Friday, 8 April 2022

Attractive Yellow Flowers at the Corner – Part 1 – Nature 19

The petals are always attractive, hence It does not matter about their colors. Petals always give a specific vibrant for all of pair of eyes.

This kind of flowers, the stamens are more attractive than the petals.

Fig 01- Xanthostemon chrysanthus with yellow flowers.

The stamens from the base of petals have long extended filaments or threat and have beautiful bright anthers that boldly seduce the:

- birds
- bees
- bugs
- and butterflies.

When looking at the flowers, their appearances remind us to the Myrtle such as Bottle-brush. 

Fig 02- Green at the corner

Fig 03- A little corner with several flowers

Fig 04- Xanthostemon youngii, species with red flowers (credit to Flickr)

Exactly, this species is belong to Myrtle Family (Myrtaceae). This family consists of:

- 150 genus
- 3300 species

There are some other species without yellow colors, quite interesting for me.

They are such as:

- Xanthostemon youngii, the flowers is red.
- Xanthostemon auranticus, yellow threats with reddish petals
- Xanthostemon vertilicus, the flower is white.

# To be continued to Part 2

## Previous postings:


  1. I enjoyed to know this flower of the Xanthostemon genus.
    In Portugal, the flowers of the Myrtus communis bush are very popular, they are deliciously fragrant and I only know them white.
    Did you know that parrots are great pollinators?
    Good weekend. Greetings.

    1. I see....
      yes, parrots are great pollinators

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Attractive Yellow Flowers at the Corner – Part 1 – Nature 19
      The petals are always attractive, hence It does not matter about their colors. Petals always give a specific vibrant for all of pair of eyes.

      This kind of flowers, the stamens are more attractive than the petals.

    2. Attractive Yellow Flowers at the Corner – Part 1 – Nature 19

  2. Precios rinconcito donde el colorido y la belleza salta a la vista. Un besote grande. Feliz semana.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Attractive Yellow Flowers at the Corner – Part 1 – Nature 19
      Fig 01- Xanthostemon chrysanthus with yellow flowers.

      The stamens from the base of petals have long extended filaments or threat and have beautiful bright anthers that boldly seduce the:
      - birds
      - bees
      - bugs
      - and butterflies.

      When looking at the flowers, their appearances remind us to the Myrtle such as Bottle-brush.

    2. Attractive Yellow Flowers at the Corner – Part 1 – Nature 19

  3. Hola, buena tarde, bellísimas flores en ese pequeño jardín del amor, me ha encantado pasar por este bello rincón de tu casa.

    Todas las fotos son preciosas.
    Mi abrazo fraterno y mi inmensa gratitud.

    Se muy, muy feliz.

    Hello, good afternoon, beautiful flowers in that little garden of love, I loved passing through this beautiful corner of your house.

    All photos are beautiful.
    My fraternal embrace and my immense gratitude.

    Be very, very happy.

    1. I see...

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Attractive Yellow Flowers at the Corner – Part 1 – Nature 19
      Fig 04- Xanthostemon youngii, species with red flowers (credit to Flickr)

      Exactly, this species is belong to Myrtle Family (Myrtaceae). This family consists of:
      - 150 genus
      - 3300 species

      There are some other species without yellow colors, quite interesting for me.

      They are such as:
      - Xanthostemon youngii, the flowers is red.
      - Xanthostemon auranticus, yellow threats with reddish petals
      - Xanthostemon vertilicus, the flower is white.

      # To be continued to Part 2

      ## Previous postings:
      - Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 1 – Nature 17
      - The Early Person who Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Diseases - Part 2 – Alzheimer's 2
      - Corned Beef Harsh - The Popular Breakfast in Louisiana – Part 1 – Food 11

  4. Son preciosas 😍😍😍

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Attractive Yellow Flowers at the Corner – Part 1 – Nature 19
      The petals are always attractive, hence It does not matter about their colors. Petals always give a specific vibrant for all of pair of eyes.

      This kind of flowers, the stamens are more attractive than the petals.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Attractive Yellow Flowers at the Corner – Part 1 – Nature 19
      Fig 01- Xanthostemon chrysanthus with yellow flowers.

