Friday, 7 January 2022

Sweet Chocolate Candies and a Yummy Book – Part 1 – Reading 8

I had never missed chocolate candies every after meal. Any kinds of chocolates always stick with me, either one bites or bars.

The most chocolate candy that always in my lunch box is the almond chocolate one bite Hersey's Kisses.

Fig 01- Cover book of Cholate magic.

I love Kisses because of the fancy shape with little chunk almonds.

It said this shape is a teardrop shape, but the way I see seems like the top of baby bottle.

Any way, I always appealing about the smooth of the tips, perfectly cute and nice.

In the photo at below is how the Kisses ' tip should be. Since a couple bags I bought months ago I found almost all tips broken.

Fig 02- Almond chocolates

Fig 03- A chocolate

Even the taste is still the same, but they did not look good, aesthetically disturbance image.

And undesired effects were my taste buds hurt when the crack tips were landing on them.

Sure, it is subjective feeling

I was thinking that the sensory was not in taste buds but in mind only. I just avoided Kisses and grabbed Hersey's Miniatures with many varieties of one bite chocolate flavors in small rectangular shapes.

# To be continued to part 2

## Previous postings:


  1. Me gusta más lo salado.

    Feliz 2022!!!

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Sweet Chocolate Candies and a Yummy Book – Part 1 – Reading 7

      I had never missed chocolate candies every after meal. Any kinds of chocolates always stick with me, either one bites or bars.

      The most chocolate candy that always in my lunch box is the almond chocolate one bite Hersey's Kisses.

    2. Sweet Chocolate Candies and a Yummy Book – Part 1 – Reading 7

  2. I also like all kinds of chocolates.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Sweet Chocolate Candies and a Yummy Book – Part 1 – Reading 7
      Fig 01- Cover book of Cholate magic.

      I love Kisses because of the fancy shape with little chunk almonds.

      It said this shape is a teardrop shape, but the way I see seems like the top of baby bottle.

      Any way, I always appealing about the smooth of the tips, perfectly cute and nice.

      In the photo at below is how the Kisses ' tip should be. Since a couple bags I bought months ago I found almost all tips broken.

    2. Sweet Chocolate Candies and a Yummy Book – Part 1 – Reading 7

  3. Entre dulce y salado una mezcla es lo mejor. Un besote.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Sweet Chocolate Candies and a Yummy Book – Part 1 – Reading 7
      Fig 03- A chocolate

      Even the taste is still the same, but they did not look good, aesthetically disturbance image.

      And undesired effects were my taste buds hurt when the crack tips were landing on them.

      Sure, it is subjective feeling

      I was thinking that the sensory was not in taste buds but in mind only. I just avoided Kisses and grabbed Hersey's Miniatures with many varieties of one bite chocolate flavors in small rectangular shapes.

      # To be continued to part 2

      ## Previous postings:
      - Growing Tabasco Peppers in My Yard – Part 2
      - Why the Moon Has Thousands of Small Aliens? - Part 1 – Science 7
      - Traditional Books versus Electronic Books for Children – Part 1 – Reading 3
      - Why the Moon Has Thousands of Small Aliens? - Part 2 – Science 7

    2. Sweet Chocolate Candies and a Yummy Book – Part 1 – Reading 7

  4. Uma mistura de doce e salgado, muito bom!!

    Beijinhos e uma boa

    1. Sweet Chocolate Candies and a Yummy Book – Part 1 – Reading 7

  5. Ai que delícia boa!!:))
    Coisas de uma Vida
    Beijos. Bom fim de semana

  6. Me encantan los Kisses, ahora mismo estoy disfrutando de unos, saludos amiga.

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Sweet Chocolate Candies and a Yummy Book – Part 1 – Reading 7
      Fig 01- Cover book of Cholate magic.

      I love Kisses because of the fancy shape with little chunk almonds.

      It said this shape is a teardrop shape, but the way I see seems like the top of baby bottle.

      Any way, I always appealing about the smooth of the tips, perfectly cute and nice.

      In the photo at below is how the Kisses ' tip should be. Since a couple bags I bought months ago I found almost all tips broken.

    2. Sweet Chocolate Candies and a Yummy Book – Part 1 – Reading 7

  7. I wish to read the book: Sweet Chocolate Candies and a Yummy Book

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Sweet Chocolate Candies and a Yummy Book – Part 1 – Reading 7
      Fig 03- A chocolate

      Even the taste is still the same, but they did not look good, aesthetically disturbance image.

      And undesired effects were my taste buds hurt when the crack tips were landing on them.

      Sure, it is subjective feeling

      I was thinking that the sensory was not in taste buds but in mind only. I just avoided Kisses and grabbed Hersey's Miniatures with many varieties of one bite chocolate flavors in small rectangular shapes.

