Friday, 18 February 2022

Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 2 – Nature 17

You may read previous post (Part 1):

- Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 1 – Nature 17

Fig 01- The Amazon River pink dolphin (credit to Pintrest)

As we know previously, the death of pink dolphins very much due to these factors:

- poacher
- pollution
- river traffics that caused accidental dead.

Moreover, we may ask a question: why Amazon dolphins have a pink color?

The simple answer that their thin skin made blood vessels easily seen as a pink color.

Fig 02- A tree at backyard

Fig 03- Just for illustration

Fig 04- No cars yet at parking lots

Several very interesting facts about pink dolphins are following:

- while young, their colors are gray
- they get their pink color as they grow older
- males are pinker than females

They mainly eat freshwater fish which abundant in the rivers, in addition, this creature also eat:

- turtle
- crabs
- shrimps

Have you seen pink dolphin in nature or in the zoo?

# Previous postings:


  1. Olá amiga.
    Ainda não tive a felicidade de ver um golfinho cor de rosa.
    Imagino que sejam muito bonitos.

    Ótima partilha.

    Votos de um excelente fim de semana!


    Mário Margaride

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 2 – Nature 17

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 2 – Nature 17
      You may read previous post (Part 1):
      - Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 1 – Nature 17

  3. The poachers and pollution are 2 bad enemies difficult to defeat.
    I hope that the Authorities will succeed in finding a solution very soon.
    Dolphins are lovely animals and yes, I have seen them in open sea (I was a sailor).

    1. Indeed...
      hope so, it will be good solution...

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 2 – Nature 17
      Fig 01- The Amazon River pink dolphin (credit to Pintrest)

      As we know previously, the death of pink dolphins very much due to these factors:
      - poacher
      - pollution
      - river traffics that caused accidental dead.

      Moreover, we may ask a question: why Amazon dolphins have a pink color?

      The simple answer that their thin skin made blood vessels easily seen as a pink color.

  4. I love your informative and easy-to-read posts! Are curious things, which we don't think about, but which we really like to know. I've never seen a pink dolphin live, only in videos, photos and dreams. I find them very mysterious indeed.

    1. agree with you....

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 2 – Nature 17
      Fig 04- No cars yet at parking lots

      Several very interesting facts about pink dolphins are following:
      - while young, their colors are gray
      - they get their pink color as they grow older
      - males are pinker than females

      They mainly eat freshwater fish which abundant in the rivers, in addition, this creature also eat:

      - turtle
      - crabs
      - shrimps

      Have you seen pink dolphin in nature or in the zoo?

      # Previous postings:
      - Old Car – Chevrolet Monte Carlo 1970s
      - Organic Vs Natural Foods – Part 5 – Food 9
      - Overdosing Epidemic Caused 100,000 Died in the USA – Science 9
      - Can Texting Make You Shopping More and Fat? - Part 2 - Healthy Life 17

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 2 – Nature 17

  6. Lindas imagens
    Beijinhos e um excelente fim de semana

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 2 – Nature 17
      You may read previous post (Part 1):
      - Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 1 – Nature 17

  7. Son lindos, creo que un día se extinguirán, que lastima. Saludos amiga.

  8. Very interesting, I did not know this species of dolphins, but like all beings in nature we have an obligation to take care of them and maintain this legacy for our children and grandchildren.
    Best regards.

    1. We should do our best to protect nature...

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 2 – Nature 17
      Fig 01- The Amazon River pink dolphin (credit to Pintrest)

      As we know previously, the death of pink dolphins very much due to these factors:
      - poacher
      - pollution
      - river traffics that caused accidental dead.

      Moreover, we may ask a question: why Amazon dolphins have a pink color?

      The simple answer that their thin skin made blood vessels easily seen as a pink color.

  9. Olá amiga.
    Passando por aqui, para desejar uma boa semana!

    Mário Margaride

  10. Thanks for the information about pink dolphin. I never saw a pink dolphin.

    Beautiful photos.

    Good week.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 2 – Nature 17
      Fig 04- No cars yet at parking lots

      Several very interesting facts about pink dolphins are following:
      - while young, their colors are gray
      - they get their pink color as they grow older
      - males are pinker than females

      They mainly eat freshwater fish which abundant in the rivers, in addition, this creature also eat:

      - turtle
      - crabs
      - shrimps

      Have you seen pink dolphin in nature or in the zoo?

