hello,
    I have never seen purple peppers, I like the yellow, orange or red peppers. Take care, enjoy your day and the new week ahead.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Purple Bell Peppers in the Farmer Market – Food 14
      Image 1- Purple Bell Peppers

      These purple peppers have the same shapes compared to other color of bell peppers like:
      - green
      - red
      - or yellow peppers

      Actually, the bell peppers not really “solid” purple, but kind of “stripes” purple.

  5. Interesante explicación. No conocía los pimientos morados.

  6. Mai visti da noi questi peperoni, proverò a cercarli, grazie!!!

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Purple Bell Peppers in the Farmer Market – Food 14
      Image 2- Three Purple Bell Peppers

      Searching through internet, we found many source, one of them reported by Goldy, R (2012: Green bell pepper showing purple striping due to cool temperatures in September).

  7. No los había visto nunca.


  8. It is the first time I see purple peppers, the normal greens and reds but I have never seen them.
    Happy week.
    Best regards.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Purple Bell Peppers in the Farmer Market – Food 14
      Image 3- Cutting one half of peppers

      Two possibility cause of purple bell peppers:
      - if temperature too hot, immature bell pepper to be purple (stripes or half purple)
      - if temperature too cold, green bell pepper will develop stripes purple.

      We thought, in case in Louisiana, the temperature quite hot nowadays, about F 88* (C 31*) degree. Hence, the bell pepper tends to be stripes or half purple.

      The difference with other bell pepper is that the white color dominates the inside part of the peppers and the texture of its flesh.

      The purple is not covering all the fruit of peppers, it is just one half of the fruits (just stripes), so the peppers are look cute in this half purple.

      # Previous postings:
      - The Early Person who Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Diseases - Part 2 – Alzheimer's 2
      - Corned Beef Harsh - The Popular Breakfast in Louisiana – Part 1 – Food 11
      - Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 2 – Nature 17
      - Biscotti and “The Blissful Feast” by Teresa Lust – Part 1 – Reading 9

  9. Gracias por tu visita no conocia esta clase de pimientos solo amagillos rojos, verdes
    Cuidate mucho

  10. Hola, me ha sorprendido gratamente ver estos pimientos morados. Son preciosos , me han encantado. besos

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Purple Bell Peppers in the Farmer Market – Food 14
      We visit nearby farmer market couple days ago. It was quite surprisingly, we saw first time the purple bell peppers.

      You may see the photos that we took.

  11. Estos nunca los había visto. Me encantan los pimientos. Un abrazo.

  12. I don't think they're pretty, Rainbow...
    The three colors were enough...
    Why so much genetic manipulation?!
    I liked to see them. Thanks.
    Have a nice week.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Purple Bell Peppers in the Farmer Market – Food 14
      Image 1- Purple Bell Peppers

      These purple peppers have the same shapes compared to other color of bell peppers like:
      - green
      - red
      - or yellow peppers

      Actually, the bell peppers not really “solid” purple, but kind of “stripes” purple.


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