Tuesday, 24 May 2022

Countries which Export Coconut to America

I believe you know that coconut grow well in tropical regions, hence, coconut producers come from hot temperature countries.

Coconuts with scientific name Cocos nucifera are easily to find in America groceries. Where do they come from?

Image 1- Coconut with shell sold in the USA groceries

Tropical countries known well for growing coconut trees are located in South East Asia, include:

- Thailand
- Malaysia
- Philippine
- and Indonesia.

Moreover, Brazil is the largest coconut producer from Latin America.

Image 2- A coconut tree with fruits

USA import US$ 34 million coconut per year. Most coconuts in the USA are coming from Latin America.

Image 3- Juice in the young coconut.

The countries or regions or territories which export coconuts to America:

- Cuba
- Latin America (central America countries)
- Pacific islands
- Puerto Rico

Image 4- Coconut fruit

However, coconuts are growing in the USA too. Two states have coconut trees are:

- Hawaii
- and Florida.

Hence, it is not difficult to find coconut and some of its products in the USA, include in our state, Louisiana.

I saw the biggest retail in America, Walmart has sold coconuts for sometimes, but I always buy them in ethnic groceries such as Mexico and Asian shops.

Have your countries grown coconut trees?

# Previous postings:


  1. El coco rico alimento en nutrientes. Un besote grande.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Countries which Export Coconut to America
      I believe you know that coconut grow well in tropical regions, hence, coconut producers come from hot temperature countries.

      Coconuts with scientific name Cocos nucifera are easily to find in America groceries. Where do they come from?

  2. Colombia. donde vivo, es un país en su mayoría tropical. El coco, recuerdo desde niño, se daba silvestre. Y áun, por la costa norte, se observan sembradíos de coco, que en las playas de Cartagena, Santa Marta y San Andrés, en su cuenco se combina con una especie de aguardiente, que lo mixtura de manera agradable para las papilas. Un abrazo. Carlos

  3. É um dos frutos tropicais que mais gosto, a par da Manga e ananás.

    Excelente partilha aqui deixaste, minha amiga.
    Feliz terça feira!

    Mário Margaride


  4. Não, em Portugal não existem coqueiros, penso eu. Nunca provei coco natural, adorava.
    PS: Thank you for answering my request about the translator. :)
    Gostaria, que o tempo fosse mais delicado e flexível.

    Beijo, e uma excelente semana.

  5. Que bueno me gusta mucho el coco. Gracias por tus visitas a mi blog!! Beso

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Countries which Export Coconut to America
      Image 1- Coconut with shell sold in the USA groceries

      Tropical countries known well for growing coconut trees are located in South East Asia, include:

      - Thailand
      - Malaysia
      - Philippine
      - and Indonesia.

      Moreover, Brazil is the largest coconut producer from Latin America.

  6. Nunca provei coco natural.
    Deve ser muito bom.
    Boa noite. Beijinhos

  7. Me encanta el coco, en España, solo se pueden encontrar en las Islas Canarias. Un abrazo.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Countries which Export Coconut to America
      Image 2- A coconut tree with fruits

      USA import US$ 34 million coconut per year. Most coconuts in the USA are coming from Latin America.

  8. Such a great, healthy fruit. I love cooking with coconut milk to make curries.

  9. No.
    Aquí en España no creo que se cultive en ningún sitio... quizás en las Islas Canarias pero no lo sé.


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