Thursday, 23 June 2022

Crape Myrtle Blooming in the Summer – Nature 28

We know that many flowers blooming in the spring, but some flowers include Crape Myrtle blooming in the summer.

Image 1 – Red Crape Myrtle

Almost all houses in our neighborhood grow this kind of flower, sure with different colors.

We recognize at least four colors both in our neighborhood areas and nearby roads:

- red
- white
- purple
- pink

Image 2- Tend to pink color

Image 3- Purple color

Image 4- White of Crape Myrtle

Image 5- Crape Myrtle on the roadside

Based on internet searching, one author, John Barrat (2018: Crape myrtle trees aren’t native to the U.S., but hungry native birds still find them tasty) reported that this flower is come from Asia.

The origin of Crape myrtle from countries such as:

- China
- Korea
- and other hot temperature areas.

Since temperature of our city, Baton Rouge, LA could reach F 100 (C 38) degree, it is not surprising this flower grow very well.

# Previous postings:


  1. Myrtle is beautiful and it doesn't matter what color it is. They are all beautiful.

  2. Beautiful colours, they look very pretty.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Crape Myrtle Blooming in the Summer – Nature 28
      We know that many flowers blooming in the spring, but some flowers include Crape Myrtle blooming in the summer.

  3. Por acá en Colombia, se da el mirto de flores de color blanco. NO sé por qué lo relacionan con los muertos cuando despide su dulzón olor. Un abrazo. Carlos

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Crape Myrtle Blooming in the Summer – Nature 28

  4. I only know the white bushes. They are gorgeous and deliciously fragrant!
    Have a nice weekend.

  5. Sigo aprendiendo.
    Hoy sobre flores.


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Crape Myrtle Blooming in the Summer – Nature 28
      Image 1 – Red Crape Myrtle

      Almost all houses in our neighborhood grow this kind of flower, sure with different colors.

      We recognize at least four colors both in our neighborhood areas and nearby roads:

      - red
      - white
      - purple
      - pink

  6. Around here the spring is very flowery and beautiful, the summer very hot and many plants do not survive or bloom to this season, the more than 40 degrees dry even with their irrigation many plants.
    Best regards.

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Crape Myrtle Blooming in the Summer – Nature 28
      Image 5- Crape Myrtle on the roadside

      Based on internet searching, one author, John Barrat (2018: Crape myrtle trees aren’t native to the U.S., but hungry native birds still find them tasty) reported that this flower is come from Asia.

      The origin of Crape myrtle from countries such as:
      - China
      - Korea
      - and other hot temperature areas.

      Since temperature of our city, Baton Rouge, LA could reach F 100 (C 38) degree, it is not surprising this flower grow very well.

      # Previous postings:
      - Visitor My Blogger - 12 Countries in 3 Days
      - Cold Morning at My Workplace, Baton Rouge, USA
      - Local Event Called as “Mardi Gras” In Louisiana, USA
      - Making Perfume in the Organic Chemistry Laboratory - Science 1

  8. Lindíssima partilha. Parabéns

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Crape Myrtle Blooming in the Summer – Nature 28
      We know that many flowers blooming in the spring, but some flowers include Crape Myrtle blooming in the summer.

  9. Olá amiga.
    Mais uma excelente partilha aqui nos deixas.
    É sempre bom sabermos um pouco mais.

    Votos de um excelente fim de semana!


    Mário Margaride

  10. Olá amiga.
    Mais uma excelente partilha aqui nos deixas.
    É sempre bom sabermos um pouco mais.

    Votos de um excelente fim de semana!


    Mário Margaride

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Crape Myrtle Blooming in the Summer – Nature 28
      Image 1 – Red Crape Myrtle

      Almost all houses in our neighborhood grow this kind of flower, sure with different colors.

      We recognize at least four colors both in our neighborhood areas and nearby roads:

      - red
      - white
      - purple
      - pink

  11. Beautiful blooms. I love the Crepe Myrtle. Have a happy day!

  12. What a lovely tree. Gorgeous! Enjoy your week. I am visiting from Mosaic Monday.

    1. good in warmer areas....

      Thank you-
      Crape Myrtle Blooming in the Summer – Nature 28
      Image 1 – Red Crape Myrtle

  13. Sorry ... I`m again lagging behind to comment. Today we have here in Germany the church festival Pfingsten and now it`s enough time to read with calm. Thats important to pay due attention for each post.

    Thank you for sharing at

    Have a good time.

    1. I see....

      Thank you for visiting-
      Crape Myrtle Blooming in the Summer – Nature 28
      Image 1 – Red Crape Myrtle

  14. So much extreme weather in the states and the smoke too....beautiful colors,,,,Michelle


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