      # To be continued to part 2

      ## Previous postings:
      - Growing Tabasco Peppers in My Yard – Part 2
      - Why the Moon Has Thousands of Small Aliens? - Part 1 – Science 7
      - Traditional Books versus Electronic Books for Children – Part 1 – Reading 3
      - Why the Moon Has Thousands of Small Aliens? - Part 2 – Science 7

  8. Adoro chocolate, minha amiga.
    Que delícia!
    Votos de um excelente fim de semana!

    Mário Margaride

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Sweet Chocolate Candies and a Yummy Book – Part 1 – Reading 7

      I had never missed chocolate candies every after meal. Any kinds of chocolates always stick with me, either one bites or bars.

      The most chocolate candy that always in my lunch box is the almond chocolate one bite Hersey's Kisses.

    2. Sweet Chocolate Candies and a Yummy Book – Part 1 – Reading 7

  9. Invitación a comer chocolate y gustar los besos...
    gracias por pasar por uno de mis blog y dejar tu huella

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Sweet Chocolate Candies and a Yummy Book – Part 1 – Reading 7
      Fig 01- Cover book of Cholate magic.

      I love Kisses because of the fancy shape with little chunk almonds.

      It said this shape is a teardrop shape, but the way I see seems like the top of baby bottle.

      Any way, I always appealing about the smooth of the tips, perfectly cute and nice.

      In the photo at below is how the Kisses ' tip should be. Since a couple bags I bought months ago I found almost all tips broken.

  10. I love them, but I prefer with Dark Chocolate.

    1. I see...

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Sweet Chocolate Candies and a Yummy Book – Part 1 – Reading 7
      Fig 03- A chocolate

      Even the taste is still the same, but they did not look good, aesthetically disturbance image.

      And undesired effects were my taste buds hurt when the crack tips were landing on them.

      Sure, it is subjective feeling

      I was thinking that the sensory was not in taste buds but in mind only. I just avoided Kisses and grabbed Hersey's Miniatures with many varieties of one bite chocolate flavors in small rectangular shapes.

      # To be continued to part 2

      ## Previous postings:
      - Growing Tabasco Peppers in My Yard – Part 2
      - Why the Moon Has Thousands of Small Aliens? - Part 1 – Science 7
      - Traditional Books versus Electronic Books for Children – Part 1 – Reading 3
      - Why the Moon Has Thousands of Small Aliens? - Part 2 – Science 7

  11. I really like chocolate in any shape or form...
    Good Sunday and good week, my dear friend.
    A kiss.

    1. me too...

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Sweet Chocolate Candies and a Yummy Book – Part 1 – Reading 7

      I had never missed chocolate candies every after meal. Any kinds of chocolates always stick with me, either one bites or bars.

      The most chocolate candy that always in my lunch box is the almond chocolate one bite Hersey's Kisses.

  12. My wife gets crazy for chocolate, I prefer cookies that I eat after every meal.
    Have a good Sunday.

    1. really?

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Sweet Chocolate Candies and a Yummy Book – Part 1 – Reading 7
      Fig 01- Cover book of Cholate magic.

      I love Kisses because of the fancy shape with little chunk almonds.

      It said this shape is a teardrop shape, but the way I see seems like the top of baby bottle.

      Any way, I always appealing about the smooth of the tips, perfectly cute and nice.

      In the photo at below is how the Kisses ' tip should be. Since a couple bags I bought months ago I found almost all tips broken.

  13. I like chocolates except bitter chocolate

  14. Replies
    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Sweet Chocolate Candies and a Yummy Book – Part 1 – Reading 7
      Fig 01- Cover book of Cholate magic.

      I love Kisses because of the fancy shape with little chunk almonds.

      It said this shape is a teardrop shape, but the way I see seems like the top of baby bottle.

      Any way, I always appealing about the smooth of the tips, perfectly cute and nice.

      In the photo at below is how the Kisses ' tip should be. Since a couple bags I bought months ago I found almost all tips broken.

  15. : Estas variantes de chocolate que nos presentas Rainbow Evening, puede que sean un tanto aditivas y siendo así es un poco peligroso para la salud si se tiende a sedimentar ("kilos") pero a lo bueno hay que darle espacio.
    Un abrazo

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Sweet Chocolate Candies and a Yummy Book – Part 1 – Reading 7

      I had never missed chocolate candies every after meal. Any kinds of chocolates always stick with me, either one bites or bars.

      The most chocolate candy that always in my lunch box is the almond chocolate one bite Hersey's Kisses.

