Sunday, 22 May 2022

Do You Know American Native Ginseng?

I thought ginseng is a Korean product only, because I guessed that the plant grows very well there.

Recently, I know the plants grows in America, include Canada too. What are different between American and Korean ginseng?

Image 1- Roots of American ginseng, sold in Amazon.

Here are some simple different between an American and a Korean ginseng:

1) The American ginseng

- Panax quinquefolius, scientific name
- it is usually used when hot temperature conditions

2) The Korean ginseng

- Panax ginseng, scientific name
- suitable during cold weather.

Image 2- A tall trees, just for illustration

Image 3- Gardenia flowers at yard

Image 4- An American ginseng plant (credit to The Spruce)

Plants of American ginseng have grown wildly in the forests. They love the areas such as rich soil and dense shade.

The plant is one of American native plants. We may find wild ginseng in several states:

- South Dakota
- Oklahoma
- Georgia
- and Canada (Quebec and Ontario)

Do You Know of American Native Ginseng? And Have you tasted it?

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  1. Why don't you put the translator so we can read it more easily? In the blog settings there is. Thanks.
    Recebam com carinho ...

    Beijos, e um excelente Domingo.

  2. Bueno una misma planta pero se cría en dos ambientes distintos lo importante que es buena para la salud . Un abrazo.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Do You Know of American Native Ginseng?

  3. Siempre aprendo aquí.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Do You Know of American Native Ginseng?
      I thought ginseng is a Korean product only, because I guessed that the plant grows very well there.

      Recently, I know the plants grows in America, include Canada too. What are different between American and Korean ginseng?

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Do You Know of American Native Ginseng?

  5. I have hear of ginseng ling ago. It was reccomended to my mother by a doctor to activate blood in the brain.
    I ignore the procedence but by the name, seems to me more Korean than American. Interested to know we can get the roots on Amazon.
    Thanks for this infomation.

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  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Olá amiga,
    Mais umas excelentes dicas informativas aqui deixaste.
    Fiquei a conhecer um pouco melhor.

    Votos de uma excelente semana.
    B Beijinhos!

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Do You Know of American Native Ginseng?
      Image 1- Roots of American ginseng, sold in Amazon.

      Here are some simple different between an American and a Korean ginseng:

      1) The American ginseng
      - Panax quinquefolius, scientific name
      - it is usually used when hot temperature conditions

      2) The Korean ginseng
      - Panax ginseng, scientific name
      - suitable during cold weather.

  9. Excelente informação aqui nos deixas.
    Assim ficamos a saber um pouco mais sobre estas plantas.

    Ótima semana!

    Mário Margaride

  10. I don´t know what is ginseng, American or Korean.
    But I know its used in culinary.
    Have a good week, my dear friend.

    1. I see...

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Do You Know of American Native Ginseng?
      Image 4- An American ginseng plant (credit to The Spruce)

      Plants of American ginseng have grown wildly in the forests. They love the areas such as rich soil and dense shade.

      The plant is one of American native plants. We may find wild ginseng in several states:
      - South Dakota
      - Oklahoma
      - Georgia
      - and Canada (Quebec and Ontario)

      Do You Know of American Native Ginseng? And Have you tasted it?

      # Previous postings:
      - Do You Know Ghost Orchids? - Part 2 – Nature 14
      - Can Texting Make You Shopping More and Fat? - Part 1 - Healthy Life 17
      - Old Car – Chevrolet Monte Carlo 1970s
      - Organic Vs Natural Foods – Part 5 – Food 9

  11. I love teas with ginseng but I'm not sure if they made with the native leaf or now.

    1. I see...

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Do You Know of American Native Ginseng?
      I thought ginseng is a Korean product only, because I guessed that the plant grows very well there.

      Recently, I know the plants grows in America, include Canada too. What are different between American and Korean ginseng?

  12. Conheço as vantagens da planta, através de leituras. Mas, realmente, não sabia que existiam duas variedades. Interessante post! Meu abraço, boa semana.

  13. Interesante tu artículo, consumo ginseng en la cocina y me gusta su sabor pero desconocía que existían dos variedades. Gracias por la información.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Do You Know of American Native Ginseng?
      Image 1- Roots of American ginseng, sold in Amazon.

      Here are some simple different between an American and a Korean ginseng:

      1) The American ginseng
      - Panax quinquefolius, scientific name
      - it is usually used when hot temperature conditions

      2) The Korean ginseng
      - Panax ginseng, scientific name
      - suitable during cold weather.

  14. Muy intersantes tus post. Un abraO

  15. Yes, I live in Virginia and ginseng grows in some mountain forests here. It has been over-hunted in recent years because it is valuable. In years past, mountain people used the term “sang-hunters” to refer to people who gathered wild ginseng.

    1. glad to hear you live in Virginia and know American Ginseng

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Do You Know of American Native Ginseng?
      Image 4- An American ginseng plant (credit to The Spruce)

      Plants of American ginseng have grown wildly in the forests. They love the areas such as rich soil and dense shade.

      The plant is one of American native plants. We may find wild ginseng in several states:
      - South Dakota
      - Oklahoma
      - Georgia
      - and Canada (Quebec and Ontario)

      Do You Know of American Native Ginseng? And Have you tasted it?

      # Previous postings:
      - Do You Know Ghost Orchids? - Part 2 – Nature 14
      - Can Texting Make You Shopping More and Fat? - Part 1 - Healthy Life 17
      - Old Car – Chevrolet Monte Carlo 1970s
      - Organic Vs Natural Foods – Part 5 – Food 9


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