      # Previous postings:
      - Old Car – Chevrolet Monte Carlo 1970s
      - Organic Vs Natural Foods – Part 5 – Food 9
      - Overdosing Epidemic Caused 100,000 Died in the USA – Science 9
      - Can Texting Make You Shopping More and Fat? - Part 2 - Healthy Life 17

  11. Pink animals are so pretty!

    Happy Monday!

  12. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 2 – Nature 17
      You may read previous post (Part 1):
      - Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 1 – Nature 17

  13. I didn't know these interesting details about pink dolphins.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Have a good week, my dear friend.

    1. I see...

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 2 – Nature 17
      Fig 01- The Amazon River pink dolphin (credit to Pintrest)

      As we know previously, the death of pink dolphins very much due to these factors:
      - poacher
      - pollution
      - river traffics that caused accidental dead.

      Moreover, we may ask a question: why Amazon dolphins have a pink color?

      The simple answer that their thin skin made blood vessels easily seen as a pink color.

  14. Eu não sabia o motivo da cor rosa dos botos cor de rosa do amazonas.

    Tenha uma boa seman
    Beijinhos 🌷

  15. Que interesante, nunca había visto ninguno. Espectacular. Un saludo

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 2 – Nature 17
      Fig 04- No cars yet at parking lots

      Several very interesting facts about pink dolphins are following:
      - while young, their colors are gray
      - they get their pink color as they grow older
      - males are pinker than females

      They mainly eat freshwater fish which abundant in the rivers, in addition, this creature also eat:

      - turtle
      - crabs
      - shrimps

      Have you seen pink dolphin in nature or in the zoo?

      # Previous postings:
      - Old Car – Chevrolet Monte Carlo 1970s
      - Organic Vs Natural Foods – Part 5 – Food 9
      - Overdosing Epidemic Caused 100,000 Died in the USA – Science 9
      - Can Texting Make You Shopping More and Fat? - Part 2 - Healthy Life 17

  16. Interesante lo de su piel.
    Buen martes.
    Un abrazo.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 2 – Nature 17
      You may read previous post (Part 1):
      - Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 1 – Nature 17

  17. As ONGS lá infiltradas
    Exploraram ilegalmente
    Miomas, mas contingente
    Do Exército fazem moradas
    Lá, agora e as trapalhadas
    Que haviam foi contida
    Para poder dar mais vida
    Às vidas que existem lá
    A do o boto rosa está
    Sob vigília contida.

    Bela, lúcida, oportuna e valiosa postagem. Parabéns! Abraço fraterno. Laerte.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 2 – Nature 17
      Fig 01- The Amazon River pink dolphin (credit to Pintrest)

      As we know previously, the death of pink dolphins very much due to these factors:
      - poacher
      - pollution
      - river traffics that caused accidental dead.

      Moreover, we may ask a question: why Amazon dolphins have a pink color?

      The simple answer that their thin skin made blood vessels easily seen as a pink color.

  18. Bellísimas y otoñales imágenes.

    Te dejo mi gratitud, por tu visita a mi blog. ❤️😘🙏 Bendiciones y que la vida te sonría cada día qué amanece.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 2 – Nature 17
      Fig 04- No cars yet at parking lots

      Several very interesting facts about pink dolphins are following:
      - while young, their colors are gray
      - they get their pink color as they grow older
      - males are pinker than females

      They mainly eat freshwater fish which abundant in the rivers, in addition, this creature also eat:

      - turtle
      - crabs
      - shrimps

      Have you seen pink dolphin in nature or in the zoo?

      # Previous postings:
      - Old Car – Chevrolet Monte Carlo 1970s
      - Organic Vs Natural Foods – Part 5 – Food 9
      - Overdosing Epidemic Caused 100,000 Died in the USA – Science 9
      - Can Texting Make You Shopping More and Fat? - Part 2 - Healthy Life 17

  19. I didn't know this species of dolphins, they are so beautiful, unfortunately, the man who should protect and preserve nature, don't do it, and it leads to the extinction of animals and plants. It is a sad reality that we must try to avoid.

    1. I see....

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 2 – Nature 17
      You may read previous post (Part 1):
      - Reducing Number of Amazon River Pink Dolphin? - Part 1 – Nature 17


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 When jogging in the Saturday morning recently, we saw a bunny. She is very s uper friendly critter! Image - A super friendly bunny. We beli...