Monday, 11 April 2022

When the Georgian Chicken Came to My Kitchen – Part 1 – Food 12

I was excited reading and commenting the Natalia's blog. She just posted the savory chicken recipe that she called Georgian Chicken:

- Georgian Chicken | Lessons in the kitchen (

Fig 01- Chicken breasts.

I had curiosity about this recipe. The name of this chicken recipe was intriguing for me.

I was not alone, one of my blogger friends also wondered about this name, and she asked Natalia: “The name of the chicken was George?”

This chicken recipe is from Georgia, the name of a country. I believe you know where Georgia is.

Yes, Georgia was a former Soviet Union, and became independent as a country in 1991.

Fig 02- Several colors of bell peppers in the grocery

Surely, my friend Valerie does not know this recipe, because this recipe might be not familiar in Georgia where is Valerie from.

Fig 03- Vegetable from backyard, just for illustration

Yes, Valerie was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia. Here, Georgia is a name of state in the Southern part of USA.

Fig 04- A stalk celery and a tomato.

What is the special from this recipe?

In this recipe, Natalia used white meat chicken (chicken breast) and bunches of vegetables:

- a cup chunk tomatoes
- a bell pepper
- cilantro
- or parsley
- or dill.

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:


  1. Muito interessante esta receita. Deve ser deliciosa. Também desconhecia a receita.

    Votos de uma excelente semana.

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      When the Georgian Chicken Came to My Kitchen – Part 1 – Food 12

      I was excited reading and commenting the Natalia's blog. She just posted the savory chicken recipe that she called Georgian Chicken:

      - Georgian Chicken | Lessons in the kitchen (

  2. Nunca comi galinha da Geórgia...
    A receita parece interessante.
    Boa semana, querida amiga.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      When the Georgian Chicken Came to My Kitchen – Part 1 – Food 12
      Fig 01- Chicken breasts.

      I had curiosity about this recipe. The name of this chicken recipe was intriguing for me.

      I was not alone, one of my blogger friends also wondered about this name, and she asked Natalia: “The name of the chicken was George?”

      This chicken recipe is from Georgia, the name of a country. I believe you know where Georgia is.

      Yes, Georgia was a former Soviet Union, and became independent as a country in 1991.

  3. Hello!

    That meat and the ingredients look so good! It makes me very hungry!!! But I am far away. Bon Appetite.

    A cordial greeting. and that life smiles at you every day that dawns.

    ¡Qué buena pinta tiene esa carne y los ingredientes¡¡¡ ¡Se me abre mucho apetito!!! Pero estoy lejos. Buen provecho.

    Un cordial saludo. y que la vida te sonría cada día que amanece.

    1. Indeed...

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      When the Georgian Chicken Came to My Kitchen – Part 1 – Food 12
      Fig 02- Several colors of bell peppers in the grocery

      Surely, my friend Valerie does not know this recipe, because this recipe might be not familiar in Georgia where is Valerie from.

  4. Ahora tengo hambre, jajajjaaja

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      When the Georgian Chicken Came to My Kitchen – Part 1 – Food 12
      Fig 03- Vegetable from backyard, just for illustration

      Yes, Valerie was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia. Here, Georgia is a name of state in the Southern part of USA.

  5. Confesso: a cozinha não é bem o meu forte. Mas adoro experimentar os resultados! :) Meu abraço, boa semana.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      When the Georgian Chicken Came to My Kitchen – Part 1 – Food 12
      Fig 04- A stalk celery and a tomato.

      What is the special from this recipe?

      In this recipe, Natalia used white meat chicken (chicken breast) and bunches of vegetables:
      - a cup chunk tomatoes
      - a bell pepper
      - cilantro
      - or parsley
      - or dill.

      # To be continued to Part 2

      ## Previous postings:
      - Visitor My Blogger - 12 Countries in 3 Days
      - Local Event Called as “Mardi Gras” In Louisiana, USA
      - Making Perfume in the Organic Chemistry Laboratory - Science 1
      - Nobody Can Replace a Mama's Love – Cardiovascular - Part 1

  6. I started to read, thinking that it was really the country of Europe!; ))
    ''Mardi gras''! I didn't even remember that!
    Your 'post' was very fun and interesting.
    Good week. Greetings

    1. Louisiana keeps French culture until today....

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      When the Georgian Chicken Came to My Kitchen – Part 1 – Food 12

      I was excited reading and commenting the Natalia's blog. She just posted the savory chicken recipe that she called Georgian Chicken:
      - Georgian Chicken | Lessons in the kitchen (

  7. Parece uma receita muito boa.

    Boa semana santa.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      When the Georgian Chicken Came to My Kitchen – Part 1 – Food 12
      Fig 01- Chicken breasts.

      I had curiosity about this recipe. The name of this chicken recipe was intriguing for me.

      I was not alone, one of my blogger friends also wondered about this name, and she asked Natalia: “The name of the chicken was George?”

      This chicken recipe is from Georgia, the name of a country. I believe you know where Georgia is.

      Yes, Georgia was a former Soviet Union, and became independent as a country in 1991.

  8. Deliciosa receta. Saludos amiga.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      When the Georgian Chicken Came to My Kitchen – Part 1 – Food 12
      Fig 02- Several colors of bell peppers in the grocery

      Surely, my friend Valerie does not know this recipe, because this recipe might be not familiar in Georgia where is Valerie from.

  9. Não sei se gosto de aipo :) Boa receita!
    No silêncio do tempo...

    Beijos e um excelente dia.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      When the Georgian Chicken Came to My Kitchen – Part 1 – Food 12

  10. I'll try When the Georgian Chicken Came to My Kitchen – Part 1 – Food 12

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      When the Georgian Chicken Came to My Kitchen – Part 1 – Food 12
      Fig 03- Vegetable from backyard, just for illustration

      Yes, Valerie was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia. Here, Georgia is a name of state in the Southern part of USA.


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