Wednesday, 4 May 2022

In what chromosomes are the gene mutation related to Alzheimer's Disease? - Part 1 - Alzheimer's 5

In the postings (part 1 and 2), I have two images about chromosomes that related to Alzheimer's disease.

Image 1- Human chromosome with a combination of fluorescence dyes.

The image 1 above is an artificial line up of chromosome.

There are always in a pair to indicate one chromosome is from mother and another one is from father.

Every pair of chromosome is arranged based on their number and become a full set of 46 chromosome.

This arrangement is called karyotype. 

Image 2- Walking path, just illustration

Image 3- A bottle, just for illustration

Image 04- A little library at the corner

Karyotype arrangement to help to identify if there is variation in the specific chromosome (pair of chromosome)

Then, relevant scientists will try to find out whether variation refer to disorder or just normal.

The chromosomes are packages of long string of genes. A gene is a segment of DNA that contain the code for making a particular protein.

To identify for human chromosomes, we can see from the unique banding pattern. Some abnormalities or diseases can be learned from the bands.

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:


  1. Muy buenos días, interesante todo lo que nos cuentas. Un besote

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      In what chromosomes are the gene mutation related to Alzheimer's Disease? - Part 1 - Alzheimer's 5
      In the postings (part 1 and 2), I have two images about chromosomes that related to Alzheimer's disease.

    2. In what chromosomes are the gene mutation related to Alzheimer's Disease? - Part 1 - Alzheimer's 5

  2. Very interesting all this information, I like the library in that format.
    Best regards.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      In what chromosomes are the gene mutation related to Alzheimer's Disease? - Part 1 - Alzheimer's 5
      Image 1- Human chromosome with a combination of fluorescence dyes.

      The image 1 above is an artificial line up of chromosome.

      There are always in a pair to indicate one chromosome is from mother and another one is from father.

      Every pair of chromosome is arranged based on their number and become a full set of 46 chromosome.

      This arrangement is called karyotype.

  3. Muy interesante tu publicación. Un abrazo.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      In what chromosomes are the gene mutation related to Alzheimer's Disease? - Part 1 - Alzheimer's 5
      Image 04- A little library at the corner

      Karyotype arrangement to help to identify if there is variation in the specific chromosome (pair of chromosome)

      Then, relevant scientists will try to find out whether variation refer to disorder or just normal.

      The chromosomes are packages of long string of genes. A gene is a segment of DNA that contain the code for making a particular protein.

      To identify for human chromosomes, we can see from the unique banding pattern. Some abnormalities or diseases can be learned from the bands.

      # To be continued to Part 2

      ## Previous postings:
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : Birds Fly Over Our Backyard – Nature 10
      - Do you know about E. coli Bacteria? - part 2 - Healthy Life 12
      - Why the Free Meals Program could Attract Kids to Come to Library?
      - Lobsters have Good Nutritional Values for Health – Healthy Life 13

  4. Está tudo escrito nos cromossomas...
    Magnífico post, gostei muito.
    Continuação de boa semana, querida amiga.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      In what chromosomes are the gene mutation related to Alzheimer's Disease? - Part 1 - Alzheimer's 5
      In the postings (part 1 and 2), I have two images about chromosomes that related to Alzheimer's disease.

  5. Uma excelente publicação!
    Te desejo uma ótima tarde


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      In what chromosomes are the gene mutation related to Alzheimer's Disease? - Part 1 - Alzheimer's 5
      Image 1- Human chromosome with a combination of fluorescence dyes.

      The image 1 above is an artificial line up of chromosome.

      There are always in a pair to indicate one chromosome is from mother and another one is from father.

      Every pair of chromosome is arranged based on their number and become a full set of 46 chromosome.

      This arrangement is called karyotype.

  6. Excelente info. Muchas gracias por contactar...

    Abrazo grande.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      In what chromosomes are the gene mutation related to Alzheimer's Disease? - Part 1 - Alzheimer's 5
      Image 04- A little library at the corner

      Karyotype arrangement to help to identify if there is variation in the specific chromosome (pair of chromosome)

      Then, relevant scientists will try to find out whether variation refer to disorder or just normal.

      The chromosomes are packages of long string of genes. A gene is a segment of DNA that contain the code for making a particular protein.

      To identify for human chromosomes, we can see from the unique banding pattern. Some abnormalities or diseases can be learned from the bands.

      # To be continued to Part 2

      ## Previous postings:
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : Birds Fly Over Our Backyard – Nature 10
      - Do you know about E. coli Bacteria? - part 2 - Healthy Life 12
      - Why the Free Meals Program could Attract Kids to Come to Library?
      - Lobsters have Good Nutritional Values for Health – Healthy Life 13

  7. A very interesting post. Have a nice day!

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      In what chromosomes are the gene mutation related to Alzheimer's Disease? - Part 1 - Alzheimer's 5
      In the postings (part 1 and 2), I have two images about chromosomes that related to Alzheimer's disease.

  8. Siempre será interesante lo de esa enfermedad. Saludos amiga.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      In what chromosomes are the gene mutation related to Alzheimer's Disease? - Part 1 - Alzheimer's 5
      Image 1- Human chromosome with a combination of fluorescence dyes.

      The image 1 above is an artificial line up of chromosome.

      There are always in a pair to indicate one chromosome is from mother and another one is from father.

      Every pair of chromosome is arranged based on their number and become a full set of 46 chromosome.

      This arrangement is called karyotype.

  9. Uma postagem muito elucidativa!
    Grata de coração!
    Beijinhos sorridentes!
    Megy Maia 🌼🌻🌼

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      In what chromosomes are the gene mutation related to Alzheimer's Disease? - Part 1 - Alzheimer's 5
      In the postings (part 1 and 2), I have two images about chromosomes that related to Alzheimer's disease.

  10. Thanks to visit my blog-
    In what chromosomes are the gene mutation related to Alzheimer's Disease? - Part 1 - Alzheimer's 5
    Image 04- A little library at the corner

    Karyotype arrangement to help to identify if there is variation in the specific chromosome (pair of chromosome)

    Then, relevant scientists will try to find out whether variation refer to disorder or just normal.

    The chromosomes are packages of long string of genes. A gene is a segment of DNA that contain the code for making a particular protein.

    To identify for human chromosomes, we can see from the unique banding pattern. Some abnormalities or diseases can be learned from the bands.

    # To be continued to Part 2

    ## Previous postings:
    - The Rainbow Before Evening : Birds Fly Over Our Backyard – Nature 10
    - Do you know about E. coli Bacteria? - part 2 - Healthy Life 12
    - Why the Free Meals Program could Attract Kids to Come to Library?
    - Lobsters have Good Nutritional Values for Health – Healthy Life 13


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