Saturday, 23 April 2022

A Bird on the Exit Sign in the Library – Part 2

You may read previous post (Part 1):

- The Rainbow Before Evening : A Bird on the Exit Sign in the Library – Part 1

Fig 01- Birds, just for illustration

Actually, crows are urban residents, not only found a lot in my current city, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, but also seen across cities in the USA.

Naturally, this omnivorous bird eats everything in nature such as:

- animals
- vegetables
- and wild fruits.

Fig 02- Spring white dogwood flowers, just for illustration

Fig 03- White azalea

Fig 04- Crow in Baton Rouge (Credit to LSUAgCenter)

In respect to animals as foods, this bird love to consume:

- other birds
- bird eggs
- insects and small rodents

Since the birds live in the city, they might search foods in the garbage cans at neighborhood.

The black crows are illegal to be harmed or to destroy their active nests, it is because they are protected by federal law.

Penalties could be maximum to 6 months in prison and a fine to maximum US$15 thousands.

# Previous postings:


  1. Hello, crows are birds that I have never liked because they are seen as scavengers, and they look for everything that is dirtiest, but as such they have put them like this, so let's give them a chance haha. A big kiss

    1. Indeed....

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      A Bird on the Exit Sign in the Library – Part 2
      You may read previous post (Part 1):

      - The Rainbow Before Evening : A Bird on the Exit Sign in the Library – Part 1

  2. Olá, adorei toda a ilustração.


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      A Bird on the Exit Sign in the Library – Part 2
      Fig 01- Birds, just for illustration

      Actually, crows are urban residents, not only found a lot in my current city, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, but also seen across cities in the USA.

      Naturally, this omnivorous bird eats everything in nature such as:

      - animals
      - vegetables
      - and wild fruits.

  3. Amiga que lindas fotos de ilustrações, amei!

    Tenha um feliz domingo e boa semana.


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      A Bird on the Exit Sign in the Library – Part 2
      Fig 04- Crow in Baton Rouge (Credit to LSUAgCenter)
      In respect to animals as foods, this bird love to consume:

      - other birds
      - bird eggs
      - insects and small rodents
      Since the birds live in the city, they might search foods in the garbage cans at neighborhood.

      The black crows are illegal to be harmed or to destroy their active nests, it is because they are protected by federal law.

      Penalties could be maximum to 6 months in prison and a fine to maximum US$15 thousands.

      # Previous postings:

      - The Rainbow Before Evening : Which One Has Vitamin C more - Red Bell Pepper or Orange? - Healthy Life 4
      - Alligator in the Nearby Neighborhood - Nature 7
      - Wild Animals and Birds in my Backyard – Nature 8a

  4. Los cuervos me fascinan desde siempre.


    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      A Bird on the Exit Sign in the Library – Part 2
      You may read previous post (Part 1):

      - The Rainbow Before Evening : A Bird on the Exit Sign in the Library – Part 1

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      A Bird on the Exit Sign in the Library – Part 2
      Fig 04- Crow in Baton Rouge (Credit to LSUAgCenter)
      In respect to animals as foods, this bird love to consume:

      - other birds
      - bird eggs
      - insects and small rodents
      Since the birds live in the city, they might search foods in the garbage cans at neighborhood.

      The black crows are illegal to be harmed or to destroy their active nests, it is because they are protected by federal law.

      Penalties could be maximum to 6 months in prison and a fine to maximum US$15 thousands.

      # Previous postings:

      - The Rainbow Before Evening : Which One Has Vitamin C more - Red Bell Pepper or Orange? - Healthy Life 4
      - Alligator in the Nearby Neighborhood - Nature 7
      - Wild Animals and Birds in my Backyard – Nature 8a

  6. Here where I live we don't see crows, there are mainly sparrows and seagulls.
    Have a nice week

    1. I see...

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      A Bird on the Exit Sign in the Library – Part 2
      You may read previous post (Part 1):

      - The Rainbow Before Evening : A Bird on the Exit Sign in the Library – Part 1

  7. Glad to know that spring is coming to your city.
    I love azaleas of any color... The white ones are sweet and contrast well with the crows. I don't like them, they look sinister...
    Have a nice Sunday and a good week, Rainbow.