      The stamens from the base of petals have long extended filaments or threat and have beautiful bright anthers that boldly seduce the:
      - birds
      - bees
      - bugs
      - and butterflies.

      When looking at the flowers, their appearances remind us to the Myrtle such as Bottle-brush.

  6. I didn't have that plant yet. Very lush and delicate!!

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Attractive Yellow Flowers at the Corner – Part 1 – Nature 19
      Fig 04- Xanthostemon youngii, species with red flowers (credit to Flickr)

      Exactly, this species is belong to Myrtle Family (Myrtaceae). This family consists of:
      - 150 genus
      - 3300 species

      There are some other species without yellow colors, quite interesting for me.

      They are such as:
      - Xanthostemon youngii, the flowers is red.
      - Xanthostemon auranticus, yellow threats with reddish petals
      - Xanthostemon vertilicus, the flower is white.

      # To be continued to Part 2

      ## Previous postings:
      - Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 1 – Nature 17
      - The Early Person who Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Diseases - Part 2 – Alzheimer's 2
      - Corned Beef Harsh - The Popular Breakfast in Louisiana – Part 1 – Food 11

  7. Un rincón muy hermoso.

    Buen fin de semana.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Attractive Yellow Flowers at the Corner – Part 1 – Nature 19
      The petals are always attractive, hence It does not matter about their colors. Petals always give a specific vibrant for all of pair of eyes.

      This kind of flowers, the stamens are more attractive than the petals.

  8. Dispones de un hermoso rincón donde las flores amarillas que nos presentas y las rojas de estilo similar con las antenas desplegadas, poseen un encanto muy apreciable...
    Un abrazo

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Attractive Yellow Flowers at the Corner – Part 1 – Nature 19
      Fig 01- Xanthostemon chrysanthus with yellow flowers.

      The stamens from the base of petals have long extended filaments or threat and have beautiful bright anthers that boldly seduce the:
      - birds
      - bees
      - bugs
      - and butterflies.

      When looking at the flowers, their appearances remind us to the Myrtle such as Bottle-brush.

  9. Que lindas flores. Saludos amiga.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Attractive Yellow Flowers at the Corner – Part 1 – Nature 19
      Fig 04- Xanthostemon youngii, species with red flowers (credit to Flickr)

      Exactly, this species is belong to Myrtle Family (Myrtaceae). This family consists of:
      - 150 genus
      - 3300 species

      There are some other species without yellow colors, quite interesting for me.

      They are such as:
      - Xanthostemon youngii, the flowers is red.
      - Xanthostemon auranticus, yellow threats with reddish petals
      - Xanthostemon vertilicus, the flower is white.

      # To be continued to Part 2

      ## Previous postings:
      - Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 1 – Nature 17
      - The Early Person who Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Diseases - Part 2 – Alzheimer's 2
      - Corned Beef Harsh - The Popular Breakfast in Louisiana – Part 1 – Food 11

  10. Las primeras flores parecen sacadas de cualquier planeta menos de este xD

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Attractive Yellow Flowers at the Corner – Part 1 – Nature 19
      The petals are always attractive, hence It does not matter about their colors. Petals always give a specific vibrant for all of pair of eyes.

      This kind of flowers, the stamens are more attractive than the petals.

  11. Hola es una flor muy bonita y original, aquí es conocida como lava botella.
    Feliz semana

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Attractive Yellow Flowers at the Corner – Part 1 – Nature 19
      Fig 01- Xanthostemon chrysanthus with yellow flowers.

      The stamens from the base of petals have long extended filaments or threat and have beautiful bright anthers that boldly seduce the:
      - birds
      - bees
      - bugs
      - and butterflies.

      When looking at the flowers, their appearances remind us to the Myrtle such as Bottle-brush.

  12. Adorei a publicação.

    Boa Tarde.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Attractive Yellow Flowers at the Corner – Part 1 – Nature 19
      Fig 04- Xanthostemon youngii, species with red flowers (credit to Flickr)

      Exactly, this species is belong to Myrtle Family (Myrtaceae). This family consists of:
      - 150 genus
      - 3300 species

      There are some other species without yellow colors, quite interesting for me.

