Wednesday, 25 May 2022

Blue Mirror Flowers Blooming Twice in a Season – Nature 24

I just know, plenty flowers blooming more than one in a season. One of them is Delphiniums, also called as Blue Mirror.

The scientific name is a Delphinium elatum, perennial flower.

Image 1- Blue Mirror is blooming.

Blue Mirror always get first blooming in early summer, and blooming again in late summer or early fall.

The color quite beautiful; violet – blue. Flowers could reach 10 inches (25 cm). Look sweet in the garden.

Europe is origin of flowers. They commonly found from southern parts of Europe to Siberia.

Image 2- Some blooming, others not yet

Image 3- Love to see flowers blooming

In addition to Blue Mirror, other flowers which blooming twice a year are many, here some of them:

- Russian Sage, Ice plant
- Salvia, Yarrow
- Beebalm, Echinacea
- Astible, Icelandic poppies and etc

Finally, all flowers genus Delphinium are poisonous both to human and animals. All parts of flowers are poison, include seed. Toxicity may lead to bloat, respiratory failure and even to death.

# Previous postings:


  1. Es un placer visual ver las flores en el campo , silvestres como debe ser Un besote grande.

  2. The blue mirrors are very nice.
    An interesting post.
    Have a good day, my dear friend.

    1. Yes, indeed...

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Blue Mirror Flowers Blooming Twice in a Season – Nature 24
      I just know, plenty flowers blooming more than one in a season. One of them is Delphiniums, also called as Blue Mirror.

      The scientific name is a Delphinium elatum, perennial flower.

  3. The Blue Mirror has such gorgeous coloring! Good to know the Delphiniums are poisonous.

  4. Cada flor es una alegría.


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Blue Mirror Flowers Blooming Twice in a Season – Nature 24
      Image 1- Blue Mirror is blooming.

      Blue Mirror always get first blooming in early summer, and blooming again in late summer or early fall.

      The color quite beautiful; violet – blue. Flowers could reach 10 inches (25 cm). Look sweet in the garden.

      Europe is origin of flowers. They commonly found from southern parts of Europe to Siberia.

  5. Lindas imagens de flores azuis..Boa noite. Beijinhos

  6. Excelente informação aqui nos deixas.
    Desconhecia por completo estes nomes e origens destas plantas.

    Continuação de boa semana

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Blue Mirror Flowers Blooming Twice in a Season – Nature 24
      Image 3- Love to see flowers blooming

      In addition to Blue Mirror, other flowers which blooming twice a year are many, here some of them:
      - Russian Sage, Ice plant
      - Salvia, Yarrow
      - Beebalm, Echinacea
      - Astible, Icelandic poppies and etc

      Finally, all flowers genus Delphinium are poisonous both to human and animals. All parts of flowers are poison, include seed. Toxicity may lead to bloat, respiratory failure and even to death.

      # Previous postings:

      - Could Botulinum Toxin be Turned to Beneficial Substance? - Part 1 – Science 10
      - A Memoir of Chasten Buttigieg – Part 2 – Reading 5
      - Can a Poet be a Millionaire? - Art 4
      - Could Botulinum Toxin be Turned to Beneficial Substance? - Part 2 – Science 10

  7. So beautiful flowers. Great post!

  8. Olá amiga,
    Passando por aqui, para desejar um feliz fim de semana.

    Mário Margaride

  9. Olá amiga,
    Passando por aqui, para desejar um feliz fim de semana.

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Blue Mirror Flowers Blooming Twice in a Season – Nature 24
      I just know, plenty flowers blooming more than one in a season. One of them is Delphiniums, also called as Blue Mirror.

      The scientific name is a Delphinium elatum, perennial flower.

  10. Replies
    1. Quería poner qué bonitas son! El traductor ha hecho de las suyas jaja

    2. No hay forma sale... hijo y yo pongo que son... bonitas las flores.

    3. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Blue Mirror Flowers Blooming Twice in a Season – Nature 24
      Image 1- Blue Mirror is blooming.

      Blue Mirror always get first blooming in early summer, and blooming again in late summer or early fall.

      The color quite beautiful; violet – blue. Flowers could reach 10 inches (25 cm). Look sweet in the garden.

      Europe is origin of flowers. They commonly found from southern parts of Europe to Siberia.

    4. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Blue Mirror Flowers Blooming Twice in a Season – Nature 24

  11. How very lovely! The blue is so intense. It's exquisite! thank you! Cathy

    1. some people love blue....

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Blue Mirror Flowers Blooming Twice in a Season – Nature 24

  12. Beautiful color, and so many blooms on one plant!!! Joining you from Mosaic Monday.

  13. Never seen before. Thank you being part of


    I enjoyed your post again so much.
    Hugs by Heidrun

    1. Thanks to visit my post-
      Blue Mirror Flowers Blooming Twice in a Season – Nature 24

  14. This reminds me that I have to get out and deadhead our salvia and coreopsis soon. This flower is a beautiful color....Michelle

  15. Replies
    1. Indeed....

      Thank you-
      Blue Mirror Flowers Blooming Twice in a Season – Nature 24


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