Tuesday, 10 May 2022

What kinds of foods are Consumed by Crowned Night Heron? - Nature 22

You may read previous posting (Part 1), talking about crown heron (yellow crown night heron) at our neighborhood:

- Crowned Heron Crawfishing Near Our Neighborhood – Part 1 – Nature 20

Image 1- A crown heron is walking

We tried to find the answer of previous question: “What kinds of foods are consumed by Yellow Crowned Night Heron?”

Online searching found that there are 3 (three) categories (types) of this bird menus, they are:

- fish
- crustaceans
- other small critters.

Image 2- Beautiful flowers

The crowned night herons consume any kind of little fish which they are able to catch in the shallow waters.

Image 3- Little dog playing in the yard

Crawfish and crabs are the main crustaceans eaten by night herons. Crawfish looks like little crab.

Image 4- Crown night heron on the grass

These crustaceans are found easily in the areas such as:

- ditches
- canals
- swamps
- wetlands
- rivers
- lakes

In respect to other small critters, crowned night heron's diets may include frogs, rodents, mollusks (clams and mussels), insects and even snakes.

# Previous postings:


  1. Buenos días te deseo un feliz miércoles . Besos.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      What kinds of foods are Consumed by Crowned Night Heron? - Nature 22
      You may read previous posting (Part 1), talking about crown heron (yellow crown night heron) at our neighborhood:
      - Crowned Heron Crawfishing Near Our Neighborhood – Part 1 – Nature 20

  2. Nice bird, not far from my home there is a place intended for observing the passage of migratory birds from Africa, which come and go depending on the time of year, it is fascinating.
    Best regards.

    1. Glad to hear....
      Thanks to visit my blog-
      What kinds of foods are Consumed by Crowned Night Heron? - Nature 22
      Image 1- A crown heron is walking

      We tried to find the answer of previous question: “What kinds of foods are consumed by Yellow Crowned Night Heron?”

      Online searching found that there are 3 (three) categories (types) of this bird menus, they are:
      - fish
      - crustaceans
      - other small critters.

  3. Herons are such beautiful and elegant birds.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      What kinds of foods are Consumed by Crowned Night Heron? - Nature 22
      Image 2- Beautiful flowers

      The crowned night herons consume any kind of little fish which they are able to catch in the shallow waters.

  4. A beautiful bird. We see them here in the water.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      What kinds of foods are Consumed by Crowned Night Heron? - Nature 22
      Image 3- Little dog playing in the yard

      Crawfish and crabs are the main crustaceans eaten by night herons. Crawfish looks like little crab.

  5. beautiful and elegant heron! have a good day my friend!

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      What kinds of foods are Consumed by Crowned Night Heron? - Nature 22
      Image 4- Crown night heron on the grass

      These crustaceans are found easily in the areas such as:
      - ditches
      - canals
      - swamps
      - wetlands
      - rivers
      - lakes

      In respect to other small critters, crowned night heron's diets may include frogs, rodents, mollusks (clams and mussels), insects and even snakes.

      # Previous postings:
      - Will Wild Horses Able to Ride Out Hurricane? - Part 2 – Nature 12
      - New Parents often Faced Depression – Part 1 - Healthy Life 15
      - The Prodigy Kid - Marla Olmstead’s Paintings – Part 2- Art 3
      - New Parents often Faced Depression – Part 2 - Healthy Life 15

  6. Gostei bastante.
    Boa Tarde. Beijinhos


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      What kinds of foods are Consumed by Crowned Night Heron? - Nature 22
      You may read previous posting (Part 1), talking about crown heron (yellow crown night heron) at our neighborhood:
      - Crowned Heron Crawfishing Near Our Neighborhood – Part 1 – Nature 20

  7. Sem dúvida alguma que as Garças são belíssimas!
    Excelente partilha minha amiga.
    Continuação de boa semana!

    Mário Margaride


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      What kinds of foods are Consumed by Crowned Night Heron? - Nature 22
      Image 1- A crown heron is walking

      We tried to find the answer of previous question: “What kinds of foods are consumed by Yellow Crowned Night Heron?”

      Online searching found that there are 3 (three) categories (types) of this bird menus, they are:
      - fish
      - crustaceans
      - other small critters.

  8. Por favor, faz falta o tradutor do sistema da bloguer!:)
    Soltam-se os versos nas asas do destino

    Beijos, e uma excelente tarde!

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      What kinds of foods are Consumed by Crowned Night Heron? - Nature 22

  9. Well photographed of the Crowned Night Heron, absolutely beautiful.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      What kinds of foods are Consumed by Crowned Night Heron? - Nature 22

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      What kinds of foods are Consumed by Crowned Night Heron? - Nature 22

  11. Hello,
    Great sighting of the Yellow-crowned Night Heron. The dog is a cutie.
    Wonderful photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      What kinds of foods are Consumed by Crowned Night Heron? - Nature 22
      You may read previous posting (Part 1), talking about crown heron (yellow crown night heron) at our neighborhood:
      - Crowned Heron Crawfishing Near Our Neighborhood – Part 1 – Nature 20

  12. How interesting. We have a lot of different Herons here in Florida and they are always very watchful.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      What kinds of foods are Consumed by Crowned Night Heron? - Nature 22

  13. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      What kinds of foods are Consumed by Crowned Night Heron? - Nature 22

  14. Great pic. Regine

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      What kinds of foods are Consumed by Crowned Night Heron? - Nature 22


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Many people mistakenly to distinguish between the Pagoda Plant and Giant Salvia. Actually, there are "simple: appearances of both plant...