      They are such as:
      - Xanthostemon youngii, the flowers is red.
      - Xanthostemon auranticus, yellow threats with reddish petals
      - Xanthostemon vertilicus, the flower is white.

      # To be continued to Part 2

      ## Previous postings:
      - Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 1 – Nature 17
      - The Early Person who Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Diseases - Part 2 – Alzheimer's 2
      - Corned Beef Harsh - The Popular Breakfast in Louisiana – Part 1 – Food 11

  13. Querida amiga, lindas flores não as conhecia. Amei!

    Tenha uma Feliz semana Santa.


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Attractive Yellow Flowers at the Corner – Part 1 – Nature 19
      The petals are always attractive, hence It does not matter about their colors. Petals always give a specific vibrant for all of pair of eyes.

      This kind of flowers, the stamens are more attractive than the petals.

  14. No le conocía ese nombre, es bonita. Un abrazo.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Attractive Yellow Flowers at the Corner – Part 1 – Nature 19
      Fig 01- Xanthostemon chrysanthus with yellow flowers.

      The stamens from the base of petals have long extended filaments or threat and have beautiful bright anthers that boldly seduce the:
      - birds
      - bees
      - bugs
      - and butterflies.

      When looking at the flowers, their appearances remind us to the Myrtle such as Bottle-brush.

  15. Very pretty flowers!

    I also have the red ones on my post today!

    Happy Monday!

    1. I see...

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Attractive Yellow Flowers at the Corner – Part 1 – Nature 19
      Fig 04- Xanthostemon youngii, species with red flowers (credit to Flickr)

      Exactly, this species is belong to Myrtle Family (Myrtaceae). This family consists of:
      - 150 genus
      - 3300 species

      There are some other species without yellow colors, quite interesting for me.

      They are such as:
      - Xanthostemon youngii, the flowers is red.
      - Xanthostemon auranticus, yellow threats with reddish petals
      - Xanthostemon vertilicus, the flower is white.

      # To be continued to Part 2

      ## Previous postings:
      - Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 1 – Nature 17
      - The Early Person who Diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Diseases - Part 2 – Alzheimer's 2
      - Corned Beef Harsh - The Popular Breakfast in Louisiana – Part 1 – Food 11

  16. Beautiful plant, which I didn't know and beautiful photos to brighten our eyes.
    Have a nice and peaceful week.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Attractive Yellow Flowers at the Corner – Part 1 – Nature 19
      The petals are always attractive, hence It does not matter about their colors. Petals always give a specific vibrant for all of pair of eyes.

      This kind of flowers, the stamens are more attractive than the petals.

  17. Nice photos and Beautiful flowers.

    And I wait for you on my blog with a new post.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Attractive Yellow Flowers at the Corner – Part 1 – Nature 19
      Fig 01- Xanthostemon chrysanthus with yellow flowers.

      The stamens from the base of petals have long extended filaments or threat and have beautiful bright anthers that boldly seduce the:
      - birds
      - bees
      - bugs
      - and butterflies.

      When looking at the flowers, their appearances remind us to the Myrtle such as Bottle-brush.

  18. How very lovely!! I've never seen anthing like this flower! Amazing! Thank you! Cathy

  19. Very interesting Post, I learnt about some unknown plants.

    Thank you so much for sharing at

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Attractive Yellow Flowers at the Corner – Part 1 – Nature 19
      Fig 01- Xanthostemon chrysanthus with yellow flowers.

      The stamens from the base of petals have long extended filaments or threat and have beautiful bright anthers that boldly seduce the:
      - birds
      - bees
      - bugs
      - and butterflies.

      When looking at the flowers, their appearances remind us to the Myrtle such as Bottle-brush.

  20. Thank you for sharing and being part at

    Have a wonderful week.
    Greetings by Heidrun

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Attractive Yellow Flowers at the Corner – Part 1 – Nature 19
      Fig 01- Xanthostemon chrysanthus with yellow flowers.

  21. This is a new species or family of flowers to me....Michelle


The Assassin Bug in the Yard - Nature 152

We saw this bug in our garden recently. After searching from internet, we believe the bug is called as an Assassin Bug. Image -  Eastern Blo...