Sunday, 12 June 2022

Giant Hibiscus Flowers are Found in Walking Trails – Nature 26

We are in the second week of June. Slowly the temperature is getting higher and hotter, so we decide to take morning walk a little early.

We left home about 7.00 am this morning.

Image 1- Red of a giant Hibiscus flower

The sky was clear, but some part of walking trails a little bit wet, so we walked around the roses garden.

There were beautiful giant flowers welcomes us in the corner of walking trails. Their colors are so attractive in:

- red
- pink
- white
- orange and yellow

Image 2- Contracted flower

Image 3- Rotten flower buds

Image 4- Giant Hibiscus flowers

When we walked closer to the flowers, I can see the petals of flowers are so big.

The tree is small and not that high, but the size of flowers is fantastic. Diameter of a flower can reach 10 to 12 inches (25 to 31 cm). I think the flowers are quite big (giant) compared to “normal” Hibiscus ones.

I believe they are hibiscus family with very big flowers, so call them the giant hibiscus.

From Google, some sites called them Hibiscus evening rose.

What do you think about those flowers?

# Previous postings:


  1. Feliz comienzo de semana , Bella flor.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Giant Hibiscus Flowers are Found in Walking Trails – Nature 26

  2. Davvero dei fiori meravigliosi!!!

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Giant Hibiscus Flowers are Found in Walking Trails – Nature 26
      We are in the second week of June. Slowly the temperature is getting higher and hotter, so we decide to take morning walk a little early.

      We left home about 7.00 am this morning.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

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      Giant Hibiscus Flowers are Found in Walking Trails – Nature 26

  4. Estamos numa fase de alterações climáticas, aqui em Portugal estão temperaturas muito altas, na cada dos 35-40 graus, que é muito calor.
    Então, é muito saudável um passeio pela fresca da floresta.

    Votos de uma excelente semana.

    Mário Margaride


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Giant Hibiscus Flowers are Found in Walking Trails – Nature 26
      Image 1- Red of a giant Hibiscus flower

      The sky was clear, but some part of walking trails a little bit wet, so we walked around the roses garden.

      There were beautiful giant flowers welcomes us in the corner of walking trails. Their colors are so attractive in:
      - red
      - pink
      - white
      - orange and yellow

  5. Uma linda e gigante flor, 31 cm realmente é muito grande.
    Te desejo uma feliz semana com muita paz.


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Giant Hibiscus Flowers are Found in Walking Trails – Nature 26

  6. Beautiful flower and very pretty. Have a wonderful new week!

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Giant Hibiscus Flowers are Found in Walking Trails – Nature 26
      Image 4- Giant Hibiscus flowers

      When we walked closer to the flowers, I can see the petals of flowers are so big.

      The tree is small and not that high, but the size of flowers is fantastic. Diameter of a flower can reach 10 to 12 inches (25 to 31 cm). I think the flowers are quite big (giant) compared to “normal” Hibiscus ones.

      I believe they are hibiscus family with very big flowers, so call them the giant hibiscus.

      From Google, some sites called them Hibiscus evening rose.

      What do you think about those flowers?

      # Previous postings:
      - Blueberry is One of Fruits Rich in Antioxidants – Food 13
      - Parks for Dogs in My City Baton Rouge, Louisiana – Part 1
      - Can Alzheimer's Disease be Passing Down from Parent to Child? - Part 2 - Alzheimer's 4.
      - Crowned Heron Crawfishing Near Our Neighborhood – Part 1 – Nature 20

  7. Hello!! A very interesting post and the pictures are so pretty.


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Giant Hibiscus Flowers are Found in Walking Trails – Nature 26
      We are in the second week of June. Slowly the temperature is getting higher and hotter, so we decide to take morning walk a little early.

      We left home about 7.00 am this morning.

  8. Beautiful flowers! We have one like this in our yard with the gigantic hibiscus blooms. It is getting abnormally hot this week here. The flowers seem to love it though!

  9. The hibiscus is our national flower.

    Loved the photos.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Giant Hibiscus Flowers are Found in Walking Trails – Nature 26
      Image 1- Red of a giant Hibiscus flower

      The sky was clear, but some part of walking trails a little bit wet, so we walked around the roses garden.

      There were beautiful giant flowers welcomes us in the corner of walking trails. Their colors are so attractive in:
      - red
      - pink
      - white
      - orange and yellow

  10. Es muy bonita esta flor de hibisco gigante, ciertamente encierra un colorido y una forma muy singular y parece artificial o hecha de papel tiene pues un especial encanto. Gracias por compartir y legar lo bonito y lo bueno. Un fuerte abrazo

  11. Un bonito paseo, a mi me gusta pasear al atardecer. Un una flor muy bonita. Abrazos.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Giant Hibiscus Flowers are Found in Walking Trails – Nature 26
      Image 4- Giant Hibiscus flowers

      When we walked closer to the flowers, I can see the petals of flowers are so big.

      The tree is small and not that high, but the size of flowers is fantastic. Diameter of a flower can reach 10 to 12 inches (25 to 31 cm). I think the flowers are quite big (giant) compared to “normal” Hibiscus ones.

      I believe they are hibiscus family with very big flowers, so call them the giant hibiscus.

      From Google, some sites called them Hibiscus evening rose.

      What do you think about those flowers?

      # Previous postings:
      - Blueberry is One of Fruits Rich in Antioxidants – Food 13
      - Parks for Dogs in My City Baton Rouge, Louisiana – Part 1
      - Can Alzheimer's Disease be Passing Down from Parent to Child? - Part 2 - Alzheimer's 4.
      - Crowned Heron Crawfishing Near Our Neighborhood – Part 1 – Nature 20

  12. Son tan grandes que parecen flores de la NBA!!!


  13. Hermoso paseo entre flores.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Giant Hibiscus Flowers are Found in Walking Trails – Nature 26
      We are in the second week of June. Slowly the temperature is getting higher and hotter, so we decide to take morning walk a little early.

      We left home about 7.00 am this morning.

  14. We have a hibiscus like yours but she won't bloom until July. Yours is really lovely! Thank you! Cathy

  15. What a beautiful flower when you get to look at it up close in such detail!

    1. Indeed....

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Giant Hibiscus Flowers are Found in Walking Trails – Nature 26

  16. Yes, we have Hibiscus too in our garden. We like this blooms. There are many interestings things here to see, to read. I enjoyed your post.

    Thank you for sharing and being part at

    Have a wonderful week.
    Greetings by Heidrun

    1. I see.... wish to visit your country one day.....

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Giant Hibiscus Flowers are Found in Walking Trails – Nature 26

  17. Beautiful flowers.....Michelle

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Giant Hibiscus Flowers are Found in Walking Trails – Nature 26


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