Sunday, 29 May 2022

Diet of Rose breasted grosbeak in Nature – Nature 25

We have talk about very rare visiting of Rose breasted grosbeak in our neighborhood:

- Rose breasted grosbeak Comes to Our Neighborhood – Nature 23

Image 1- Rose breasted grosbeak sitting on feeder.

As you might know that Rose breasted grosbeak has “quite big size of beak” compared to other birds with similar size. Hence, the birds have ability to consume larger food items.

Wild Bird Unlimited (2022) reported that more than 50% of Rose breasted grosbeak come from larger insects such as:

- crickets
- grasshoppers
- and other insects

Image 2- Pink Caladium in the pot

Image 3- Sunflower at the neighbor garden

Image 4- Rose breasted grosbeak at a neighbor’s feeder

Sure, in backyard of our neighborhood, this “big beak” bird love to eat seed, any kind of seeds.

In nature, in addition to insects, the bird consumes fruit and seed. The favorite seeds are:

- sunflower
- safflower seeds
- weed seeds and peanuts.

Have you ever feed Rose breasted grosbeak in your yards? What kind of food do you provide the bird?

# Previous postings:


  1. Feliz tarde de domingo, un besazooooooo.

  2. Mais uma excelente partilha aqui nos trazes, minha amiga.
    Muito Obrigado

    Votos de uma boa semana.

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Diet of Rose breasted grosbeak in Nature – Nature 25
      We have talk about very rare visiting of Rose breasted grosbeak in our neighborhood:

      - Rose breasted grosbeak Comes to Our Neighborhood – Nature 23

  3. Não conhecia esta ave (acho que não existe em Portugal e na Europa). Mas é muito bonita.
    Boa semana, minha amiga.

  4. Have nice week ☀️

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Diet of Rose breasted grosbeak in Nature – Nature 25
      Image 1- Rose breasted grosbeak sitting on feeder.

      As you might know that Rose breasted grosbeak has “quite big size of beak” compared to other birds with similar size. Hence, the birds have ability to consume larger food items.

      Wild Bird Unlimited (2022) reported that more than 50% of Rose breasted grosbeak come from larger insects such as:
      - crickets
      - grasshoppers
      - and other insects

  5. Também não conhecia a ave, mas concordo: é muito bonita! Sempre nos trazes belos posts. Meu abraço, boa semana.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Diet of Rose breasted grosbeak in Nature – Nature 25
      Image 4- Rose breasted grosbeak at a neighbor’s feeder

      Sure, in backyard of our neighborhood, this “big beak” bird love to eat seed, any kind of seeds.

      In nature, in addition to insects, the bird consumes fruit and seed. The favorite seeds are:
      - sunflower
      - safflower seeds
      - weed seeds and peanuts.

      Have you ever feed Rose breasted grosbeak in your yards? What kind of food do you provide the bird?

      # Previous postings:

      - Changes of Parents Behaviors When Caring a Baby – Part 2 - Science 11
      - The Best Tacos which I Love to Consume in Louisiana – Part 1 – Food 10
      - Could Botulinum Toxin be Turned to Beneficial Substance? - Part 4 – Science 10
      - A Novel of Arian - Then The Fish Swallowed Him - Part 1 – Reading 6

  6. The Rose breasted Grosbeak is a beautiful images.

  7. Hi Rainbow! I went back...
    In fact, the bird has a big and powerful beak!
    She is capable of a varied diet and extracting seeds without difficulty...
    Like the hummingbird, it is an American bird.
    I saw her on wikipedia... The family is very different!
    Have a great and happy week.

    1. Indeed...

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Diet of Rose breasted grosbeak in Nature – Nature 25
      We have talk about very rare visiting of Rose breasted grosbeak in our neighborhood:

      - Rose breasted grosbeak Comes to Our Neighborhood – Nature 23

  8. Hello,
    Great photos of the Rose-breasted Grosbeak. They are beauties!
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Diet of Rose breasted grosbeak in Nature – Nature 25
      Image 1- Rose breasted grosbeak sitting on feeder.

      As you might know that Rose breasted grosbeak has “quite big size of beak” compared to other birds with similar size. Hence, the birds have ability to consume larger food items.

      Wild Bird Unlimited (2022) reported that more than 50% of Rose breasted grosbeak come from larger insects such as:
      - crickets
      - grasshoppers
      - and other insects

  9. Very pretty. Regine

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Diet of Rose breasted grosbeak in Nature – Nature 25
      Image 4- Rose breasted grosbeak at a neighbor’s feeder

      Sure, in backyard of our neighborhood, this “big beak” bird love to eat seed, any kind of seeds.

      In nature, in addition to insects, the bird consumes fruit and seed. The favorite seeds are:
      - sunflower
      - safflower seeds
      - weed seeds and peanuts.

      Have you ever feed Rose breasted grosbeak in your yards? What kind of food do you provide the bird?

      # Previous postings:

      - Changes of Parents Behaviors When Caring a Baby – Part 2 - Science 11
      - The Best Tacos which I Love to Consume in Louisiana – Part 1 – Food 10
      - Could Botulinum Toxin be Turned to Beneficial Substance? - Part 4 – Science 10
      - A Novel of Arian - Then The Fish Swallowed Him - Part 1 – Reading 6

  10. That big sunflower sure is beautiful and I love the Grosbeaks!

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Diet of Rose breasted grosbeak in Nature – Nature 25
      We have talk about very rare visiting of Rose breasted grosbeak in our neighborhood:

      - Rose breasted grosbeak Comes to Our Neighborhood – Nature 23

  11. The sunflower is my favorite this week.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Diet of Rose breasted grosbeak in Nature – Nature 25
      Image 1- Rose breasted grosbeak sitting on feeder.

      As you might know that Rose breasted grosbeak has “quite big size of beak” compared to other birds with similar size. Hence, the birds have ability to consume larger food items.

      Wild Bird Unlimited (2022) reported that more than 50% of Rose breasted grosbeak come from larger insects such as:
      - crickets
      - grasshoppers
      - and other insects


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