  16. After a few days of break and rest...

    I like all chocolates, but generally, I take the opportunity to eat the ones that are rich in antioxidants, which are those with more than 70% cocoa.
    It's a good food, what we regret is having so many calories.
    I appreciate the comments you have left on my 'blogs'.
    A great new year full of good things, including chocolate.

    1. glad to know you love chocolate....

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Sweet Chocolate Candies and a Yummy Book – Part 1 – Reading 7
      Fig 01- Cover book of Cholate magic.

      I love Kisses because of the fancy shape with little chunk almonds.

      It said this shape is a teardrop shape, but the way I see seems like the top of baby bottle.

      Any way, I always appealing about the smooth of the tips, perfectly cute and nice.

      In the photo at below is how the Kisses ' tip should be. Since a couple bags I bought months ago I found almost all tips broken.

  17. Gracias por tu visita y aportación en el blog
    cuidate mucho

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Sweet Chocolate Candies and a Yummy Book – Part 1 – Reading 7
      Fig 03- A chocolate

      Even the taste is still the same, but they did not look good, aesthetically disturbance image.

      And undesired effects were my taste buds hurt when the crack tips were landing on them.

      Sure, it is subjective feeling

      I was thinking that the sensory was not in taste buds but in mind only. I just avoided Kisses and grabbed Hersey's Miniatures with many varieties of one bite chocolate flavors in small rectangular shapes.

      # To be continued to part 2

      ## Previous postings:
      - Growing Tabasco Peppers in My Yard – Part 2
      - Why the Moon Has Thousands of Small Aliens? - Part 1 – Science 7
      - Traditional Books versus Electronic Books for Children – Part 1 – Reading 3
      - Why the Moon Has Thousands of Small Aliens? - Part 2 – Science 7

  18. When you are in good health, you can eat chocolates without fear.

    My friend, have a nice week


  19. It happens to me the same, especially after the main meals, I have to try some chocolate, it is something that attracts me a lot and I like it.
    Happy week.
    Best regards.

    1. yes, many people like it....

      Thanks to visit my blog-
      Sweet Chocolate Candies and a Yummy Book – Part 1 – Reading 7
      Fig 01- Cover book of Cholate magic.

      I love Kisses because of the fancy shape with little chunk almonds.

      It said this shape is a teardrop shape, but the way I see seems like the top of baby bottle.

      Any way, I always appealing about the smooth of the tips, perfectly cute and nice.

      In the photo at below is how the Kisses ' tip should be. Since a couple bags I bought months ago I found almost all tips broken.

  20. Olá amiga.
    Passando por aqui, para desejar uma boa semana com muita saúde.

    Mário Margaride

  21. Quem não gosta de chocolate, não é? E de beijos?! ;) Meu abraço, amigo; boa semana.

  22. I especially love white chocolate.

    Happy Tuesday!

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Sweet Chocolate Candies and a Yummy Book – Part 1 – Reading 7
      Fig 01- Cover book of Cholate magic.

      I love Kisses because of the fancy shape with little chunk almonds.

      It said this shape is a teardrop shape, but the way I see seems like the top of baby bottle.

      Any way, I always appealing about the smooth of the tips, perfectly cute and nice.

      In the photo at below is how the Kisses ' tip should be. Since a couple bags I bought months ago I found almost all tips broken.

  23. Oh... mi perdición. Me he puesto morada de bombones y turrones de chocolate.

    Ahora toca periodo de desintoxicación jeje

    1. Thanks to visit my blog-
      Sweet Chocolate Candies and a Yummy Book – Part 1 – Reading 7
      Fig 03- A chocolate

      Even the taste is still the same, but they did not look good, aesthetically disturbance image.

      And undesired effects were my taste buds hurt when the crack tips were landing on them.

      Sure, it is subjective feeling

      I was thinking that the sensory was not in taste buds but in mind only. I just avoided Kisses and grabbed Hersey's Miniatures with many varieties of one bite chocolate flavors in small rectangular shapes.

      # To be continued to part 2

      ## Previous postings:
      - Growing Tabasco Peppers in My Yard – Part 2
      - Why the Moon Has Thousands of Small Aliens? - Part 1 – Science 7
      - Traditional Books versus Electronic Books for Children – Part 1 – Reading 3
      - Why the Moon Has Thousands of Small Aliens? - Part 2 – Science 7

  24. Thanks to visit my blog-
    Sweet Chocolate Candies and a Yummy Book – Part 1 – Reading 7

    I had never missed chocolate candies every after meal. Any kinds of chocolates always stick with me, either one bites or bars.

    The most chocolate candy that always in my lunch box is the almond chocolate one bite Hersey's Kisses.


A little cutie Bunny at the Corner

 When jogging in the Saturday morning recently, we saw a bunny. She is very s uper friendly critter! Image - A super friendly bunny. We beli...