Saturday, 7 May 2022

GUTSY WOMEN of Hillary and Chelsea – Part 1 – Reading 10

Temperature so high in this late spring in our state, so just staying at home with a cup of sweet tea and some books.

Image 1- The book of Gutsy Women

One of the books is “The book of Gutsy Women, Favorite Stories of Courage and Resilience.”

The authors are Hillary Clinton and her daughter, Chelsea.

In the launched of this book, Hillary said that this idea rose because since Chelsea was a little girl, she talked about the inspirational courage resilient woman and role models.

Then mother and daughter came up with the book about women “For everyone looking for inspiration to live their own gutsy life.”

Image 2- Dogwood flowers at a corner

Image 3- A calm street in our city

Image 4- Flowers at neighborhood

This book is about the stories of the woman that they deeply admire them because those women have redefined its possible not only for themselves but also for us.

I am really wondering what types of people that can inspire their life. Hillary is very tough lady!

Hillary Clinton was US Secretary of State, New York State Senator, and she also practicing as a lawyer, First Lady of US (1993-2001) and First Lady of Arkansas (1983-1992).

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:


  1. Parece un libro muy interesante.
    Protégete del calor.


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      GUTSY WOMEN of Hillary and Chelsea – Part 1 – Reading 10
      Temperature so high in this late spring in our state, so just staying at home with a cup of sweet tea and some books.

  2. Thanks for the book review. I love the dogwood trees, beautiful blooms.
    Happy Mother's Day! Have a great day and a happy new week!

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      GUTSY WOMEN of Hillary and Chelsea – Part 1 – Reading 10
      Image 1- The book of Gutsy Women

      One of the books is “The book of Gutsy Women, Favorite Stories of Courage and Resilience.”

      The authors are Hillary Clinton and her daughter, Chelsea.

      In the launched of this book, Hillary said that this idea rose because since Chelsea was a little girl, she talked about the inspirational courage resilient woman and role models.

      Then mother and daughter came up with the book about women “For everyone looking for inspiration to live their own gutsy life.”

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      GUTSY WOMEN of Hillary and Chelsea – Part 1 – Reading 10

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      GUTSY WOMEN of Hillary and Chelsea – Part 1 – Reading 10
      Temperature so high in this late spring in our state, so just staying at home with a cup of sweet tea and some books.

  5. Gracias por tus sugerencias y buena reseña. Un beso y feliz noche.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      GUTSY WOMEN of Hillary and Chelsea – Part 1 – Reading 10
      Image 4- Flowers at neighborhood

      This book is about the stories of the woman that they deeply admire them because those women have redefined its possible not only for themselves but also for us.

      I am really wondering what types of people that can inspire their life. Hillary is very tough lady!

      Hillary Clinton was US Secretary of State, New York State Senator, and she also practicing as a lawyer, First Lady of US (1993-2001) and First Lady of Arkansas (1983-1992).

      # To be continued to Part 2

      ## Previous postings:
      - Are Freshwater Pearls Less Expensive? - Part 2
      - Visiting the Oldest French City in Louisiana – Part 1
      - Will We Live Longer if We Think Younger? - Healthy Life 14
      - Visiting the Oldest French City in Louisiana – Part 2

  6. Não li esse livro.
    Mas acho que vale a pena lê-lo.
    Obrigado pela sugestão de leitura.
    Boa semana, querida amiga.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      GUTSY WOMEN of Hillary and Chelsea – Part 1 – Reading 10
      Temperature so high in this late spring in our state, so just staying at home with a cup of sweet tea and some books.

  7. Interesante lectura. Parece que el calor llegó a todas las esquinas. Un abrzo.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      GUTSY WOMEN of Hillary and Chelsea – Part 1 – Reading 10
      Image 1- The book of Gutsy Women

      One of the books is “The book of Gutsy Women, Favorite Stories of Courage and Resilience.”

      The authors are Hillary Clinton and her daughter, Chelsea.

      In the launched of this book, Hillary said that this idea rose because since Chelsea was a little girl, she talked about the inspirational courage resilient woman and role models.

      Then mother and daughter came up with the book about women “For everyone looking for inspiration to live their own gutsy life.”

  8. Olá amiga.
    Excelente partilha aqui nos deixas.
    Não li o livro, mas será por certo ótima leitura.

    Votos de uma excelente semana.

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      GUTSY WOMEN of Hillary and Chelsea – Part 1 – Reading 10
      Image 4- Flowers at neighborhood

      This book is about the stories of the woman that they deeply admire them because those women have redefined its possible not only for themselves but also for us.

      I am really wondering what types of people that can inspire their life. Hillary is very tough lady!

      Hillary Clinton was US Secretary of State, New York State Senator, and she also practicing as a lawyer, First Lady of US (1993-2001) and First Lady of Arkansas (1983-1992).

      # To be continued to Part 2

      ## Previous postings:
      - Are Freshwater Pearls Less Expensive? - Part 2
      - Visiting the Oldest French City in Louisiana – Part 1
      - Will We Live Longer if We Think Younger? - Healthy Life 14
      - Visiting the Oldest French City in Louisiana – Part 2

  9. Thanks to visit my blog-
    GUTSY WOMEN of Hillary and Chelsea – Part 1 – Reading 10
    Image 4- Flowers at neighborhood

    This book is about the stories of the woman that they deeply admire them because those women have redefined its possible not only for themselves but also for us.

    I am really wondering what types of people that can inspire their life. Hillary is very tough lady!

    Hillary Clinton was US Secretary of State, New York State Senator, and she also practicing as a lawyer, First Lady of US (1993-2001) and First Lady of Arkansas (1983-1992).

    # To be continued to Part 2

    ## Previous postings:
    - Are Freshwater Pearls Less Expensive? - Part 2
    - Visiting the Oldest French City in Louisiana – Part 1
    - Will We Live Longer if We Think Younger? - Healthy Life 14
    - Visiting the Oldest French City in Louisiana – Part 2

  10. Thanks to visit my blog-
    GUTSY WOMEN of Hillary and Chelsea – Part 1 – Reading 10
    Image 1- The book of Gutsy Women

    One of the books is “The book of Gutsy Women, Favorite Stories of Courage and Resilience.”

    The authors are Hillary Clinton and her daughter, Chelsea.

    In the launched of this book, Hillary said that this idea rose because since Chelsea was a little girl, she talked about the inspirational courage resilient woman and role models.

    Then mother and daughter came up with the book about women “For everyone looking for inspiration to live their own gutsy life.”


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