Tuesday, 17 May 2022

Rose breasted grosbeak Comes to Our Neighborhood – Nature 23

This migration bird visit our neighborhood rarely, even some neighbors never seen it for long time.

Luckily, we have seen Rose breasted grosbeak in late spring of this year. The birds visited some neighbor’s feeders.

Image 1- Rose breasted grosbeak sitting on the feeder

The birds live and breed during spring and summer seasons in many American states and even in Canada.

In the fall and winter, then, Rose breasted grosbeak return to the south in the countries or regions such as:

- Mexico
- Central America
- South America
- and the Caribbean

Image 2- Bougainvillea flowers, illustration

Image 3- Wild yellow flowers

Image 4- Sweet bird, Rose breasted grosbeak

We believe, Rose breasted grosbeaks migrate from Mexico, then go up to the North America and Canada.

Some of them stop by in our state then breeding. This bird love to breed in areas such as:

- woodlands
- forest edges
- and in the parks

Our neighborhoods have less trees in recent years, hence its might be reason why this bird not seen quite a while.

# Previous postings:


  1. Não conhecia: nem o pássaro, nem as flores. Mas valeu a pena: são lindos! Meu abraço, boa semana.

  2. Muito bom... Adorei
    Labirinto de emoções...

    Beijos, e uma excelente semana

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Rose breasted grosbeak Comes to Our Neighborhood – Nature 23

  3. Lindíssimo pássaro livre...
    Que temos que sentir.


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Rose breasted grosbeak Comes to Our Neighborhood – Nature 23
      Image 1- Rose breasted grosbeak sitting on the feeder

      The birds live and breed during spring and summer seasons in many American states and even in Canada.

      In the fall and winter, then, Rose breasted grosbeak return to the south in the countries or regions such as:
      - Mexico
      - Central America
      - South America
      - and the Caribbean

  4. Gostei de conhecer e saber...
    Continuação de linda e feliz primavera. 🌼💚

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Rose breasted grosbeak Comes to Our Neighborhood – Nature 23
      Image 4- Sweet bird, Rose breasted grosbeak

      We believe, Rose breasted grosbeaks migrate from Mexico, then go up to the North America and Canada.

      Some of them stop by in our state then breeding. This bird love to breed in areas such as:
      - woodlands
      - forest edges
      - and in the parks

      Our neighborhoods have less trees in recent years, hence its might be reason why this bird not seen quite a while.

      # Previous postings:
      - What is Knockout Animals ? - Part 2- Science 8
      - The Disease that Kills 28.4 million People – Part 1- Cardiovascular 2
      - Organic Vs Natural Foods – Part 1 – Food 9

  5. Muy lindo este pajarillo pico grueso de pecho rosa...esperemos las condiciones arbóreas y climáticas le permitan su reproducción.
    Un abrazo

  6. No conocía esa ave.
    Ahora sí.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Rose breasted grosbeak Comes to Our Neighborhood – Nature 23
      Image 1- Rose breasted grosbeak sitting on the feeder

      The birds live and breed during spring and summer seasons in many American states and even in Canada.

      In the fall and winter, then, Rose breasted grosbeak return to the south in the countries or regions such as:
      - Mexico
      - Central America
      - South America
      - and the Caribbean

  7. Siempre es interesante leerte.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Rose breasted grosbeak Comes to Our Neighborhood – Nature 23
      Image 4- Sweet bird, Rose breasted grosbeak

      We believe, Rose breasted grosbeaks migrate from Mexico, then go up to the North America and Canada.

      Some of them stop by in our state then breeding. This bird love to breed in areas such as:
      - woodlands
      - forest edges
      - and in the parks

      Our neighborhoods have less trees in recent years, hence its might be reason why this bird not seen quite a while.

      # Previous postings:
      - What is Knockout Animals ? - Part 2- Science 8
      - The Disease that Kills 28.4 million People – Part 1- Cardiovascular 2
      - Organic Vs Natural Foods – Part 1 – Food 9

  8. Hello,
    The Rose-breasted Grosbeak is a beautiful bird. I love all your pretty flowers, lovely collection of photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend! PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  9. That's such a beautiful bird and one we rarely see around here. We had lots of good sightings today when we hiked though. Lots of birds in this part of FL. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Rose breasted grosbeak Comes to Our Neighborhood – Nature 23
      Image 1- Rose breasted grosbeak sitting on the feeder

      The birds live and breed during spring and summer seasons in many American states and even in Canada.

      In the fall and winter, then, Rose breasted grosbeak return to the south in the countries or regions such as:
      - Mexico
      - Central America
      - South America
      - and the Caribbean


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