    1. I see....

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      A Bird on the Exit Sign in the Library – Part 2
      Fig 01- Birds, just for illustration

      Actually, crows are urban residents, not only found a lot in my current city, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, but also seen across cities in the USA.

      Naturally, this omnivorous bird eats everything in nature such as:

      - animals
      - vegetables
      - and wild fruits.

  8. Olá amiga.
    Um post muito interessante. Onde nos deixas informações muito importantes.
    O Corvo é uma ave muito bonita.

    Votos de uma excelente semana!


    Mário Margaride

  9. Olá amiga.
    Mais um post muito interessante aqui nos presenteias.
    É sempre bom estas dicas para se conhecer um pouco mais sobre estes assuntos.

    Votos de uma excelente semana!

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      A Bird on the Exit Sign in the Library – Part 2
      Fig 04- Crow in Baton Rouge (Credit to LSUAgCenter)
      In respect to animals as foods, this bird love to consume:

      - other birds
      - bird eggs
      - insects and small rodents
      Since the birds live in the city, they might search foods in the garbage cans at neighborhood.

      The black crows are illegal to be harmed or to destroy their active nests, it is because they are protected by federal law.

      Penalties could be maximum to 6 months in prison and a fine to maximum US$15 thousands.

      # Previous postings:

      - The Rainbow Before Evening : Which One Has Vitamin C more - Red Bell Pepper or Orange? - Healthy Life 4
      - Alligator in the Nearby Neighborhood - Nature 7
      - Wild Animals and Birds in my Backyard – Nature 8a

  10. I am not a big fan of crows and pigeons. They are a real nuisance in the condo where we live.

    Happy Monday!

    1. I see....

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      A Bird on the Exit Sign in the Library – Part 2
      You may read previous post (Part 1):

      - The Rainbow Before Evening : A Bird on the Exit Sign in the Library – Part 1

  11. Com a chegada da primavera os pássaros estão mais ativos e cantam mais, nomeadamente os melros.
    E acho bem que a lei os proteja.
    Boa semana, minha amiga.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      A Bird on the Exit Sign in the Library – Part 2
      Fig 01- Birds, just for illustration

      Actually, crows are urban residents, not only found a lot in my current city, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, but also seen across cities in the USA.

      Naturally, this omnivorous bird eats everything in nature such as:

      - animals
      - vegetables
      - and wild fruits.

  12. Thanks to visit my blog-
    A Bird on the Exit Sign in the Library – Part 2
    Fig 01- Birds, just for illustration

    Actually, crows are urban residents, not only found a lot in my current city, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, but also seen across cities in the USA.

    Naturally, this omnivorous bird eats everything in nature such as:

    - animals
    - vegetables
    - and wild fruits.

  13. Thanks to visit my blog-
    A Bird on the Exit Sign in the Library – Part 2

  14. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      A Bird on the Exit Sign in the Library – Part 2
      Fig 04- Crow in Baton Rouge (Credit to LSUAgCenter)
      In respect to animals as foods, this bird love to consume:

      - other birds
      - bird eggs
      - insects and small rodents
      Since the birds live in the city, they might search foods in the garbage cans at neighborhood.

      The black crows are illegal to be harmed or to destroy their active nests, it is because they are protected by federal law.

      Penalties could be maximum to 6 months in prison and a fine to maximum US$15 thousands.

      # Previous postings:

      - The Rainbow Before Evening : Which One Has Vitamin C more - Red Bell Pepper or Orange? - Healthy Life 4
      - Alligator in the Nearby Neighborhood - Nature 7
      - Wild Animals and Birds in my Backyard – Nature 8a


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