Wednesday, 13 April 2022

May Smartphones Lead You Older Quickly? - Part 2 – Health Life 18

You may read previou part (Part 2):

- The Rainbow Before Evening : May Smartphones Lead You Older Quickly? - Part 1 – Health Life 18

Fig 01- Smart phones sold in Walmart

Tech neck also called a “text neck which refer to neck pain due to look down at screen for quite longer.

Tech neck could:

- stress muscles and skin
- then cause pain and stiffness to neck and shoulder.

Pain in the long run may lead to headaches.

Tech neck is wrinkle, pain and headache that make people look older.

Fig 02- Looking down while walking

Fig 03- A cute cat, just for illustration

Another problem with using cell phone too much is “digital dementia.” It is because users depend everything on cell phone, include information.

Then it leads to “the breakdown of cognitive abilities,” where cell phones dependent losses short term memories.

Moreover, If we look down our electronic devices such as smartphones, laptops and tabloids, let’s say more than 4 hours daily, then we may have problems relate to aging.

Finally, how many hours a day that you look down to your cell phone or other electronic devices?

# Previous postings:


  1. É verdade minha amiga. O uso excessivo do smartphone, Tablet ou PC, causam esses problemas que aqui descreves. Há que ter uso moderado.

    Ótima partilha.

    Votos de ótimo fim de semana e Feliz Páscoa!


    Mário Margaride

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      May Smartphones Lead You Older Quickly? - Part 2 – Health Life 18
      Fig 01- Smart phones sold in Walmart

      Tech neck also called a “text neck which refer to neck pain due to look down at screen for quite longer.

      Tech neck could:
      - stress muscles and skin
      - then cause pain and stiffness to neck and shoulder.
      Pain in the long run may lead to headaches.

      Tech neck is wrinkle, pain and headache that make people look older.

  2. Muy buenos días te dejo mi abrazo y te deseo unas Felices Pascuas, cuídate mucho y allá van mis abrazos y besotes.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      May Smartphones Lead You Older Quickly? - Part 2 – Health Life 18
      Fig 03- A cute cat, just for illustration

      Another problem with using cell phone too much is “digital dementia.” It is because users depend everything on cell phone, include information.

      Then it leads to “the breakdown of cognitive abilities,” where cell phones dependent losses short term memories.

      Moreover, If we look down our electronic devices such as smartphones, laptops and tabloids, let’s say more than 4 hours daily, then we may have problems relate to aging.

      Finally, how many hours a day that you look down to your cell phone or other electronic devices?

      # Previous postings:
      - Nobody Can Replace a Mama's Love – Cardiovascular - Part 2
      - Important of Microorganisms in Food Industry – Healthy Life 1
      - Wild Flowers in the Backyards – Nature 1
      - Wreaths for Mardi Gras in Louisiana

  3. Everything is bad if used too much time...
    Happy Easter, my dear friend.

    1. Indeed.... happy Easter

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      May Smartphones Lead You Older Quickly? - Part 2 – Health Life 18
      You may read previou part (Part 2):
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : May Smartphones Lead You Older Quickly? - Part 1 – Health Life 18

  4. As coisas evoluem a passos largos :))

    Em cada pétala pode ter um verso

    Beijos e uma tarde

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      May Smartphones Lead You Older Quickly? - Part 2 – Health Life 18

  5. Indudablemente hay que tener cuidado en el uso moderado del celular de generación, pues puede traer complicaciones de salud, no sólo para el cuello, sino para los mismo dedos. Un abrazo. carlos

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      May Smartphones Lead You Older Quickly? - Part 2 – Health Life 18
      Fig 01- Smart phones sold in Walmart

      Tech neck also called a “text neck which refer to neck pain due to look down at screen for quite longer.

      Tech neck could:
      - stress muscles and skin
      - then cause pain and stiffness to neck and shoulder.
      Pain in the long run may lead to headaches.

      Tech neck is wrinkle, pain and headache that make people look older.

  6. O celular tornou-se essencial a nação. Uma boa matéria!

    Desejo a você e família, uma FELIZ PÁSCOA.


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      May Smartphones Lead You Older Quickly? - Part 2 – Health Life 18
      Fig 03- A cute cat, just for illustration

      Another problem with using cell phone too much is “digital dementia.” It is because users depend everything on cell phone, include information.

      Then it leads to “the breakdown of cognitive abilities,” where cell phones dependent losses short term memories.

      Moreover, If we look down our electronic devices such as smartphones, laptops and tabloids, let’s say more than 4 hours daily, then we may have problems relate to aging.

      Finally, how many hours a day that you look down to your cell phone or other electronic devices?

      # Previous postings:
      - Nobody Can Replace a Mama's Love – Cardiovascular - Part 2
      - Important of Microorganisms in Food Industry – Healthy Life 1
      - Wild Flowers in the Backyards – Nature 1
      - Wreaths for Mardi Gras in Louisiana

  7. Miro el teléfono demasiadas horas.
    He de reducir el tiempo.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      May Smartphones Lead You Older Quickly? - Part 2 – Health Life 18
      You may read previou part (Part 2):
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : May Smartphones Lead You Older Quickly? - Part 1 – Health Life 18

  8. Hola, todo en exceso es malo, si bien hay que mirar mas al frente y observar lo que tenemos alrededor. Un abrazo.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      May Smartphones Lead You Older Quickly? - Part 2 – Health Life 18
      Fig 01- Smart phones sold in Walmart

      Tech neck also called a “text neck which refer to neck pain due to look down at screen for quite longer.

      Tech neck could:
      - stress muscles and skin
      - then cause pain and stiffness to neck and shoulder.
      Pain in the long run may lead to headaches.

      Tech neck is wrinkle, pain and headache that make people look older.

  9. Cells are very good but addiction to them are not good.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      May Smartphones Lead You Older Quickly? - Part 2 – Health Life 18
      Fig 03- A cute cat, just for illustration

      Another problem with using cell phone too much is “digital dementia.” It is because users depend everything on cell phone, include information.

      Then it leads to “the breakdown of cognitive abilities,” where cell phones dependent losses short term memories.

      Moreover, If we look down our electronic devices such as smartphones, laptops and tabloids, let’s say more than 4 hours daily, then we may have problems relate to aging.

      Finally, how many hours a day that you look down to your cell phone or other electronic devices?

      # Previous postings:
      - Nobody Can Replace a Mama's Love – Cardiovascular - Part 2
      - Important of Microorganisms in Food Industry – Healthy Life 1
      - Wild Flowers in the Backyards – Nature 1
      - Wreaths for Mardi Gras in Louisiana

  10. Verdade! O uso excessivo de celular prejudica muito a saúde.

    Votos de Feliz Páscoa a você e família.


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      May Smartphones Lead You Older Quickly? - Part 2 – Health Life 18
      You may read previou part (Part 2):
      - The Rainbow Before Evening : May Smartphones Lead You Older Quickly? - Part 1 – Health Life 18

  11. Thanks to visit my blog-
    May Smartphones Lead You Older Quickly? - Part 2 – Health Life 18
    You may read previou part (Part 2):
    - The Rainbow Before Evening : May Smartphones Lead You Older Quickly? - Part 1 – Health Life 18


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