Friday, 6 May 2022

Weekly Farmer Market at Our Neighborhood

We have at least two daily farmer markets close to our neighborhood. The market open from Monday to Sunday.

Image 1- Few tents of farmer market.

Weekly farmer market on Tuesday only. Very small markets. Open hours very short, about 3 to 5 hours:

- from 8.00 AM to 1.00 PM during late winter to spring.
- from 3.30 PM to 6.30 PM during late spring to summer.

Actually, the hours could be little bit shorter or longer, depend on number of factors such as:

- customers
- sell items
- and weather conditions.

Image 2- Fresh corn

Market in the parking areas of our city, Baton Rouge main library. Sellers come from the groups of:

- real farmers
- food artisans

Image 3- Corn on the cob, ready to grill

Uniquely, we can’t find bananas and mangoes, because they are import produces.

Image 4- One of favorite fruits

All produces are grown by local farmers. The farmers are member of association called as Red Stick Farmers.

Image 5- Vegetables on the table

Off course, the weekly farmer market is not big market, just very few farmers participate. I guess no more than 6 tents (farmers) every week.

Local produces sold in the market may include:

- fresh fruits and vegetables
- meats
- homemade foods (pies and bread)
- honey, milk and cheese
- native plants and herbs
- specialty food items.

Do you have weekly farmer markets in your neighborhood?

# Previous postings:


  1. No importa la cantidad de mercantes que pongan sus productos en el mercado es la buena pinta que tienen todos. Un beso y muy feliz fin de semana.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Weekly Farmer Market at Our Neighborhood
      We have at least two daily farmer markets close to our neighborhood. The market open from Monday to Sunday.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Weekly Farmer Market at Our Neighborhood

  3. Muito feira de bairro, aqui em meu bairro tem uma feirinha vende de tudo que precisamos, mas eu prefiro ir ao supermercado porque tem mais variedade e os produtos bem melhores .
    Desejo muitas felicidades e um feliz fim de semana


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Weekly Farmer Market at Our Neighborhood
      Image 1- Few tents of farmer market.

      Weekly farmer market on Tuesday only. Very small markets. Open hours very short, about 3 to 5 hours:

      - from 8.00 AM to 1.00 PM during late winter to spring.
      - from 3.30 PM to 6.30 PM during late spring to summer.

      Actually, the hours could be little bit shorter or longer, depend on number of factors such as:
      - customers
      - sell items
      - and weather conditions.

  4. I love those Farmer Markets, remembering today two in particular: Malaga and Barcelona in Spain.

    1. I see...

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Weekly Farmer Market at Our Neighborhood
      Image 2- Fresh corn

      Market in the parking areas of our city, Baton Rouge main library. Sellers come from the groups of:
      - real farmers
      - food artisans

  5. It is so important to support our local farmers. We have multiple pomegranate trees growing in our yard. Hopefully when they are mature we will have fruit!

    1. Indeed...

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Weekly Farmer Market at Our Neighborhood
      Image 3- Corn on the cob, ready to grill

      Uniquely, we can’t find bananas and mangoes, because they are import produces.

  6. Me gusta ir de compras a los mercados, por aca hay muchos todos los dias donde ir. Saludos amiga.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Weekly Farmer Market at Our Neighborhood
      Image 4- One of favorite fruits

      All produces are grown by local farmers. The farmers are member of association called as Red Stick Farmers.

  7. no, we don't have Weekly Farmer Market at Our Neighborhood

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Weekly Farmer Market at Our Neighborhood
      We have at least two daily farmer markets close to our neighborhood. The market open from Monday to Sunday.

  8. Corn is in season here in Florida now and it is SO good! I love going to the farmer's mkt and maybe I'll make it over there this week! Enjoy your day and a special thanks for the sweet comment made my day!

    1. farmers sell fresh foods with reasonable price....

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Weekly Farmer Market at Our Neighborhood
      Image 5- Vegetables on the table

      Off course, the weekly farmer market is not big market, just very few farmers participate. I guess no more than 6 tents (farmers) every week.

      Local produces sold in the market may include:
      - fresh fruits and vegetables
      - meats
      - homemade foods (pies and bread)
      - honey, milk and cheese
      - native plants and herbs
      - specialty food items.

      Do you have weekly farmer markets in your neighborhood?

      # Previous postings:
      - One of Ways to Make Barbeque in the Nature – Food 7
      - Are Freshwater Pearls Less Expensive? - Part 1
      - Growing Lantana in my Garden for Summer Project


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