Friday, 20 May 2022

Local Property Tax for Funding Our City Transport System

We talked about transport systems in the city of Baton Rouge where funding comes from several include local property tax:

- The Rainbow Before Evening : CATS Transport System in Our City Baton Rouge, LA

Image 1- Electric bus (credit to Fuels Fix)

Local Property Tax is a tax of resident properties in the city or state. Our city property tax is quite lower, 0.61% only.

Previously, commuter in Baton Rouge was operated by private company, Railway and Lighting Company with mule-driven trolley cars, then upgraded with electric cars.

From pure private company evolved to current system. The name changes as well, namely “from the Baton Rouge Bus Company to Metro Transit to the present-day Capital Area Transit System.”

Image 2- One of streets in the morning

Image 3- No passengers yet

Since 1999, CATS served for people almost every day in a year. Available:

- seven (7) days a week
- and 363 days a year

I myself take CATS sometimes. I love to hear the conversations between passengers, topics could be anything:

- from politics to economy
- from social to current events in the city
- and to private things.

In addition, there are a lot of jokes and funny things.

# Previous postings:


  1. It is very important to have a good public transport network.
    Have a nice weekend

  2. Muy buena idea ese transporte eléctrico al menos contamina menos, y eso de los chismes ajjajajaj a quien no le gusta aunque sea un poco . Un abrazo. Feliz fin de semana muakk.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Local Property Tax for Funding Our City Transport System
      We talked about transport systems in the city of Baton Rouge where funding comes from several include local property tax:
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : CATS Transport System in Our City Baton Rouge, LA

  3. Muito interessante.
    Bom fim de semana.


  5. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Local Property Tax for Funding Our City Transport System
      Image 1- Electric bus (credit to Fuels Fix)

      Local Property Tax is a tax of resident properties in the city or state. Our city property tax is quite lower, 0.61% only.

      Previously, commuter in Baton Rouge was operated by private company, Railway and Lighting Company with mule-driven trolley cars, then upgraded with electric cars.

      From pure private company evolved to current system. The name changes as well, namely “from the Baton Rouge Bus Company to Metro Transit to the present-day Capital Area Transit System.”

  6. Por favor, não coloca o tradutor??
    Detalhes de uma vida de solidão...

    Beijos, e um bom fim de semana

  7. Un transporte ecológico y por lo que explicas, también divertido.


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Local Property Tax for Funding Our City Transport System
      Image 3- No passengers yet

      Since 1999, CATS served for people almost every day in a year. Available:
      - seven (7) days a week
      - and 363 days a year

      I myself take CATS sometimes. I love to hear the conversations between passengers, topics could be anything:
      - from politics to economy
      - from social to current events in the city
      - and to private things.

      In addition, there are a lot of jokes and funny things.

      # Previous postings:
      - Organic Vs Natural Foods – Part 3 – Food 9
      - A Traditional Product of Louisiana – King Cake – Part 2
      - Do You Know Ghost Orchids? - Part 1 – Nature 14
      - Organic Vs Natural Foods – Part 4 – Food 9

  8. Interesantes historias que se escuchan el transporte público. Un abrazo.

  9. É muito importante ter um transporte público de qualidade.

    Bom fim de semana com saúde e paz.

    Um abraço.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Local Property Tax for Funding Our City Transport System
      We talked about transport systems in the city of Baton Rouge where funding comes from several include local property tax:
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : CATS Transport System in Our City Baton Rouge, LA

  10. Olá amiga.
    Os transportes públicos de qualidade são essenciais ao nosso bem estar. Ainda bem que que essa empresa instituiu esse sistema.

    Votos de um excelente fim de semana!


    Mário Margaride

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Local Property Tax for Funding Our City Transport System
      Image 1- Electric bus (credit to Fuels Fix)

      Local Property Tax is a tax of resident properties in the city or state. Our city property tax is quite lower, 0.61% only.

      Previously, commuter in Baton Rouge was operated by private company, Railway and Lighting Company with mule-driven trolley cars, then upgraded with electric cars.

      From pure private company evolved to current system. The name changes as well, namely “from the Baton Rouge Bus Company to Metro Transit to the present-day Capital Area Transit System.”

  11. Gorgeous post, dear friend.

    Electricity must be preserved to keep these miracles

  12. Excelente entrada 😉

    Un beso desde Plegarias en la Noche

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Local Property Tax for Funding Our City Transport System


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